Completely ridiculous statement. Because weather isnt always predictable, but we do understand what causes precipitation and wind, hint: It isnt God.
Sorry, should have put a smiley at the end of that - just funning with ya
Completely ridiculous statement. Because weather isnt always predictable, but we do understand what causes precipitation and wind, hint: It isnt God.
If Microsoft can do it, surely God can do it too?
Can you not accept that people believe that evolution is the way god made man?
You say that there was no concept of the day before created it, so why can't the day god mad man be the period of time that man evolved from lower life forms into what we are today?
Completely ridiculous statement. Because weather isnt always predictable, but we do understand what causes precipitation and wind, hint: It isnt God.
When your windows7 computer automatically starts defragging your hard drive, nobody says "Microsoft are controlling my computer making it defrag." Of course they aren't. Microsoft designed Windows7 to be able to act in this way without direct intervention from Redmond.
In the same way, why is not possible for God to have designed the Earth with semi-autonomous systems, like the weather, tectonic movements, etc.
If Microsoft can do it, surely God can do it too?
Windows is a program created by Microsoft, that is a provable fact.
Humans are not a program created by any kind of 'designer'. I usually find people who believe that to be braindead morons as well, with absolutely no knowledge or understanding of either Earth Science or Human Bilogy.
What is preventing God from designing a complex system like the weather? A system that he doesn't need to directly control? A "fire-and-forget" system?
We make rockets that, once launched, control themselves. We make planes that can take off and land without a pilot.
We build systems without automation.
If we can do that, surely God can, on a larger scale?
Well, a thread about drawing muhammed is going to lead to that.
Heres a great video on the discussion of Drawing muhammed and free speech:
1) Evolution has absolutely NOTHING to do with God or the creation of Humans.
2) Because that is just completely insane, ridiculous, illogical, and irrational BS. Again, GOD HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH EVOLUTION.
Your argument that understanding weather disproves God's existence is not going to convince anyone, really.
Pretty poor analogy
Windows starts with a big "WINDOWS" logo and says it was created by "MICROSOFT"... Where's God telling me he created the Universe? And this is where religion goes to any length to explain the most obvious reason... He's not there...
No, what I'm saying is, why have you all decided that if God isn't directly controlling each individual cloud, and that you know some of the underlying physical reasons for their behaviour, that God didn't set the whole thing in motion? When he created the Earth, he would have understood the laws of physics, and would have been able to engineer a system which was cyclical and performed according to whatever patten he had in mind.
Does that mean that he can't take credit, and that because we understand some of the physical laws governing the system, that he can no longer even exist?
Do note however, that I were not using weather as an argument to try and disprove God at all, I were merely refuting the believe that 'God commands the weather to magically happen'.
The Theistic argument that 'God controls the weather' is just completely laughable nonsense that anyone with the slightest understanding of basic Earth Science / Physical Geography is going to go hysterical over, just as much as the comparison that Evolution has anything to do with God is.
Which religion are these people who believe in the 'theory of evolution?' In that man and ape evolved from a common ancestor? They are certainly not christian, muslim or jewish.
If they claim to be, they are hypocrites nothing more, so although it is pleasing to you to accept them as 'religious people' because they have gone against the very thing they claim to follow, believe me they cannot be taken seriously. They are even worse then non believers who are at least honest about their belief, instead of saying we believe in THIS then deciding well this part doesn't quite fit for us so we will conveniently leave this part out or change it.
I have already stated, I do believe that creatures evolve/adapt to their environment. However, I do not believe that man evolved from other creatures. I believe in a God, who created human beings as human beings. If you can't see that humankind is different to every other creature on this planet, is it we who are blinded or you?
But who said this was what anyone actually believed? I sure didn't. Did anyone else?
You've made a straw-man. Constructed an argument no one was using, that could easily be ridiculed, and used that to disprove everything else we've been saying.
Well, congrats!
What he is saying is, that everything happens by the will of God. Nothing can happen if God does not will it to happen. Your heart cannot beat, we cannot talk, walk, it can't rain, snow, the sun can't rise or set, NOTHING can happen unless by Gods will.
Most mainstream Christians (including the Pope) and quite a few moderate muslims. Generally people that do not take their holy book to be completely literal and realise that a lot of it, especially Genesis, could be allegorical.
Alternatively they actually have an understanding of science and the overwhelming evidence in support of evolution. They do not dismiss it because it does not match exactly the words in their holy book and actually have to think about the meaning of the words rather than just parrot it? How exactly do you explain away the vast wealth of evidence in support of evolution? Just ignore it because it does not fit in with what your book says?
Well, sorry to say, but it is you. While there are certainly thinks that distinguish us from most other animals we are much more alike than we are different. On a DNA level we are incredibly alike to the other animals, especially those we share a common ancestor with.
But then, I am completely wasting my breath because you haven't actually got any knowledge of what you are arguing against. Much like you have little real knowledge of other religions, you have no real knowledge of biology. Let me guess, you know evolution is wrong because a muslim website told you so?
Erm, right here? Seems to me that religious folk cant even keep anything in context, least of all not even their own religious beliefs .
Thats the only thing that I were replying to about regarding the weather, not whatever you misquoted me saying out of context
Lol, religious people going out of context, the argument they love to use the most when defending their religious scriptures, they still go an do it themselves all the time.
The Bible clearly speaks over and over of ... hell
Where, exactly, does it say that there is a place called hell where people suffer for eternity?
Because that's not what's in my Bible.
Where, exactly, does it say that there is a place called hell where people suffer for eternity?
Because that's not what's in my Bible.
Which version of the Bible do you have?