May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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dont you even understand what you wrote ?

Off you go on that moral high horse again in some random direction - Let's see if we can help reign you in shall we :)

Point (1) - There is general mocking and insulting of all power points, be they leaders, film stars or indeed religions. This has gone on forever, and will always go on. It is healthy and to be expected.
Point (2) - We should NOT allow religion to dictate what we can or cannot comment on, think, or in this case draw. It is a dangerous move!
Point (3) - If we consider something like South Park, which helped kick off this entire movement and thread, it has been rediculing people and religions for years. Its makers have only received death threats from one group to my knowledge. And more importantly, its episodes have only even been censored due to one group to my knowledge.

In short do you believe one religion in particular should be treated any differently to all other religions on earth as regards the freedoms to question and even derive humour from it?

I'm suggesting no. Sheesh... I'm so hateful aren't I :rolleyes:
you want to play hide and seek or something ?

The reason the whole thing came about is important if you're going to say "fin d a Hindu bashing thread".

It's like reading a "the police re all *****because <insert event>" and bringing in that there's no "firemen are ******" thread.

One group take actions that made others want to strike back as it where the other didn't.
well i did highlight and point out but again you have chosen to ignore and not answer....instead you are going on about should a religion be able to dictate what is allowed in humour.
which ive already answered in this thread and i could be wrong but has anyone even answered yes that you keep bringing this up ?

Are you drunk or something? Seriously you're all over the shop? I've tried to keep things simple and to the point, but I can't keep up with your ramblings? I'll try to clarify things....

You asked where the 'mock the Hindu' thread was. And I stated why there wasn't one... Infact a couple of other people have too.

As for your comment about offending millions of people:-
- I assume these would be the people that have to turn on their computer, log onto a site they probably never other wise would, and then log into a page they otherwise never would, and then carefully go through pages and pages of post, being very offended :rolleyes:
- And I assume these are not to be confused with people from other religions who can manage to function perfectly well with same jokes/redicule about their faith?

I suggest you take a rest and come back tomorrow with a clear head, or at least try and explain yourself a little more clearly...
I reckon you should share some of whatever that stuff is you're smoking...;)

What's funny is when I asked my Muslim colleague what he thought about Homosexual's his first reply was " Garys alright he just smells like a girl to often and I get confused whether to call him Gillian or not". Gary being another member of our team and a Homosexual. His reply was " At least I don't smell of parafin and Semtex". Which illicited much ribbing and banter.

So not all Muslims don't have a sense of humour about their religion. Tbh, considering I call him Tariq the Terrorist he better had one or I'm in the crapper. :D

Most muslims have a sense of humour but a few members in here all seem to think we dont have one...but if it makes them happy to think that we muslims are all a bunch of bomb packing terrorists then so be it:). Personally the whole draw a pic day was pretty lame...i mean some of the pics were quite funny i must admit tbh...not felt insulted by the pics but more insulted by some of the blinkered views in here but it didnt surprise me in the would think that people would refuse to be swayed by the media and find for themselves about the real islam.

Anyhow im surprised and amused that this thread is still raging on...people still arguing semantics with no one really agreeing on anything.

Perhaps the Dons will change the name of this thread to 'The Official lets bash the muslims day';) eh dons eh??....i mean the topic was about some pics but its gone so off topic in the past 20-30 pages that im surprised its still being allowed....anyhow dont mind me just passing through:D
Your entire argument here seems to be "Others do it too." Of course they do, but I would say that many years of more liberal thought and behavour have reduced the impact of most of them on our society. Sure there is objection to homosexuality in the UK but there is not legal sanction against it anymore and in fact quite a bit of legal protection. I would also say that Islam is somewhat different from the above as the origins of Islam and its development as a control system and ideology run parrallel to it's growth as a religion. Christianity started as a religion and was lated coopted into an ideology, Islam started as an ideology that had a religion tagged on to it.

Anglicanism began as a political movement in effect. The reasons to create the Church of England were purely political. Christianity itself was born out of a need to suceede away from Judaism in light of the way the leaders of Judaism were basically puppets to the occupying Roman Empire, Herod was in effect a client king of Rome, again borne out of political strife.

Politics and Religion were so closely interwoven as to be the same thing. The Christian Crusades were not about religion, they were about one Pope wresting power from another and the Aristocracies need to expand and enrich themselves, again the Inquistion was the same, a political ideology hiding under the guise of religious fervour.

