You're entitled to your view, no matter how wrong headed it is.
If roughly 20% of the worlds population are all ravening, psychotic, Islamic Jihadis then we are in some serious trouble
Bhavy, don't confuse Islam with the culture it may be found in!?
Actually, I dont think I am applying my views to everyone of a given faith, that is quite a proposterous claim that religion defenders keep on making, like 'Oooooooh, youre evil and you think all Muslims are muderous terrorists'.
No, it doesnt work like that, this is how it works:
- Islam is the only religion can be so easily interperated to condone terrorism, violence, and hatred towards non followers of that faith (go go Jihad, holy wars, killing all the kuffar, gays, polytheists and Jews, hey, killing all non muslims can definately be condoned by the koran based on how you choose to interperate it).
- It is also the only religion that imposes a desire to rule politically and force non believers to abide to its absolutely ridiculous rules, and is the only religion today with a mass organised political movement that kills thousands of innocent people for being 'Unislamic', such as atheists, aspostates, gays, and people who have sex outside of marriage (including 13 year old girls who have been raped).
- This world contains lots of stupid people. Stupid people read the koran. Stupid people justify killing / oppressing / hating others in the name of the koran. Stupid people who believe in their interperation that doing these things in the name of the koran is good, wonderful, and required to get into heaven and an eternal paradise with an endless virgin girls teach other stupids to do and believe in the same thing.
- These stupid people have now began spilling over their borders and infecting the rest of the world with their stupid (and violence / terrorism / religion). Yay for multiculturalism and freedom of religion .... Not!
- Oh, and in the Sharia world, acid pwns the skanky whore women that dare to show their face or even leave the house or go to school. They have to be in the home all the time working in the kitchen, doing all the chores, and raising the kids, while completely covered in a mobile tent with a tiny slit for their eyes.
Please note that nowhere have I stated that 'all' muslims are like this. I realise from surveys and public polls that have been carried out that its only like several hundred thousand to a few million that are - or around approximately 75% of Muslims that live in the Sharia world (according to the polls asking Muslims if apostates / gays / rape victims should be stoned to death and each category had around 70-80% of people that said yes they should be stoned to death).
I realise that according to similar public polls carried out in the UK, that this figure is much lower - only around 40-60% of muslims in the UK (depending on which poll you look at) want the same full Sharia Law to be implemented into the UK.
And then, of course, when you look at the actual numbers of terrorists and such people that acually carry out violence in the name of Islam, its probably lower than 1% of all muslims that do that. This is because the remaining 39-59% in the UK, or 69-79% in Sharia countries are just wussy cowards that threaten and try to act all tough and popular by believing that other people should be killed for being 'unislamic', but they themselves are too scared to do it. Instead they simply get to stand in the crowd the next time some 15 year old gay boy is stoned to death, and cheer and enjoy the observation of a nice bloody stoning.
I really do believe that Islam and Muslims can change for the better. They could turn stoning people into a national sport, and pass out chairs, popcorn and hotdogs to all those poor people that have to stand up on their feet to watch the executions without any food to go along with it. These changes would enhance the entertainment provided the next time some evil no good woman is raped, and they would be able to enjoy the execution with popcorm. Mmmmm, nom nom nom!
P.S, what a wonderful peaceful and tolerant religion!
The culture stems off and is strongly supported by the religious beliefs of Islam.