May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Assuming that our conception of 'years' is still applicable in heaven/hell, the above is all speculation :) It also doesn't actually mean that they will be humans who have died, but rather 'angelic beings' for want of a better word.

Ahhh... So billions of angelic virgin sex slave beings are being given out to these men... That's so much more plausible :p
so according to Spawns post nobody is banging away just yet :p
besides does it say new virgins every week ?

one thing i was curious about the religions where there is a heaven and a hell (not just Islam), could you really be happy if you made it to heaven and the rest of your family didn't ? say if your children didn't make it then how could you ever be happy knowing they are being burned in hell fire and their suffering will not end. would the wine or the rivers or the women really mean anything ?
would you rather not just be with them or cease to exist as the knowledge of what is happening to them would be eternal torture for yourself.

:D well in this life, yes plenty of people banging away lol.

The thing and what i understand of islam and its concept of heaven and hell is that on the day of judgement no one will know each other ie there is no concept of mum, dad, brother or sister....everyone answers for themselves ie your mother or father cannot help you when the day of judgement has begun and neither can they ask God for forgiveness....ultimately in islam it says that everyone is responsible for their own actions and deeds that they commit on this earth.

the only info i can find on that question you asked is here:

Found a website that lists what muslims believe in:

The above website explains the concept of heaven and hell pretty well i think...well from an islamic point of view.
one thing i was curious about the religions where there is a heaven and a hell (not just Islam), could you really be happy if you made it to heaven and the rest of your family didn't ? say if your children didn't make it then how could you ever be happy knowing they are being burned in hell fire and their suffering will not end. would the wine or the rivers or the women really mean anything ?
would you rather not just be with them or cease to exist as the knowledge of what is happening to them would be eternal torture for yourself.

Good question and something I too have thought about.

In the next life, even though a person may be aware who their mother/father/sister/brother was, your real family/brothers will be your brothers in faith, not those you were related too by blood.

In Islam, for a person to enter into paradise they must be cleansed of sin. Some people are being cleansed in this life, therefore, they may have a difficult life but be good people. Some people may be cleansed in the next stage which is known as 'barzakh' which is the state after a persons soul has left the body. Even though this period is before the day of judgement, for some it will be a very difficult. Finally some people will have to be cleansed by actually going to hell for a period of time.

However, we are taught that Gods mercy outweighs his wrath.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "God, the Almighty, says: `Whosoever does a good deed, will have (reward) ten times like it and I add more; and whosoever does an evil, will have the punishment like it or I will forgive (him); and whosoever approaches Me by one span, I will approach him by one cubit; and whosoever approaches Me by one cubit, I approach him by one fathom, and whosoever comes to Me walking, I go to him running; and whosoever meets Me with an earth-load of sins without associating anything with Me, I meet him with forgiveness like that".

The Messenger of God (PBUH) said, "God created one hundred units of mercy on the Day He created the heavens and the earth. Each one of them can contain all that is between the heaven and the earth. Of them, he put one on earth, through which a mother has compassion for her children and animals and birds have compassion for one another. On the Day of Resurrection, He will perfect and complete His Mercy". (That is He will use all the hundred units of mercy for his slaves on that Day).

Intercession on the day of judgement will also be permitted by Gods permission. There are many hadith about people asking God to forgive their friends or loved ones. The only sin that God will never forgive is shirk, which is associating partners with God, but shirk is something that we were warned would become so common and difficult to spot, it would be like trying to spot 'a black ant, on a black rock, on a black night'. We live in that time now I believe, God knows best.
Good question and something I too have thought about.

In the next life, even though a person may be aware who their mother/father/sister/brother was, your real family/brothers will be your brothers in faith, not those you were related too by blood.

In Islam, for a person to enter into paradise they must be cleansed of sin. Some people are being cleansed in this life, therefore, they may have a difficult life but be good people. Some people may be cleansed in the next stage which is known as 'barzakh' which is the state after a persons soul has left the body. Even though this period is before the day of judgement, for some it will be a very difficult. Finally some people will have to be cleansed by actually going to hell for a period of time.

However, we are taught that Gods mercy outweighs his wrath.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "God, the Almighty, says: `Whosoever does a good deed, will have (reward) ten times like it and I add more; and whosoever does an evil, will have the punishment like it or I will forgive (him); and whosoever approaches Me by one span, I will approach him by one cubit; and whosoever approaches Me by one cubit, I approach him by one fathom, and whosoever comes to Me walking, I go to him running; and whosoever meets Me with an earth-load of sins without associating anything with Me, I meet him with forgiveness like that".

The Messenger of God (PBUH) said, "God created one hundred units of mercy on the Day He created the heavens and the earth. Each one of them can contain all that is between the heaven and the earth. Of them, he put one on earth, through which a mother has compassion for her children and animals and birds have compassion for one another. On the Day of Resurrection, He will perfect and complete His Mercy". (That is He will use all the hundred units of mercy for his slaves on that Day).

Intercession on the day of judgement will also be permitted by Gods permission. There are many hadith about people asking God to forgive their friends or loved ones. The only sin that God will never forgive is shirk, which is associating partners with God, but shirk is something that we were warned would become so common and difficult to spot, it would be like trying to spot 'a black ant, on a black rock, on a black night'. We live in that time now I believe, God knows best.

