May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Youre calling me ignorant by being completely ignorant yourself? How nice.

Islam didnt invent the idea of religious circumcisions, that has been around sinceJudaism and pre christianity times, well before astronomy or telescopes had been invented.

I never applied what I said about circumcision to Islam onl, I said that when it was first impletemented by the 'monotheistic' religions (the first case being Judaism), people didnt know diddly squat about anything, so how exactly did they know all the back in jewish times that circumcision was somehow hygienic and beneficial to health, which by the way it actually completely isnt?

I didn't call you ignorant as an insult, just that you are ignorant of the facts, as in you do not know them.

I never said that Islam invented Circumcision. You cannot know what they knew or didn't know around 4000BCE when Judaism was founded, and that doesn't actually matter, that they believed it so is enough.

Also regarding your statement

Also, back when these religions were founded, people had absolutely zero understanding of infectious disease, and wouldnt have known anything about how to prevent or treat illnesses or anything else other than by bizzare alternative and primitive medicinal beliefs, such as 'having sex standing up will prevent pregnancy'.

You specify monotheistic Religion in the plural, as Islam was not founded until the 7th Century CE so the reference to the Arab Golden Age is relevent.

There is no need to get upset or aggressive, a reasoned debate is preferable to us both, don't you think?
Abusing aerosols is bad m'kay?

Yes it's bad. However...


Israel is fully justified in being 'anti-muslim', since Islam actually wants to blow Israel off the world map.

No, actually some Arab Regimes and Paramilitary groups do, that is not the same thing, The Qur'an actually states that Judaism should be respected and protected as a religion of the book and related to Islam and besides it doesn't justify violence against innocent children or anyone for that matter.

Do you think that it is ok for Jewish Settlers to attack children just because they justify it by stating God promised them Eretz Israel?

Except that I dont preach, or teach any kind of intolerance through the form of organised religion, or though any kind of book such as the Koran.

No, you do it throught the Internet and Forums like this one.
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The Qur'an actually states that Judaism should be respected and protected as a religion of the book and related to Islam and besides it doesn't justify violence against innocent children or anyone for that matter.

No it doesnt, Islam teaches that Judaism and Christianity used to be good religins, but they are not anymore due to the following reasons:

- Judaism didn't accept Jesus as a Prophet
- Chrstianity worships Jesus as a God, which classifies as Shirk, the single worst and most unforgivable sin in Islam.

Then there are plenty of books and mosques that teach Muslim kids that Jews are dirty pigs, and Christians are evil cows or crap like that, such as in my home city of Bradford:

No it doesnt, Islam teaches that Judaism and Christianity used to be good religins, but they are not anymore due to the following reasons:

- Judaism didn't accept Jesus as a Prophet
- Chrstianity worships Jesus as a God, which classifies as Shirk, the single worst and most unforgivable sin in Islam.

Then there are plenty of books and mosques that teach Muslim kids that Jews are dirty pigs, and Christians are evil cows or crap like that, such as in my home city of Bradford:

No it doesn't teach that at all. Some Imam's interpret it as such, that is not the same. The Verses of the Quran, like the Bible can be interpreted in various ways. At different times Muslims have been highly tolerant and accepting of non-muslims and at other they have not. Sharia demands that Jews and Christians be treated with respect and tolerance however. This is no different from Christianity or Judaism, or Hinduism.

We always come bact to this one issue, the Interpretation of the Qur'an is the Issue not the Muslim Faith itself. Most Muslims have no fundalmental or violent thoughts or beliefs aimed at anyone. You are trying to prejudge all muslims by the words and acts of a minority.

An example of this is the terms "Dar-al-Islam" and "Dar al-Harb" which mean the "house of peace" and the "house of war" respectively, most people think that these are tenets of the Islam religion as stated by the Qur'an and the Hadith.

Actually they are not mentioned at all and are in fact inventions of Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328) in response to Mongol invasions into Muslim lands during the 13th and 14th Centuries. He issued an edict to this effect.

Any modern moderate Scholar of Islam will tell you that these beliefs are not applicable to Islam today and it is simply a reflection of a Muslim response to a medieval political crisis.

