May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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It's more unlikely that there is an omnipresent god that created the universe in comparison to scientific knowledge and the odds of life forming.

At least from our very limited and insignificant understanding of Science.

Alan Perlis once said:

A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.

Martin Luther King, Jr:

Science investigates religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power religion gives man wisdom which is control.

Both relevent I think.
Indeed, but Neil's view should be respected nonetheless, as should yours and mine, even Bhavv's.

As a Physicist I could explain Gravity Wells and expansion etc, but that would be the granddady of topic derailments, so I won't.

"Even Bhavv's" :)

We're too bound up in our own self important, religion being the culmination of it all - God personally created is, aren't we important!

Look at this image again (click me):-

And given basically each and every dot is another whole galaxy with billions of chances of other life to exist, explain why we are we so important? And why such silly little religious nuances like circumcisions mean diddly squat? If God did indeed create all of that, you think he'd be the slightest bit interested in a 'believer' chopping a bit of skin off your genitals? Give me a break!

Take a look at that picture, a close look, and tell me that a being capable of creating all that, would bother creating such a mess of a system here on earth to qualify for heaven...
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But what I say is based on what the Koran and the religion of Islam advocates and teaches, such as:

^^ Not my own words, but exactly how I feel. What I say is not an attack on any individual Muslim or person, but a criticism of a belief system.

It's a valid criticism of an interpretation of a belief system. Not all your posts are so reasonable. You can level the same criticism to Leviticus and several other books from the Bible. The context of the authors and the time in which they were written is also important.
At least from our very limited and insignificant understanding of Science.

Alan Perlis once said:

Martin Luther King, Jr:

Both relevent I think.

Can't agree religion gives us wisdom. We give ourselves wisdom. Religion has been guilty of too much madness to be considered wise.
It's a valid criticism of an interpretation of a belief system. Not all your posts are so reasonable. You can level the same criticism to Leviticus and several other books from the Bible. The context of the authors and the time in which they were written is also important.

No, the books of levicticus and much of what is written in the Bible that can be considered 'evil and hateful', are not actually accounts of the life of Jesus, what Jesus personally believed and preached, and how Jesus spread the religion of Christianity.

However, if you look at the accounts of Mohammed, all you see is a murderous lunatic who massacred countless innocent people, raped their women, had sexual relationships with underage girls, veiwed women as no more than a mans possesion, and had absolutely no decent morality or respect for humanity.

The bible comes nowhere near to the amount of intolerance and hatred towards non muslims and infidels as what is written in the Koran, and which was actually carried out by the religions maniac of a prophet.
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"Even Bhavv's" :)

We're too bound up in our own self important, religion being the culmination of it all - God personally created is, aren't we important!

Look at this image again (click me):-

And given basically each and every dot is another whole galaxy with billions of chances of other life to exist, explain why we are we so important? And why such silly little religious nuances like circumcisions mean diddly squat? If God did indeed create all of that, you think he'd be the slightest bit interested in a 'believer' chopping a bit of skin off your genitals? Give me a break!

Take a look at that picture, a close look, and tell me that a being capable of creating all that, would bother creating such a mess of a system here on earth to qualify for heaven...

Things like circumcisions were actually nothing to do with 'God', but to do with a given situation at the time, Hygiene and disease in this case.

For example, the reason Catholic Priests cannot marry has nothing to do with 'giving their live to God', but everything to do with not having children able to inherit church land from their fathers.

Most, if not all traditions such as fasting, footwashing, clothing etc have some practical reasoning at the time they were first instituted or they were reactions to a given political or economic situation.

The 'Nature' of God may be something as profound as the Universe itself, our limited understanding may well be the problem here, not the existence or non-existence of a God.
Things like circumcisions were actually nothing to do with 'God', but to do with a given situation at the time, Hygiene and disease in this case.

Circumcisions do not actually enhance hygiene or prevent diseases, also by 'given situation at the time', how do you explain why circumcision is still carried out today on many newborn infants in all three of the monotheistic religion?

