May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Tell you what, you list some verses which (allegedly) prove the existence of a fiery hell and I'll tell you what those verses say in mine.

I am up at 7am so must go for now, but I will have a look tomorrow if thats ok? I will email you if thats ok. :)
Tell you what, you list some verses which (allegedly) prove the existence of a fiery hell and I'll tell you what those verses say in mine.

There are over 500 verses from 87 suras in the Quran that speak of Hell but ill list a few for your be here all day and night listing all 500 lol:

Qur'an (40:71-72) - When the fetters and the chains shall be on their necks; they shall be dragged Into boiling water, then in the fire shall they be burned

Qur'an (22:19-21) - But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads; Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted; And for them are hooked rods of iron

Qur'an (4:56) - Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise

Qur'an (56:92-94) - But if he is of the rejecters, the erring, then the welcome will be boiling water and roasting at hell-fire
I'll make it as easy for you as I can... Address the question:-
- Do you think everyone, no matter when they were born, or where they were born, has the same chance in believing in God?

maybe you will be judged on your particular circumstances...maybe if you convert when not having muslim parents gets you an extra reward :p
lol at the idiots believing in books of fiction, get a grip. I'm going to draw Thor with a broomstick, oh wait that's no fun, that religion isn't trendy right now.
maybe you will be judged on your particular circumstances...maybe if you convert when not having muslim parents gets you an extra reward :p

You mean double the number of virgins? And an infinite supply of baby oil? Wow this really must exist then!!! :rolleyes:

But it is interesting, how these religions seem to reward and punish seemingly in an attempt to keep you in line? Threats if you behave badly, and a 'big pot of gold' if you're a nice little citizen. Hmm... Now, what purpose could such a concept be useful? Could it possibly be useful in societies to try and keep individuals inline, while also being a nice little answer to all of the mysteries we see and cannot answer?

And could it also divert our attention away from our ultimate mortality and triviality of our lives? Which at the end of the day, none of us really like ti face up to. No, better to make ourself feel far more important and special! We were created by a super being, and will live for ever! How much nicer for us! Aren't we special! Do monkeys go to heaven? They show intelligence, and even morn when family/friends die... Of course not, they're not as special as us!

Another question, what is the purpose of this test (living) anyway? Why isn't every soul just put in heaven? Or why doesn't God just say 'hello' to everyone during their lives? Why create a test in which God has totally hidden away from us, leaving not one shred of evidence for himself (why no burning bush for us?), for no purpose other than to try and trip up billions of people (due to unfortunate circumstance most likely out of their control) into not believing and/or sinning? Seems utterly pointless and utterly cruel to be honest!
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I did GCSE Biology, A-Level Biology and a degree in Biomedical Science.

And despite this you came out with the earlier twaddle about evolution? And you even used "theory" in the non scientific sense? I only have a HNC and seem to have a greater understanding of science, which is worrying!

I have read the Quran in English, quite a lot of the Bible and a fair bit of the Hindu scriptures. So stop talking absolute and utter rubbish. You do know there are actual scientists and doctors who are religious and do not believe in the theory of evolution? :confused: Why is this the case?

On the whole because they are biblical literalists that have trouble reconciling the scientific proof with their religion and so bury their head in the sand and try and come up with something more fitting the words in their chosen holy book?

Christians, Muslims and Jews believe that God created humans with the first of them being the prophet Adam pbuh. Adam did not evolve from monkeys or apes according to the religions I mentioned. You can play with words all day long, it doesn't change anything. Methaphorical, Allegorical, Literal etc all irrelevant because the story of Adams creation is clearly stated in all the holy scriptures.

Only if you take the literal meaning of Genesis. You yourself have decided that some parts of genesis are not literal (the meaning of the word "days") and yet you decry others that do the same with more of it? I think you might need to have a look in the mirror the next time you start bandying around the word "hypocrite". Not to mention that you once again prove you know little of evolution if you think it says that man evolved from apes and monkeys.

