May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Which proves my point. Islam doesn't make people intolerant, they do that all by themselves.

No it doesnt prove this point. Islam itself and the Koran contain very intolerant and hateful verses which motivate and heighten such beliefs for a lot of people who choose to believe in them.
Shakeel, why do so many Muslim women in the Islamic world get Acid sprayed over their faces? Why do people get executed for having sex outside marriage, being raped, or being gay?

do you really hate islam that much


Would you like a blue peter badge for pointing out the obvious?
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The culture stems off and is strongly supported by the religious beliefs of Islam.

Yes? No? Don't know... Difficult to know where one starts and one ends.

Does same faith that seems to propogate honour killings in one culture, do it others (eg: more modern Western ones)?

There may be some sort of link, but I don't think Islam is the main culprit :)
the first time ive heard of it is from you. how shoud i know

And you think you know anything about what Islam and its culture is like? You dont even seem to understand anything that happens thanks to Isam:

Could someone please tell me how many other religions have led to acid being thrown over their womens faces for going to school?

Well, they arent even women, they are young girls.

Feel free to watch it and learn.

'While the taliban were in power, their strict interpretation of Islam banned girls from going to school'.

Thats probably why.
bhavv why are some many hindus like this

Extremist Hindu groups offered money, food and alcohol to mobs to kill Christians and destroy their homes
“People are being offered rewards to kill, and to destroy churches and Christian properties. They are being offered foreign liquor, chicken, mutton and weapons. They are given petrol and kerosene.”

See how easy it is to use the net and sterotype a whole faith or in your world 'a large portion of it'

And see this one bhavv. look how crazyzeeeeeeeee your people are

Hindu extremists say they will attack Indian couples marking Valentine's Day, because it encourages sexual misdemeanours.

and this one.....

More than 20,000 Christians in the district of Kandhamal fled their homes for state-run camps.

Christians who have lost their homes have been told they can return only if they convert to Hinduism.

At a press conference in the Indian capital yesterday a nun said she had been raped and paraded naked in Orissa by a rampaging mob of Hindus in August.

lol this one is the most bizarr

Radical Hindus in India are attempting to cleanse the nation of foreign soft-drinks by promoting an "ayurvedic" beverage made from cow urine:

"Don't worry, it won't smell like urine and will be tasty too,"
:D :D

Hindu extremists attacked Christians celebrating Christmas in eastern India, ransacking and burning at least six village churches. One person was killed.

see bhavv i just did what you have been doing throughout the thread.using the net to sterotype a whole religion.

does the above represent hinduism? of course not.

go read a quran, dont use the net , then make up your mind. anybod ycan post rubbish on the net

I'm not a Hindu, and I never said that Hinduism is any better or worse than Islam.

I think its a sick, twisted and vile faith as well, on the level of how quite a lot of nutters in India practice it.

However, Hinduism doesnt have a widespread political movement like Islam does, and on the whole is nowhere near as much of a threat.

go read a quran, dont use the net , then make up your mind. anybod ycan post rubbish on the net

It says that apostates and infidels should be stoned to death. I have already made up my mind about organised religions based on the nonsense that they teach.

Also, Hindu extremists also seem to do one thing better than Islamic extremists are doing - they dont actually seem to attack people of their own faith, nor spray their own women with acid lol.
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i never said you were a hindu i just used hindus as an example the samecan be done for other faiths too

Then go ahead and do it, I really dont have any problem with that, but this isnt a thread on Hinduism.

Heres a great video showing just how ridiculously crazy Hinduism can get:

Heres another one:

However, in India, atheism is legal, and so are secular movements within India who are also strongly opposed to Hinduism:


Indian holy man Prahlad Jani claims that he did not eat food or drink water since around World War II. Indian Defence Research & Development Organisation took this claim serious. What is the truth behind this holy man? Sanal Edamaruku explains.
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I already posted these videos as well, proof that the religion and its teachings are the cause of such extremist beliefs:

And I cant find the brilliant video from Memri on what Muslims from all over the Islamic world think about Jews, tiptop also posted it, but I forgot to favorite it on youtube bah.

Could someone please tell me how many other religions have led to acid being thrown over their womens faces for going to school?

Well, they arent even women, they are young girls.

it's not always religious

No, but its being used very much more in Islam against their own women who particularly arent wearing the face veil than for any other reason.

Kewl story:

Muslim throws acid on daughter and strangles her for marrying a non-Muslim man

Islam forbids Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men. This is a supremacist law, since Muslim men may marry non-Muslim women. The idea is that the woman will join the man's household, and thus the Muslim community will be ever growing and the non-Muslim community ever declining.

Also, why is that when Muslims marry non muslims, the non muslim has to convert to Islam before the marriage can take place? Intolerant religion?
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how is that supposed to be proved eh? how do you know its not being used in some other country who have other motives

Google is your friend:

There was a whole page somewhere that I cant find now dedicated to Muslim women who have been the victims of acid attacks (from other muslims), the number of victims was pretty darn large.

Oh lookie, it even happens in the UK (by muslims as honor attacks).