Also, back when these religions were founded, people had absolutely zero understanding of infectious disease, and wouldnt have known anything about how to prevent or treat illnesses or anything else other than by bizzare alternative and primitive medicinal beliefs, such as 'having sex standing up will prevent pregnancy'.

You really think that people who thought the Earth was flat and the centre of the universe at that time knew anything about circumcism being somehow healthy and preventative to diseases?
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No, the books of levicticus and much of what is written in the Bible that can be considered 'evil and hateful', are not actually accounts of the life of Jesus, what Jesus personally believed and preached, and how he spread his religion.

However, if you look at the accounts of Mohammed, all you see is a murderous lunatic who massacred countless innocent people, raped their women, had sexual relationships with underage girls, veiwed women as no more than a mans possesion, and had absolutely no decent morality or respect for humanity.

The bible comes nowhere near to the amount of intolerance and hatred towards non muslims and infidels as what is written in the Koran, and which was actually carried out by the religions maniac of a prophet.

Yet God dictated the book of Leviticus to Moses directly as he did the other books of the Bible. Do you not see that what Mohammed did or did not do is irrelevent, Interpretation of the teaching is what is relevent and not all Muslims practice or interpret their religion in the way you would have us believe.

I have spent the last 20 years in a friendship with a devout Muslim, We were soldiers together and we now work together. He doesn't drink, He prays each day at the relevent times etc, yet he doesn't take the Qur'an as a literal word for word rulebook. He says that no moderate muslim believes the way you portray the Qur'an.
He says that no moderate muslim believes the way you portray the Qur'an.

You mean moderate muslims like the ones in this video?

And dear God, please let someone find me the Memri compilation of Anti semetism in the Islamic world. Thats a prayer, and I doubt it will get answered, cos ya know, god isnt actually real and all that.

Or maybe the moderates that still allow things like this to happen in the Islamic world:

'The moderates asleep, no matter how much she weeps'.

Also, a Muslim can practice Islam however 'moderately' they choose to. This doesnt in anyway make an excuse for what the religion actually teaches, nor for the thousands upon thousands of extremist Muslims who have interperated Islam in such a hateful and intolerant way.
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Bhavv just proves that you do not need to be an adherent to the Qur'an to be ideologically intolerant.

Which proves my point. Islam doesn't make people intolerant, they do that all by themselves.


[TW]Fox;16733829 said:
Actually in terms of statistical analysis 500 can be considered a very representative survey size if the survey is conducted properly.

Ermmm no it doesnt...500 isnt nearly enough to representative even if it is done properly and even then we can only take the websites word that it was done representatively.
Circumcisions do not actually enhance hygiene or prevent diseases, also by 'given situation at the time', how do you explain why circumcision is still carried out today on many newborn infants in all three of the monotheistic religion?

Also, back when these religions were founded, people had absolutely zero understanding of infectious disease, and wouldnt have known anything about how to prevent or treat illnesses or anything else other than by bizzare alternative and primitive medicinal beliefs, such as 'having sex standing up will prevent pregnancy'.

You really think that people who thought the Earth was flat and the centre of the universe at that time knew anything about circumcism being somehow healthy and preventative to diseases?

The fact that no Arab Scholar ever thought the world was flat kind of throws that load of junk on the bonfire that is your ignorance.

You should read up a little on Arab science and knowledge in the middle ages and compare it to Western techniques. to keep it simple start here:

The World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the CDC state that evidence indicates that male circumcision significantly reduces the risk of HIV acquisition among men during penile-vaginal sex, but that say that it should not replace other interventions to prevent the transmission of HIV.

A recent prospective trial in Uganda 3393 subjects to circumcision or a control group and found a significant reduction of HPV infection in the circumcision group. At 24 month follow-up, there was a 27.9% prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes in the control group and only a 18.0% prevalence in the circumcision group

A meta-analysis of observational data from twenty-six studies found that circumcision was associated with lower rates of syphlilis, chancroid and possibly genital herpes.

also studies show evidence of reduction in UTI infections and so on.
You moderate muslims like the ones in this video?