Just because certain 'religious' people pick and choose which parts they wish to follow, that does not make it correct! Can't you see that is just plain hypocritical? :confused:

Because there is a difference between picking and choosing and interpreting it in different ways. If Genesis is an allegorical tale then the meaning stays the same (God created everything) but you don't have the huge problems of it not matching the scientific reality. If Genesis is literal (or almost literal as you seem to be quite happy to change the meaning of the word day) then you have the problem of explaining away an awful lot of science. So what is your explanation for the masses of evidence in support of evolution?

The Bible condemns homosexuality, nowadays you have gay priests saying its ok.

Indeed, we should instead be condeming them to death like the Old Testament and the Koran suggest, what a better world we would live in then. :rolleyes:

The Bible clearly speaks over and over of heaven and hell, some christians have decided to ignore the hell part completely. Hypocrites will be in the very lowest depths of hell, those who claim to believe and follow the word of God but infact they follow nothing but their own lusts. They write Gods word with their own hands, changing it as they see fit and claiming it is from God. I have more respect for atheists at least they are honest with what they believe.

Haven't you done the same? Haven't you decided that when god created the world in 6 days it wasn't the days we know but other days? Despite there being no scripture to back that up?
There are over 500 verses from 87 suras in the Quran that speak of Hell but ill list a few for your be here all day and night listing all 500 lol:

Wait so the Koran says there are man made objects used for torture in Hell?

Where abouts is this obviously rather sizeable torture area located, given the billions of people it must house?

Do you not find it slightly barabaric that your religion beleives that people will suffer unthinkable torture for a crime as minor as simply not beleiving in god? Yet murders can go to heaven if they repent and beleive god?

How does that work?
There are over 500 verses from 87 suras in the Quran that speak of Hell but ill list a few for your be here all day and night listing all 500 lol:

Qur'an (22:19-21) - But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads; Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted; And for them are hooked rods of iron

Well, at least I now know what is in store for me. What a lovely god you worship...
[TW]Fox;16682925 said:
Wait so the Koran says there are man made objects used for torture in Hell?

Where abouts is this obviously rather sizeable torture area located, given the billions of people it must house?

Do you not find it slightly barabaric that your religion beleives that people will suffer unthinkable torture for a crime as minor as simply not beleiving in god? Yet murders can go to heaven if they repent and beleive god?

How does that work?

And if you die young you seemingly get a golden pass to heaven, no exam/test required? And some people get personal visitation from holy beings, therefore getting a rather big leg up on the "I believe in God scale"...
I believe in god but a benevolent god who will be happy as long as you follow a few basic moral guidelines, don't murder people, don't inflict unnecessary suffering on others etc, also a god that if he/she/it has created life on earth then he/she/it has done it as a selfless task and doesn't require people to bow down and thank him constantly. Religion is a man made thing and isn't necessarily what god asked of his people, I'm sure my version of god would be happy if when something went right you offered quick and silent thanks.
I go to church because I like the sense of community in an otherwise messed up world and because I actually enjoy some parts of the sermons.
Religion tends to go over the top and if you believe all the rubbish about going to hell and eternal damnation to the point where you spend a good part of your life praying and begging forgiveness and forgoing a large part of the pleasures that life has to offer then you are nothing short of a loon.
Fortunately the religion I pay lip service to doesn't attempt to put the fear of god into you.
I believe in god but a benevolent god who will be happy as long as you follow a few basic moral guidelines, don't murder people, don't inflict unnecessary suffering on others etc, also a god that if he/she/it has created life on earth then he/she/it has done it as a selfless task and doesn't require people to bow down and thank him constantly. Religion is a man made thing and isn't necessarily what god asked of his people, I'm sure my version of god would be happy if when something went right you offered quick and silent thanks.
No wishing to sound harsh, but basically you've concocted your own belief/religion? What makes you think what you've "invented" is any more correct than what others propose is correct?