I think that violent honor attacks and even killings are the issue, whether its acid or not. It really seems to be a thing that only happens among Muslims, or to some people that try to date a Muslim female lol.
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Google is your friend:

There was a whole page somewhere that I cant find now dedicated to Muslim women who have been the victims of acid attacks (from other muslims), the number of victims was pretty darn large.


bhavv i think its time you quit

you search for 'muslim women attack by acid' as said 'google is your friend'

take the 'muslim' out and press enter and you a lot of results too.

hey know google...its your friend too:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Indeed, my issue is particularly with any kind of honor atacks, there do seem to be quite a lot of those happening to Muslims.

I just couldnt find the page I were looking for, so thats why I posted the google seach.

take the 'muslim' out and press enter and you a lot of results too.

Yup true, and most of the links are still about Muslims =D

I took out the muslim and still got this:

Afghan Woman Teacher Attacked with Acid
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there is a few if you look throught pages with non muslims being attack. face it bhavv whatever you think about islam is just your opinion there is still people today converting to islam out of their own free will
face it bhavv whatever you think about islam is just your opinion there is still people today converting to islam out of their own free will

So bloody what? There are still people today LEAVING Islam out of their own free will after they realise how evil, hateful, and intolerant the religion is.

I suppose this must really annoy you right? Well, actually not, just like I dont give a crap about people converting to Islam.

Usually when people convert to Islam, they still dont know a single thing about it, just like so many people who have been following the religion for a long time.

Who we are:

We are ex-Muslims. Some of us were born and raised in Islam and some of us had converted to Islam at some moment in our lives. We were taught never to question the truth of Islam and to believe in Allah and his messenger with blind faith. We were told that Allah would forgive all sins but the sin of disbelief (Quran 4:48 and 4:116). But we committed the ultimate sin of thinking and questioned the belief that was imposed on us and we came to realize that far from being a religion of truth, Islam is a hoax, it is hallucination of a sick mind and nothing but lies and deceits.

What we believe:

Some of us have embraced other religions but most of us have simply left Islam without believing in any other religion. We believe in humanity. We believe that humans do not need to follow a religion to be good. All we need to follow is the Golden Rule. All we have to do is to treat others the way we expect to be treated. This is the essence of all the goodness. All good religious teachings stem from this eternal principle. This is the ultimate guidance humanity need. This is the Golden Rule.

Why Mohammed was not a prophet:

One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the vices of the people of his time. Yet Muhammad’s life is that of a gangster godfather. He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and enslaved the women and children. He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives and their “right hand possessions” (Quran 33:50) He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and became de facto despot of Arabia. Muhammad was bereft of human compassion. He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way. Muhammad was a narcissist like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child. He simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds are justified.

Why Quran is not from God:

Muhammad produced no miracles and when pressed he claimed that his miracle is the Quran. Yet a cursory look at the Quran reveals that this book is full of errors. Quran is replete with scientific heresies, historic blunders, mathematical mistakes, logical absurdities, grammatical errors and ethical fallacies. It is badly compiled and it contradicts itself. There is nothing intelligent in this book let alone miraculous. Muhammad challenged people to produce a “Surah like it” or find an error therein, yet Muslims would kill anyone who dares to criticize it. In such a climate of hypocrisy and violence truth is the first casualty.

What is our goal?

We are apostates of Islam. We denounce Islam as a false doctrine of hate and terror. However we are not against Muslims who are our own kin and relatives. We do not advocate hate and violence. Muslims are the main victims of Islam. Our goal is to educate them and let them see the truth. We are against Islam and not the Muslims. We strive to bring the Muslims into the fold of humanity. Eradicate Islam so our people can be liberated, so they can prosper and break away from the pillory of Islam. We would like to see Islamic countries dedicate more time to science and less time to Quran and Sharia. We would like to see them prosper and contribute to human civilization. We would like to see the draconian laws of Islam eliminated and people are treated humanely. We strive for freedom of beliefs, for equality of gender and for oneness of mankind.

Mankind’s biggest challenge:

Today the humanity is facing a great danger. Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise and the hatred is brewing in the minds of millions of Muslims. This hatred must be contained or there would be disastrous consequences. We believe that the education is the only answer. Muslim intellectuals must realize that Islam is a false doctrine and they must let the rest of Islamic world know the truth. Islam is a religion that thrives on the arrogant assumption that it is the most logical, the most scientific and the most perfect religion. While the fact is that it is the stupidest doctrine — the most backward and absurd belief. Once the truth about Islam becomes common knowledge, it will be weakened and the Islamic fanaticism will lose its fangs. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being expended to combat Islamic terrorism, yet no effort is made to contain the ideology behind this terrorism. It is our belief that Islamic terrorism will not be eliminated unless and until the ideology behind it is exposed and eradicated. This is what we intend to do.

Quran 9.29 "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day ... "

Islam contains a large amount of intense venemous hatred for non-muslims. Quran and Hadith are filled with this hatred, which has always been easily tranformed into physical violence since the creation of Islam. Mohammed himself was a terrorist in his time, when he ordered to kill those who left Islam. He took part in many battles against people just for the reason they did not accept Islam. A detailed account of one example of this can be read here: What Happened to the Jews of Medina (offsite article).
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