May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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why do these plates hit each other?

Lets stop this cycle of 'why' as no matter what is said, be it 'due to tectonic plates moving' etc etc the same answer is going to given back 'its gods doing that makes these happen'

I believe in the post above...religion was brought around due to our constant need to know why its why we have science also.
the only differnce between reliegion and science is science is proven we have proof why this and that happens.
Religion is to put meaning to the things we have no proof for.

Either way a book that is written so poorly it needs scholars to interpret is not good. It leaves it open to miss-interpretation as they themselves are only man.




(in athiest terms) eventually a total fluke

Because god decided to make it so? See? This is why religion it exists. It stops the why. It isn't any more valid than any other explanation, usually less so, but it stops the questions. And hundreds and often thousands of years ago, people lacked the knowledge or understanding to realise it was simply the early human minds method of dealing with questions for which they had no answers.

The key difference is that science does not dramatically shape peoples behaviour and demand them to live lives in certain ways whereas religion absolutely does.
We have advanced a lot more in terms of science and have more answers as to the mechanisms which God uses, to bring about certain events. So instead of confirming our belief in God even more, we have now decided He doesn't exist.

The thing which some people will take as proof of Gods existance, others will find takes them down the road of disbelief.
beucase man is weak and can make mistakes does not mean there is a fault in the book

There is fault in virtually everything man ever attempts, please do not try to suggest that it is unthinkable to think there are any flaws in any religious texts.

If for one moment god does exist, then why must you spend your life devoted to worshipping him? What purpose does it serve? Animals don't pray, for example. If there really was a god he'd probably prefer to see his creation simply functioning and evolving of its own accord than dedicated many, many hours to worshipping his potential existence and bringing death to those who don't agree with the intepretation they have of things.
eventually a total fluke

no, due to the currents created in the magma by convection of the heat produced through friction through out the planet core and inner layers.

Get some potassium permanganate (or dye) and drop it down a tube into the bottom of a warm bowl of water and you will see as it spread along the convection currents.

And for friction find a thermometer and some hot water, get it as hot as you can bare to put your hand in (without causing yourself an injury of course) and measure the temperature, then press you hands together and rub really fast do this till they get too hot to bear.

Now think how hot that water was, and you just heated your skin to that temperature in a matter of seconds just by rubbing your hands.

Think how much heat is made by trillions of tons of rock moving against each other under thousand and thousands of atmospheres of pressure.

Why (in religious terms) are there volcanoes

why have we measured huge plates of rock moving?

Why do they move?
beucase man is weak and can make mistakes does not mean there is a fault in the book

Why would an all powerful and all knowing god create a book that can be interpreted in different ways?

Surely he was good enough to make a book that would let everyone know what he meant in every passage?
beucase man is weak and can make mistakes does not mean there is a fault in the book

I fault the book as i do other religious texts as they are written by man.

I find them interesting with some good morals in there, what i find odd is how an organised religion is made based on one and takes the words as 'gospel' for a start the books were written in a differnt time, i can understand the morals been passed on but the teachings from the Quran are barbaric.

I am lucky that i was never brought up with religion thrown down my throat i have read much and learnt plenty and am happy that i follow non, so this i realise means in islamic eyes i am doomed to hell then so be it i will not be forced to kneel to any god who threatens me due to my lack of belief.

I think the one single thing that any alien race who stumbled accross our planet would not understand would be our blind faith in a single entity because we as a race are too scared of death and the events that happen in our lives that are bad.
no it cant becuase you have to be reasonable. If there is a need to go out and drive etc.. then you must

But women CANT drive in Saudi Arabia, and when a British girl once went to Saudi Arabia and got a job in a shop, a customer complained to the religious police that she was working in the same room as the male store owner, and also accused them of having a sexual relationship with no evidence or proof.

The girl was put in jail for 6 months.
Why does anyone need religion to believe in God?

This is the first and probably the most important step of all, the believing in God.

When/If someone does reach the conclusion that there is a God, then it is normally a case of... has God left us in this world to govern ourselves, make our own rules, find our own way with no assistance? Or has He sent down signs that we can recognise and use to find the correct path.
beucase man is weak and can make mistakes does not mean there is a fault in the book

You have to be kidding right? You think a book written, and then interpreted by man, is infallible? What a ridiculous notion. The book will have flaws whether you like it or not. And I'm not even referring to the medieval barbarism either. It's meaning will have been slightly twisted.

The fact that it contains so much intolerance mind should be the main driver behind making people realise it's complete garbage.

I've got no problem with religion, even organised religion to an extent. I don't know if a God exists, but I'd be be very surprised if one did who wanted to punish women, gay people, non muslims, people who draw a picture of a prophet (I mean come on, seriously? Idiots. :D) etc etc.
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