Out of interest what has led you to believe in a God at all?
I did GCSE Biology, A-Level Biology and a degree in Biomedical Science. I have read the Quran in English, quite a lot of the Bible and a fair bit of the Hindu scriptures. So stop talking absolute and utter rubbish. You do know there are actual scientists and doctors who are religious and do not believe in the theory of evolution? :confused: Why is this the case?

Christians, Muslims and Jews believe that God created humans with the first of them being the prophet Adam pbuh. Adam did not evolve from monkeys or apes according to the religions I mentioned. You can play with words all day long, it doesn't change anything. Methaphorical, Allegorical, Literal etc all irrelevant because the story of Adams creation is clearly stated in all the holy scriptures.

Just because certain 'religious' people pick and choose which parts they wish to follow, that does not make it correct! Can't you see that is just plain hypocritical? :confused: The Bible condemns homosexuality, nowadays you have gay priests saying its ok. The Bible clearly speaks over and over of heaven and hell, some christians have decided to ignore the hell part completely. Hypocrites will be in the very lowest depths of hell, those who claim to believe and follow the word of God but infact they follow nothing but their own lusts. They write Gods word with their own hands, changing it as they see fit and claiming it is from God. I have more respect for atheists at least they are honest with what they believe.

You quoted FoxEye and myself, yet our beliefs may be completely different. That one didn't work mate. :p

you do realise that these books are man written and that they were written before science could dis prove what is written in them?
Notice how all the traits and traditions in the book reflect how the world was back then and no way at all should they still be followed now?
Do you not see how brain washed you are by all of this?
Religion states that homosexuals go to hell.....what?
Are they not human like the rest of us?
They have no choice in their sexuality. So if god was real he would have created beings that by his choosing would spend an eternity in hell?
Cruel dont you think?
You are following a book that is over 1000 years old, traditions, teachings and the morals from the book are outdated and come from an uncivilised world but unlike a lot of religions who have moved forward in to the modern day and do not follow the book directly the Islamic community is living in the dark ages.
It is because of people like this who will not integrate in to modern society that this world cannot move forward.
Can you possibly think that in another millennium the teachings of the Quran can still hold strong in a civilised society....i think not!
I did GCSE Biology, A-Level Biology and a degree in Biomedical Science. I have read the Quran in English, quite a lot of the Bible and a fair bit of the Hindu scriptures. So stop talking absolute and utter rubbish. You do know there are actual scientists and doctors who are religious and do not believe in the theory of evolution? :confused: Why is this the case?

A God of the void is a dangerous justification? Just because we don't understand something, it doesn't therefore make space for a God.

Darwin even lost faith in evolution towards the end of his own life as he couldn't understand how something as complex as the eye could be formed. What use is 1% of an eye, so therefore how could it be naturally selected.

Most of the individuals here who do not believe probably fall into this catefory for two reasons:-
- See no reason to believe in something there is absolutely no evidence for.
- See so many problems with the supposed system created by God to judge as and therefore send us to Hell or Heaven, they just can't believe in it.

Let's take another example. Many religions damn homosexuals to hell... How ridiculous is that? Once again the system of judgement looks totally unfair. Homosexual? Go straight to Hell. Die as a young child? Go straight to Heaven. I wonder what happens if a young homosexual child dies? Quick make up an answer...
No wishing to sound harsh, but basically you've concocted your own belief/religion? What makes you think what you've "invented" is any more correct than what others propose is correct?

Out of interest what has led you to believe in a God at all?

No it doesn't sound harsh and your right I have concocted my own belief, something that everyone does whether it be believe in god or not we all have a belief and a lot of them don't follow any particular religious rules.
I beleive in god because I belive something created the universe, something created a big bang, however you want to look at it I believe that something is up there helping out when I need it and this gets me through. Other people would call this coincidence, fate, karma etc, and it's down to the individual to believe what they want.
Organised religion on the other hand just seems to be like a propoganda machine that threatens people with unspeakable pain unless they join them.
This is not what I require in my life or believe so yes I suppose I have created my own belief system difference being I don't expect anyone to join me in my beleifs and I certainly won't threaten eternal damnation if they dont. :D
No wishing to sound harsh, but basically you've concocted your own belief/religion? What makes you think what you've "invented" is any more correct than what others propose is correct?

