May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Strangely enough my next-door neighbours son got suspended from our local school for not praying to allah in an RE class. His point was he isn't a muslim and has no intention of being so why should he, the teacher took great offence to him not wanting to be a muslim and started a process of getting him suspended for being disruptive.


man, his parents (and him for that matter) must be as retarded as monkey ****.

There's at least a grands worth of press money to be made from that.
Strangely enough my next-door neighbours son got suspended from our local school for not praying to allah in an RE class. His point was he isn't a muslim and has no intention of being so why should he, the teacher took great offence to him not wanting to be a muslim and started a process of getting him suspended for being disruptive.

If true then thatss very sad and pathetic of the the teacher a muslim himself??...if so then really there should be no religious affiliation in schools and neither should children/kids feel forced or obliged to pray if they choose not to.

Its people like that teacher that gives religions including islam a bad name.

I suppose it's similar to the fact that you wouldn't be able to recieve communion in my church unless you were baptised and in the case of my church also confirmed.

Exactly...i would find it hard to pray as a christian when im not one myself much like a non muslim would find it hard to pray as a muslim when he/she isnt one. Thats not being dis-respectful to either religion...its just using common sense imho.
Strangely enough my next-door neighbours son got suspended from our local school for not praying to allah in an RE class. His point was he isn't a muslim and has no intention of being so why should he, the teacher took great offence to him not wanting to be a muslim and started a process of getting him suspended for being disruptive.

I don't think children are made to pray in RE, are they?
I think perhaps the child was disruptive and the above is his and the family's 'cover story'.

man, his parents (and him for that matter) must be as retarded as monkey ****.

There's at least a grands worth of press money to be made from that.

His parent (mum) went it and played merry hell with them (shes a big scary woman to be honest), I dont think going to the press even crossed her mind.

If true then thatss very sad and pathetic of the the teacher a muslim himself??...if so then really there should be no religious affiliation in schools and neither should children/kids feel forced or obliged to pray if they choose not to.

Its people like that teacher that gives religions including islam a bad name.

It was a female teacher and yes she is a muslim, to be honest he is opinionated but no matter he didn't want to pray to allah and didn't feel he should do, this of course was misconstrued as disruptive, she apologised, the head teacher apologised and she has been advised to perhaps teach about all religions not just the one she follows.
As for religious affiliation then yes your right as long as its non-wotsit donimational (or something), the school we intend sending our kids to when they are 11 is a CofE school in which case you would expect religious teaching of the CofE persuasion, however the primary school they are at has no religious affiliation and as it says on the tin, they don't teach religion at all.

Exactly...i would find it hard to pray as a christian when im not one myself much like a non muslim would find it hard to pray as a muslim when he/she isnt one. Thats not being dis-respectful to either religion...its just using common sense imho.
Indeed it is, the two are polar opposites and appear to be constantly at war so........
Wow, I missed quite a lot here. I were expecting the thread to be dead and that I would have to ressurect it :p

Gratz to Usher for leaving the most violent and oppressive religion in the world, opposite to gratz for those teachers that try to force kids to pray in RE classes.

I just found this video - a captured terrorist talks about his terrorist training and stuff:

Now Islam is the single only religion that takes people and brainwashes them with crap about Jihad to turn them into terrorists. Even without being brainwashed by another peson, simply reading the Koran and learning about Islam from a young age can create terrorists as well (how do you think it all started off hmmmm?). No other religion does this, nor teaches anything about this stupid Jihad / Holy War nonsense that can easilly corrupt and brainwash the minds of gullible fundamentalists.

And heres another video from Memri, about some arabic guy talking about how Islam will takeover Europe within 30 years:

Its funny how the braindead politically correct sheep over here dont believe anything like this, even when coming from the mouths of Muslims with absolutely no western influence at all.

Not that I definitely believe it, but it could become a possibility since the vast majority of Immigrants over the last few years have been Muslim.

IMO they should keep quotas on how many of each people they let in each year, and try to take in an equal number of people of different faiths. Multiculturalism aint going to work if 80% of the influx are Muslims, that would potentially end up with uni culture, that being Islam and potentially even Sharia law.

Also, only people with uni degrees in Non Religious subjects should be let in, quit taking in the dumb trash that dont care about anything other than their own old and backward culture, with absolutely no desire to modernize.
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bhavv, I posted a reply earlier to your comments regarding shirk, not sure if you caught it. I will view the videos you posted in a while and comment.
I'm sure spawn will come and tell you what I'm getting at later on.

Tbh Tefal im not sure what your trying to get at...if what you saying ie sex before marriage is adultery then yes it could be construed as that although to me adultery means that you are married then have an affair etc. But if thats not what your getting at then i apologise and await your explanation.

It was a female teacher and yes she is a muslim, to be honest he is opinionated but no matter he didn't want to pray to allah and didn't feel he should do, this of course was misconstrued as disruptive, she apologised, the head teacher apologised and she has been advised to perhaps teach about all religions not just the one she follows.
As for religious affiliation then yes your right as long as its non-wotsit donimational (or something), the school we intend sending our kids to when they are 11 is a CofE school in which case you would expect religious teaching of the CofE persuasion, however the primary school they are at has no religious affiliation and as it says on the tin, they don't teach religion at all.

Indeed it is, the two are polar opposites and appear to be constantly at war so........

Well of course as i said the child/kid shouldnt be forced to pray whether they are muslim, christian, hindhu, sikh or whichever religion they may belong to. Personally i think its everyones right to practise or not practise a religion....when i have kids i sure as hell am not going to force them to pray...thats a decision that they can make when they are old enough to form their own opinions although my fiancee has different ideas bless her lol. But they will be brought up as muslims ie give them an islamic background as i was but then left to their own choices to practise or not long as i fulfill my duties as a muslim and as a parent thats all that matters to me. Thats how i think and believe...anyone else i dont really care if they force their kids physically or emotionally to practise a religion...thats their lookout not mine but i wouldnt agree with their methods etc.
Also schools have taken their pupils into mosques although i remember reading a few weeks ago that some woman went a bit mental because her daughter was asked to cover her head out of respect when they entered the mosque....a big fuss was caused over that.

Ahh fair enough, i didnt really read much into the story myself tbh. I just remember skimming over it quickly whilst browsing the daily fail site as i normally do when bored at work.

Mr Hypocrite?
If you don't read much into it and quickly skimmed it then why did you use it as proof of your argument?
Now who is proving themselves ignorant?

EDIT: And I would assume that you read the Mail online as you are looking for ammunition, which means you are actively looking to be offended, which also explains your presence in this thread.

Muslim victim...again.
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Mr Hypocrite?
If you don't read much into it and quickly skimmed it then why did you use it as proof of your argument?
Now who is proving themselves ignorant?

EDIT: And I would assume that you read the Mail online as you are looking for ammunition, which means you are actively looking to be offended, which also explains your presence in this thread.

Muslim victim...again.

LOL quelle surprise...looks i was right when i said earlier on that slug will be in here raging as usual :p

Hey i may be slightly ignorant but its better than being totally ignorant like yourself;).

As for being offended?? ermmm i dont get offended by the Daily Mail and their stories...i find them quite amusing especially the celebs and the things they get up plus the way the daily fail sensationalises the most important stories like the stuff muslims get up to etc me something to do when at work and im bored.

Must try harder to offend me fella...i mean really try hard;).
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