Good Post.
Good Post.

Honestly? I am struggling with that post and Spawn's prior to it. Can people honestly believe such things as literal truths in this day and age? I see it as just as fantastical and just as ludicrous as the literal belief in Creation and the Flood.
I havnt missed the point. i was asking you have you given religion a try. Have you read the books?

You have the missed the point, because you completely ignored my simple question, and invented your own question instead = missing the point :)

I often find, when a particular aspect of religion is shown to be utterly absurd, its followers tend to find something else to talk about...

So again, how is it fair children who die young get to go to heaven no questions asked. Yet, for the rest of us, we have to take the risk of growing up, and going to hell.

eg: I'm going to hell because I don't believe in any religion/God, yet, had I died young - like those other lucky folks - I would have gone directly to heaven...

Odd system, don't you think? The outcome for your eternal soul is either decided be preferential treatment, or alternatively by complete luck...
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Honestly? I am struggling with that post and Spawn's prior to it. Can people honestly believe such things as literal truths in this day and age? I see it as just as fantastical and just as ludicrous as the literal belief in Creation and the Flood.

iirc e36Adz believes in the full on literal judgement day style end of the world.

next 40 years iirc.
iirc e36Adz believes in the full on literal judgement day style end of the world.

next 40 years iirc.

Sorry what was that about the next 40 years? :confused:

But yes I do believe that everything that occurs in this life is recorded, and everything will have to be accounted for, and that everyone will be judged and no one will be wronged.
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So again, how is it fair children who die young get to go to heaven no questions asked. Yet, for the rest of us, we have to take the risk of growing up, and going to hell.

eg: I'm going to hell because I don't believe in any religion/God, yet, had I died young - like those other lucky folks - I would have gone directly to heaven...

Odd system, don't you think? The outcome for your eternal soul is either decided be preferential treatment, or alternatively by complete luck...

I will attempt to answer your question.

Now when a child dies, it is a great loss for the parents and family, who suffer as a result of the loss. Some people in this age would raise the question 'if there is a God, innocent children wouldn't die'. So this in itself, is a test for everyone else.

God is the All-Knower. He knows how a person would have grown up to be, so in his infinite wisdom, he may allow certain children to die at a young age, other people may live to old age.

This has absolutely no bearing on what you yourself do. You have the freedom to choose between right and wrong, you may decide to make up your own 'rights' and 'wrongs' as you go through life. Ultimately, everyone needs to be sincere with themselves, in their own minds/hearts, about seeking the truth regardless of what it is. Based on your life, the things which you encountered, you will have to explain why you rejected the belief in God when you yourself face your creator. It is not for me or anyone else to decide anything because we can not step into your shoes.
I will attempt to answer your question.

Now when a child dies, it is a great loss for the parents and family, who suffer as a result of the loss. Some people in this age would raise the question 'if there is a God, innocent children wouldn't die'. So this in itself, is a test for everyone else.

God is the All-Knower. He knows how a person would have grown up to be, so in his infinite wisdom, he may allow certain children to die at a young age, other people may live to old age.

This has absolutely no bearing on what you yourself do. You have the freedom to choose between right and wrong, you may decide to make up your own 'rights' and 'wrongs' as you go through life. Ultimately, everyone needs to be sincere with themselves, in their own minds/hearts, about seeking the truth regardless of what it is. Based on your life, the things which you encountered, you will have to explain why you rejected the belief in God when you yourself face your creator. It is not for me or anyone else to decide anything because we can not step into your shoes.
You've missed the point. I'll pin it down to an exact question/example...

A 2 month old child dies. Is this by chance or God's will?

If it's by chance, then can a system be fair, when by shear chance some individuals get to go strqight to heaven, no questions asked? The worlds worst sinner, had he died young would have instead gone to heaven. System = lottery!

If it's by God's will, then how does God decide that some individuals decide this ultimate gift? ie: A free pass to heaven no questions asked?

The system is either a lottery or rigged. Either way it's daft surely...
So again, how is it fair children who die young get to go to heaven no questions asked. Yet, for the rest of us, we have to take the risk of growing up, and going to hell.

If is fair for children becuase they are innocent. As for yourself you have the freedom to accept or reject god.

You said you dont believe in religion and you have the freedom to do so. But then how can you expect heaven when you rejected god.

May i ask, do you believe there is no god or do you beleive in god but dont follow a religion

As in ive come across people who believe there is a god and he created everything but dont know which religion to follow
If it's by chance, then can a system be fair, when by shear chance some individuals get to go strqight to heaven, no questions asked? The worlds worst sinner, had he died young would have instead gone to heaven. System = lottery!

if you live a longer life then you can some great things for the world like

tackling pverty
helping the sick,elderly
helping you parents
good manner etc..

The more good deeds you do then the bigger your heaven will be. Therefore you have the chance to attian more in the afterlife

heaven is in layers and everybody heaven will be different in size. The person with the least good deeds will have a heaven 10x bigger than this world. Also some people will be closer to the prophets( peace be upon them all ).

So there is incentive to do more good in this world
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