Out of interest what has led you to believe in a God at all?

She has not created her own religion here just her own belief.
What is wrong with it? Why should she not be able to believe what she wants?
She is not forcing her beliefs on others nor is she saying what she believes is correct for everyone.
She has a belief that she can stand by and find comfort in without the need to collect nectar card points to redeem a place in heaven.

As i have stated before people having belief in what ever they like is perfectly fine as long as that belief integrates in to a modern society and does to persecute, judge and harm others who do not believe the same.

Personally i cannot understand the logic in believing in a god, in fact i feel more at peace in knowing we are here to live out our lives as best we can and reproduce and live forever in the legacy we leave behind with loved ones.

Ive been to church a few times, last time was with my partner at Christmas but i can tell you i wont be going again.
I find it un-nerving the priest saying something that in unison the entire church replying back with a "praise be to god" it reminds me of a brainwashed horror movie but that is my choice and views.

And no way can i ever understand the belief in religious texts for anything more than some good morals, i find it idiotic that people follow the text as written.
No it doesn't sound harsh and your right I have concocted my own belief, something that everyone does whether it be believe in god or not we all have a belief and a lot of them don't follow any particular religious rules.
I beleive in god because I belive something created the universe, something created a big bang, however you want to look at it I believe that something is up there helping out when I need it and this gets me through. Other people would call this coincidence, fate, karma etc, and it's down to the individual to believe what they want.
Organised religion on the other hand just seems to be like a propoganda machine that threatens people with unspeakable pain unless they join them.
This is not what I require in my life or believe so yes I suppose I have created my own belief system difference being I don't expect anyone to join me in my beleifs and I certainly won't threaten eternal damnation if they dont. :D

Fair enough. But to many, you've opted for a God of the void. ie: We can't explain the Big Bang, so let's put a God there...

This has been going on since the first human being asked "why?" And the easiest (& most comforting) answer was to place God there. Why is that volcano erupting? God! Why am I here? God!

I would still ask though why God has gone to such great lengths to hide himself from us? Why be so devious, and in many ways cruel? Knowing a God really did exist would change humanity only for the better! And possibly make like generally so much more rewarding...

But instead, he decides to pointlessly hide away...
She has not created her own religion here just her own belief.
What is wrong with it? Why should she not be able to believe what she wants?
She is not forcing her beliefs on others nor is she saying what she believes is correct for everyone.
She has a belief that she can stand by and find comfort in without the need to collect nectar card points to redeem a place in heaven.

Not sure what your point is...? He/She sort of has concocted their own religion? It does not adhere to Islam or Christianity for example!? It's taken what it wants from general religious ideas, and dismissed many others.

I have no real issue if people want to beleive in a God. If it makes them feel better fair enough. But what I do find a shame is it's akin - a little bit - to a dumbing down. How is it any different to astrology, which of course is utter nonsense. Yet for some reason our society accepts it. It polutes our true understanding of the reality we really live in, and insults the scientific reasoning we really should be applying to life. In some ways it holds us back...
Not sure what your point is...? He/She sort of has concocted their own religion? It does not adhere to Islam or Christianity for example!? It's taken what it wants from general religious ideas, and dismissed many others.

I have no real issue if people want to beleive in a God. If it makes them feel better fair enough. But what I do find a shame is it's akin - a little bit - to a dumbing down. How is it any different to astrology, which of course is utter nonsense. Yet for some reason our society accepts it. It polutes our true understanding of the reality we really live in, and insults the scientific reasoning we really should be applying to life. In some ways it holds us back...

Yet is still around and all because we are unable to explain certain things.
We are unable to offer comfort in death without the need of an after life.
It will always be accepted as long as people are brought up believing it is the only way.
As stated earlier how many people do you think would choose any organised religion to follow if they were brought up without the need of it, without the teachings thrown down their throats?
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