I am not a Muslim, by the way. I am agnostic.

Also considering Tariq (my mate) was injured in 2004 in Afghanistan fighting those very Jihadi's so you shouldn't jump to preconcieved and false judgements on what moderate muslim's do and do not allow when they have the power to actually do something.

And no, there is no excuse for the way that Jihadi extremists interpret their religion, just as their is no excuse for the way in which some people use that interpretation to mis-represent their religion as a whole.
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So, why is Anti semitism and hatred of jews such a tolerated and widely integrated part of Islamic culture? These two videos are all that I could find, nowhere near as thorough as he one that was posted much earlier that has now magically disappered:

Also considering Tariq (my mate) was severely injured in 2004 in Afghanistan fighting those very Jihadi's you shouldn't jump to preconcieved and false judgements on waht moderate muslim do and do not allow when they have the power to actually do something.

That still has nothing to do with what the Koran teaches and how it can be interperated to condone and promote violence and intolerance. I dont have any issue with innocent people of any faith, that doesnt mean that I'm going to forgive or overlook the crazy people, what is taught by the religion, or how so many people act in the name of Islam.
So, why is Anti semitism and hatred of jews such a tolerated and widely integrated part of Islamic culture? These two videos are all that I could find, nowhere near as thorough as he one that was posted much earlier that has now magically disappered:

That still has nothing to do with what the Koran teaches and how it can be interperated to condone and promote violence and intolerance. I dont have any issue with innocent people of any faith, that doesnt mean that I'm going to forgive or overlook the crazy people, what is taught by the religion, or how so many people act in the name of Islam.

Don't worry about posting videos, your commentary is sufficient. Anti-semitism isn't exclusive to Islam either, but then you should look at the Anti-Muslim feeling in Israel before you continue along that road also The Jewish tax in Medieval Europe, theEdict of Expulsion in England until the 17th Century and so on.

Anything can be interpreted to condone violence and promote hatred, you don't need the Qur'an to do that. Other Holy books have been used for the same ends, especially the Bible. In fact the Torah is still used to condone acts of violence by Jewish Settlers in the West Bank, so again it's not the Qur'an but the interpretation of someone that is at fault. So the criticism should be aimed specifically at those groups and individuals and not at the entire religion. You don't attack Judaism as a whole because the Settlers are stoning Arab children on their way to school, unhindered by the IDF.

Terrorism is committed by individuals and not religions, using the mask of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism to justify their actions allows then to pass this hatred onto a group instead of accepting the responsibilty themselves.
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The fact that no Arab Scholar ever thought the world was flat kind of throws that load of junk on the bonfire that is your ignorance.

Youre calling me ignorant by being completely ignorant yourself? How nice.

Islam didnt invent the idea of religious circumcisions, that has been around since Judaism and pre christianity times, well before astronomy or telescopes had been invented.

I never applied what I said about circumcision to Islam only, I said that when it was first implemented by the 'monotheistic' religions (the first case being Judaism), people didnt know diddly squat about anything, so how exactly did they know all the back in jewish times that circumcision was somehow hygienic and beneficial to health, which by the way it actually completely isnt?

should look at the Anti-Muslim feeling in Israel ...

Israel is fully justified in being 'anti-muslim', since Islam actually wants to blow Israel off the world map.

Bhavv just proves that you do not need to be an adherent to the Qur'an to be ideologically intolerant.

Except that I dont preach, or teach any kind of intolerance through the form of organised religion, or though any kind of book such as the Koran.
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I reckon you should share some of whatever that stuff is you're smoking...;)
Pass that bottle...:D

This is all I need to be happy, without smoking or drinking. Wink Wink. ;)


I have 24 cans of Scrumpy Jack to make me merry this morning. I'm really excited about the footy today. :)
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