Wow, I missed quite a lot here. I were expecting the thread to be dead and that I would have to ressurect it
Gratz to Usher for leaving the most violent and oppressive religion in the world, opposite to gratz for those teachers that try to force kids to pray in RE classes.
I just found this video - a captured terrorist talks about his terrorist training and stuff:
Now Islam is the single only religion that takes people and brainwashes them with crap about Jihad to turn them into terrorists. Even without being brainwashed by another peson, simply reading the Koran and learning about Islam from a young age can create terrorists as well (how do you think it all started off hmmmm?). No other religion does this, nor teaches anything about this stupid Jihad / Holy War nonsense that can easilly corrupt and brainwash the minds of gullible fundamentalists.
And heres another video from Memri, about some arabic guy talking about how Islam will takeover Europe within 30 years:
Its funny how the braindead politically correct sheep over here dont believe anything like this, even when coming from the mouths of Muslims with absolutely no western influence at all.
Not that I definitely believe it, but it could become a possibility since the vast majority of Immigrants over the last few years have been Muslim.
IMO they should keep quotas on how many of each people they let in each year, and try to take in an equal number of people of different faiths. Multiculturalism aint going to work if 80% of the influx are Muslims, that would potentially end up with uni culture, that being Islam and potentially even Sharia law.
Also, only people with uni degrees in Non Religious subjects should be let in, quit taking in the dumb trash that dont care about anything other than their own old and backward culture, with absolutely no desire to modernize.