The problem with Islam is that it is relatively young, and has not had the schisms and inquisitions to give it some perspective.

My defence wasn't really to do with "well we do it", but that some were making an issue that Islam is exclusive in it's flaws and ideology. This is not the case.

All of which are also a problem, but none of which are a major problem in the UK. Once again though your best defense of the discrimination at the core of Islam seems to be "others do it too". Which I feel is a sad reflection on the ideology and your defense of it.

Again I am not defending Islam per se, but attacking the notion that Islam is alone in it's ideology or that the majority of Muslims adhere to such ideologies literally.
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Perhaps the Dons will change the name of this thread to 'The Official lets bash the muslims day';)

Slightly loaded, don't you think?

We're in danger of losing the entire point and importance of it all if we gloss over it with such statements - ie: No religion should have a voice in what passes as free speech. At that point it takes a step towards a dictatorship surely.

No matter how off beat or indeed cutting the humour may be, you can't have people saying what is and isn't tasteful or fair, and what is or isn't permitted.

This is what 'Draw Mohammed Day' surely was all about, with thousands of people, not set on something as malicious as "bash a muslim day", but instead showing "religion shouldn't censor so let's show how stupid this is."

So please, let's not lose sight of that... It was an important event IMHO - A silent majority showing that we shouldn't have to tread on egg shells around some religions.

Now, more importantly, can we get back to that group hug in the thread and the baby oil? Did I see Kendra Wilkison posting in this thread somewhere BTW?
Everyone who is critical of Islam here seems to belief that the Facist Islam or Fundamental Islamic interpretations are the norm. They are not.

Erm, actually they ARE the norm.

So called 'Moderate' and 'Tolerant' forms of Islam are a virtually non existant hoax invented by the clueless politically correct brigade.
thats just a joke.
you are saying Christians would not be offended if you mocked Jesus ?
Hindus would not be offended if you mocked their Bhagwans(*spelling?) ?
would you not be offended if someone mocked something/someone close to your heart ? maybe a family member ?

sure all above would be offended but just wouldn't resort to violence and death threats.

you like many others have been goaded into this by the extremists, im sure you can see it but your pride won't let you admit you fell for the bait of the very people you are attempting to fight.

but hey if you want to carry on and join the haters then don't let common sense get in the way:p

No really, I can mock christianity and hinduism on a daily basis, and christians / hindus dont even get the slightest bit offended, nor go threatening people with death.

Dont you think that non muslims get offended when Islam treates them all as evil kuffar / infidels that deserve death? Well, they do, and their response is to tell people exactly how evil and vile Islam is.
ofcourse think attacking millions of people over the actions of a few is fair ? how the hell can you even think thats fair lol

Criticizing a belief system is not attacking millions of people, it is criticism of their beliefs which are a completely optional thing that they dont even need to have in the first place.

read above and also as i pointed out the repeatedly attacking Muslims/Islam is fuelled by the hate.

Because muslims have never attacked non muslims right?

That was sarcastic rhetorism, no need to try and answer it.
Erm, actually they ARE the norm.

So called 'Moderate' and 'Tolerant' forms of Islam are a virtually non existant hoax invented by the clueless politically correct brigade.

You're entitled to your view, no matter how wrong headed it is.

If roughly 20% of the worlds population are all ravening, psychotic, Islamic Jihadis then we are in some serious trouble :rolleyes:
No matter how off beat or indeed cutting the humour may be, you can't have people saying what is and isn't tasteful or fair, and what is or isn't permitted.

Wow just dont want people to air their views ie tasteful or not but yet want free speech to draw so called offensive pics and mock a religion because of their beliefs??...hypocritical much???
No really, I can mock christianity and hinduism on a daily basis, and christians / hindus dont even get the slightest bit offended, nor go threatening people with death.

Dont you think that non muslims get offended when Islam treates them all as evil kuffar / infidels that deserve death? Well, they do, and their response is to tell people exactly how evil and vile Islam is.

Bhavy, don't confuse Islam with the culture it may be found in!?

If you consider Chrisitianity today, it's very different to the same religion that 400yrs ago was quite happy to help burn/torture innocent people for witch craft. As the culture advanced the religion was dragged along with it.

Where we find 'barbaric' Islamic states, it's hard to tell where Islam ends and the culture starts, because they seem so entwined. But personally I'd suggest the culture is mostly to blame...
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