May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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[TW]Fox;16682925 said:
Wait so the Koran says there are man made objects used for torture in Hell?

Where abouts is this obviously rather sizeable torture area located, given the billions of people it must house?

Do you not find it slightly barabaric that your religion beleives that people will suffer unthinkable torture for a crime as minor as simply not beleiving in god? Yet murders can go to heaven if they repent and beleive god?

How does that work?

Look someone asked for some verses and i dont shoot the messenger so to speak. Im only taking what the Quran says and posting it here...

Well, at least I now know what is in store for me. What a lovely god you worship...

Oh dear im sure it doesnt bother you or many of the other people who dont believe in a God...but yes thats what the non believers will get come the day of judgement according to islam....whether or not you believe it is entirely up to you...ive only posted a few verses in answer to foxeye who asked for some verses from the Quran about the concept of Hell.
Oh dear im sure it doesnt bother you or many of the other people who dont believe in a God...but yes thats what the non believers will get come the day of judgement according to islam....whether or not you believe it is entirely up to you...ive only posted a few verses in answer to foxeye who asked for some verses from the Quran about the concept of Hell.

No, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. It is however one of the reasons I really could not believe in the Abrahamic god in any of his guises. As an aside he didn't ask for verses from the Koran, but from the Bible in response to something e36Adz about not being a real Christian if you don't believe in hell.
No, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. It is however one of the reasons I really could not believe in the Abrahamic god in any of his guises. As an aside he didn't ask for verses from the Koran, but from the Bible in response to something e36Adz about not being a real Christian if you don't believe in hell.

Ahhh well my bad, thought he was after verses from the Quran regarding hell so that he could compare it to the Bible.
Fair enough. But to many, you've opted for a God of the void. ie: We can't explain the Big Bang, so let's put a God there...

This has been going on since the first human being asked "why?" And the easiest (& most comforting) answer was to place God there. Why is that volcano erupting? God! Why am I here? God!

I would still ask though why God has gone to such great lengths to hide himself from us? Why be so devious, and in many ways cruel? Knowing a God really did exist would change humanity only for the better! And possibly make like generally so much more rewarding...

But instead, he decides to pointlessly hide away...

Ok another way of explaining my personal understanding of god is to see him/her/it as my conscience, the decisions I make are influenced by my conscience, when people say they have let god into their lives in my view it would be fair to say they have developed a conscience and will start to question whether something is morally right or wrong before doing it.
However you don't need the threat of perpetual damnation and un-utterable suffering as a means to attaining it.
Using god as an answer to the big bang isn't just a way of filling a void it just seems like an interesting and in some respects justifiable explaination, some scientists claim the big bang was a massive release of energy I just see that energy as an entity which happens to be called god, fanatical religions have unfortunately corrupted all percieved notions of god to the point that when you mention god it can't be percieved any other way than a furious judgemental smiting being. Which is a shame.
Well, my conscience works without requiring a belief in God.

And most religious views on morality are completely ridiculous (like sex outside marriage and homosexuality for two examples).

Also lets not forget all the stoning to death under Religious morality, and burning witches!

I just see that energy as an entity which happens to be called god, fanatical religions have unfortunately corrupted all percieved notions of god to the point that when you mention god it can't be percieved any other way than a furious judgemental smiting being. Which is a shame.

Ok, and just how did this 'energy entity' manage to communicate to Jesus and Muhammed, and give birth to a son through a virgin called Mary?
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serious?!? what was the longest?

Random picture one is pretty damn long...the youtube thread is pretty long too...the one and only sig creation thread is over 9k posts long.

There have been some epic threads in GD for the past 8-9 yrs i have been here.
Well, my conscience works without requiring a belief in God.

And most religious views on morality are completely ridiculous (like sex outside marriage and homosexuality for two examples).

Also lets not forget all the stoning to death under Religious morality, and burning witches!

Ok, and just how did this 'energy entity' manage to communicate to Jesus and Muhammed, and give birth to a son through a virgin called Mary?

I don't know perhaps you missed the bit about me saying I don't agree with organised religions which would explain why your asking the wrong person.
I don't know perhaps you missed the bit about me saying I don't agree with organised religions which would explain why your asking the wrong person.

Indeed, but how can there be over a thousand different opinions on what God is, and yet people who believe their own personal opinion view it as the absolute irrefutable truth?
the sex outside marriage is to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sti/std etc.. its not ridiculous

Ever heard of contraceptives, abortion, and homosexuality?

Also, I dont see where pregnancy and STDs come into Islam's view on Pre marrital sex:

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thank you very much for having confidence in us, and we hope our efforts, which are purely for His Sake, meet your expectations.

In his response to the question in point, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America, states the following:

“It is a very sad thing to see that Muslim women or men suffer unmarried life due to un-Islamic social factors. We must blame our un-Islamic social customs and materialistic outlook that cause some men and women to remain unmarried.

Some young people or their parents have very high expectations for their spouses. They set a very difficult standard of education, profession, wealth or physical features for any prospective suitor. The result is that such women remain single because the suitors fail to meet those standards. We Muslims must emphasize that the best criterion according to Islam is good character. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “If someone whose faith and morals you trust makes a proposal of marriage to you then marry him, otherwise there will be trials and much corruption in the land.”

As Muslims it is also our duty to help our Muslim brothers and sisters get married. Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an, “And marry such of you as are solitary and the pious of your slaves and maid servants. If they be poor; Allah will enrich them of His bounty. Allah is of ample means, Aware.”(An-Nur :32)

However, if for any reason men or women are not able to marry, then they must observe abstinence. They have no other way. Allah says in the Qur'an that the believing men and believing women guard their private parts from committing any illicit sexual act. He Almighty says, “ Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do.” (An-Nur: 30)

He Almighty also says: “ Lo! men who surrender unto Allah, and women who surrender, and men who believe and women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey, and men who speak the truth and women who speak the truth, and men who persevere (in righteousness) and women who persevere, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their modesty and women who guard (their modesty), and men who remember Allah much and women who remember Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward.” (Al-Ahzab: 35)

Sexual relations are allowed only among the married couples. Sex outside marriage is not allowed in Islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "O young people, whoever among you can afford to marry, let him/her get married, because marriage protects the private parts of the body (i.e. from illicit relations) and it guards the eyes from straying. But those who cannot afford to marry then let them fast, because fasting will curb their sexual urge.”

Seems to me that you are telling lies about your own religion, how nice, go and burn in hell now.
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Indeed, but how can there be over a thousand different opinions on what God is, and yet people who believe their own personal opinion view it as the absolute irrefutable truth?

As you say it's an opinion, something that is personal, not being a person that really follows any organised religion I can safely say your asking the wrong person as I have yet to say that I am right, it's just my slant on things, your questions would be better put to a roman catholic/muslim.
Organised religion maybe right, who knows, I would however prefer to live my life without the fear of going to hell in a handcart if I don't turn up to church every sunday and feast on the body of christ and drink his blood, but thats just my decision.
Also you may have to look at what creates a debate, in it's simplest terms it's 2 people who have 2 different opinions both believing they are right, to make out that it's just people with views on god that think like that would be wrong.
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