This is similar to Pope Urban II papal bull regarding the crusades, no modern Christian actually believes that killing a Muslim will guarantee you entrance to heaven, but he issued it regardless.
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Moderate Muslims don't exist. ;)

Actually, yes they do, but its current interperation and meaning is a major sham.

What it really means to me is 'Muslims who dont pysically act on their religious beliefs that all non muslims should be killed', but they still hold these beliefs and views that all non muslims are evil infidel scumbags that deserve to be killed.
No it doesn't teach that at all.

No, you are well and truly completely wrong here. Look up what Shirk is in Islam and maybe then you will understand. The two points I made are exactly how Islam teaches Judaism and Christianity, and also, it completely seems to me that you didnt bother to watch the video I posted proving the irrefutable and blatant truth of this.
No, you are well and truly completely wrong here. Look up what Shirk is in Islam and maybe then you will understand. The two points I made are exactly how Islam teaches Judaism and Christianity, and also, it completely seems to me that you didnt bother to watch the video I posted proving the irrefutable and blatant truth of this.

No I didn't watch any of the videos. I don't need another interpretation of the Qur'an or to be told how to interpret what I have read myself.

That you believe that most muslims believe all that tripe is what is worrying. I have repeatedly said that your comments are fine, you do not need videos I have no real time to watch to make your point. Just give me the names and I can verify their veracity myself.

Shirk in Islam is no different to Heresy in Christianity and should be treated as such.

Anyway it's been fun, if frustrating at times, but it's off the land of Nod for me (see the biblical reference I sneaked in) Goodnight...:D
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No, actually some Arab Regimes and Paramilitary groups do, that is not the same thing, The Qur'an actually states that Judaism should be respected and protected as a religion of the book and related to Islam and besides it doesn't justify violence against innocent children or anyone for that matter.

Do you think that it is ok for Jewish Settlers to attack children just because they justify it by stating God promised them Eretz Israel?

Seeing as i have bhavv the so called expert on islam on ignore...i bet he doesnt even know that it says in the Quran that we can and are allowed to marry people of the Book ie christians and Jews;) fact there no compulsion for them to actually convert although it is recommended that they do.
In fact one of my very close muslim friend has been married to his 'christian' wife for over 10 urs, they have 2 kids that are being raised as muslim. I also know a muslim guy from back when i was growing up in Canada who has married a jewish girl....still married after nearly 15 yrs now.

Gaidin109 said:
No, you do it throught the Internet and Forums like this one.

Nicely said:)

How many circles have you lot been round now then? :p

Geez more circles that all the crop circles in the world put together.

You would think bhavv would have got tired of going over the same old point again and again and again....sounds like a broken record to me.

On a serious note this is probably the largest anti muslim/islam thread i have ever seen on OCUK in the time that ive been a member...thats including before we had the big nuke wayyyyy back in 2002.
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sorry just got back in a while ago so couldnt reply

Are you drunk or something? Seriously you're all over the shop? I've tried to keep things simple and to the point, but I can't keep up with your ramblings? I'll try to clarify things....

You asked where the 'mock the Hindu' thread was. And I stated why there wasn't one... Infact a couple of other people have too.

yet a few posts earlier
Finally how is anything done here in anyway 'attacking millions' of people. The point being made is nothing being done here is any different to what is done to every other important figure or organisation. It's just that they don't throw their toys out of the cot over it.

you are saying nothing being done here is any different to every other important figure or im asking where these threads are since you're using the word here.

i guess your reply will be that you are fighting for freedom of speech once more.
then i will ask how is it any different to hookman sat in his mosque spewing his hate towards the west.

seem to be going around in circles here.....:p
No really, I can mock christianity and hinduism on a daily basis, and christians / hindus dont even get the slightest bit offended, nor go threatening people with death.

Dont you think that non muslims get offended when Islam treates them all as evil kuffar / infidels that deserve death? Well, they do, and their response is to tell people exactly how evil and vile Islam is.

more and more bs from you :p
your posts are pretty laughable tbh ...the lies and crap you come out with so shamelessly shows a serious lack of self respect or some very good humour,
not sure which it is but im hoping its the latter.

Islam is not a person so how it is treating them so can only be the people doing something and looking at Spawn Shakeel and Vita's posts i cant say ive noticed then wishing death upon you.
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