Marvel Vs Capcom 3

10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
I just discovered iron fist!

i like him a lot :D

Currently doing this combo:

l,m,h, hadouken m, s,m,m,h,s,huricane m,hadouken l, hadouken m, super

Just saw a combo vid... WOW

He is my new point man!

dont start your combo with l with iron fist. his l is not great but his m is really good.

the most basic combo that i do is: m, h, b/h, qcf l, qcb l, qcf m, srk h (the chi power up), s, m, m, h, s, otg with qcb m, mid sceen i do qcf l, qcf m, fist of fury, in the corner i do qcf h, qcf m, fist or fury, juggle with b/h into another fist of fury after the wall bounce.

this combo should build a bar of meter and do over 800k with the double fist of fury ender.
1 Nov 2007
There was a guy at a local tournament I attended on Monday who was running Iron Fist on point, any time I got a hold of him I XFed and killed him, I don't like burning XF early like that but I know what the character is capable of so I just got rid.
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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dont start your combo with l with iron fist. his l is not great but his m is really good.

the most basic combo that i do is: m, h, b/h, qcf l, qcb l, qcf m, srk h (the chi power up), s, m, m, h, s, otg with qcb m, mid sceen i do qcf l, qcf m, fist of fury, in the corner i do qcf h, qcf m, fist or fury, juggle with b/h into another fist of fury after the wall bounce.

this combo should build a bar of meter and do over 800k with the double fist of fury ender.

Going to replace doom with this derp, I've been getting annoyed at dropping dooms loops in critical situations and herp derp 800k damage like that is similar to nova!
7 Apr 2011
I have finally decided on a team, again, I have only been playing in Training and a lot on the Heros and Heralds (which is AMAZING fun).

Im going to stick with Hawkeye, Doom, and Strider (only because his level three x factor with level three Ouruboros are absolutley insane damage.)

Still not confident enough to go online with this as I have still so much to learn, air combos, best time to use assists ect.

But quite happy with the team, what do ya think??
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10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
Going to replace doom with this derp, I've been getting annoyed at dropping dooms loops in critical situations and herp derp 800k damage like that is similar to nova!

it is much harder to land hits with iron fist though. although he can be very threatening with an assist to help him get in. with doom, it is actually easier to do the clockwork loop. it is much more consistent than the bluktooth one.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
another note on iron fist,

the hardest hitting combo i find is this:

m, s.h, f/h, qcb l, qcf l, qcf m, srk h, s.h, c.h, f/h, jump cancel into delay j.h, delay j.s, s.m, s.h, b/h, qcf l, qcf h, mid screen do wave dash and otg with qcb m into the usual ender, if in corner cancel the qcf h into srk h and otg into the double fist of fury ender.

this combo requires some timing on the jump cancel part and wave dashing mid screen, other than that its pretty easy. the corner version does over 900k.

depending on connection and how am i feeling on the day, online does make drop some combos, but not enough to stop me landing the dante bold cancel bnb and iron man dash cancel combos unless the connection is really that bad.
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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If it's a combo with consistent timing I have no issue. If it has variable timing based on specific character heights and weights like the doom loops then I can't just drum our the combo with normal timing and lash screws things up.

Why is this so much worse than sfiv? I know the extra characters and action has no effect so did the dev teams not share code?
1 Nov 2007
Why is this so much worse than sfiv? I know the extra characters and action has no effect so did the dev teams not share code?

Kree this is from Christian Svensson at Capcom:

Interviewer: How did Capcom go from good net code SSF4 to worse net code MvC3? —

Svensson: Different teams and different internal people working on them, completely different producers (Niitsuma on MvC3/UMvC3 and Ono on SFIV, SSFIV, SFxT) and as a result, completely different directives and absolutely no code has been shared between them.
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1 Nov 2007
lol ggs Hyv and Rav, between Hyv's infuriating Spider-Man and Rav's lag switching tactics that was a fun night =P I feel like I'm improving now that I have a set team, more games soon guys =)
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
rav's lag switch made me drop all the combos lol, anyway that was fun. you just need to use akuma assist more up close to lock down. dont be too afraid of calling him because of his low life, his assist beats pretty much everything and he sweep everything behind the point character too. and use box jump h with nova more, as it is a very retarded move and option select into the sure kill air throw. also you want to run away from hulk, just throw energy javelin behind the mirror, hulk cant do much about that other than random gamma charge and use flight mode to run away.

rav, if your hulk can finish your corner combo and use xfactor accordingly, he will be a lot scarier. dont whiff s.h too much against dante, it is quite easy for me to punish it. and dont go from s.h to s right away everytime, you can hit confirm that because it does a massive ground bounce. try doing late cancels into command throw and gamma charge to catch people by surprise. but at least you know how to make good use of the drones now:)
4 Jul 2008
Yeah, i felt a lot better playing today.

There was one point where i was pressing a lot of buttons, i guess i was in the zone maybe, and i understood what i was supposed to be doing.

It was during that 5 game win streak, that right Art, 5 game win streak!

But yeah, i gots more to learn with hulk.

Starting to dislike wolverine now, Drunzers Nova looked nice, might pick him up or use another one.
15 Mar 2006
Did you confuse winning streak with losing streak?
Or was that just your lag switch doing it's job?
It's good to see that you still play. A bit late though..

I've not had much experience against Spiderman, but so far, it seems that if you can't hit the opposite corner of the screen (with air projectile, vajra assist, or jam session, etc), don't go nuts trying to catch him. Either counter lame him out, or dance around his ground zip area, dash away from the spot as he zips, and hit him when he lands.
Not sure how well this works when spidey has an assist for cover when he does this, but vian hasn't done this yet so I don't know.
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1 Nov 2007
Rav we need to run a set soon, I feel like last night all our games were pretty close except for the ones where I got those lucky happy birthdays =P It'd be fun. I know you messaged me about AE2012 aswell so we can do that too sometime soon, you'll destroy me in AE though.
4 Jul 2008
Yeah deffo, though i think you're much better than me at Marvel, i think i get lucky too!

I've never seen you play SF, so can't really judge, but if you ask anyone around here, they'll tell you i'm the best.
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