May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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And what exacty are young muslims taught to believe about Jews and Christians? That Jews will be struck by Allahs wrath, and that the Christians are misguided:

Just like in the British mosques where they are taught that Jews are monkeys and Christians are pigs (see video I posted earlier).

Islam surely is tolerant of other faiths, erm ... NNNOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
^^ Why does this stuff always sound so one side and sexist? Surely a devine being wouldn't create/support such an antiquated thing?

Islam is sexist and anti - woman, thats why. Its blatantly obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain that reads the Koran. To deny this is plain idiocity.

The koran teaches that all non muslims should be killed, it is NOT tolerant in any way of other faiths, this is literally written on the wall when you look at the common perception that a lot of Muslims have towards anyone that is non muslim (completely evident on video after video after video of Islamic nutters speaking absolute trash).
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^^ Why does this stuff always sound so one side and sexist? Surely a devine being wouldn't create/support such an antiquated thing?

The Abrahamic religions are inherently sexist. Part of the disadvantages of having a male God it seems. If you look at the various matriarchal religions they are much less sexist and generally much more tolerant.
Well, I actually have read most of the Bible, and I cant even see 5% of anything in there that is as bad towards women as just a few verses are from the Koran.

I don't recall saying "The Bible is just as bad" or "Christianity is just as sexist as Islam" so why on earth did you interpret like that? All I said was that the abrahamic faiths are inherently sexist. And they are. They differ by degree but they are all sexist.
I don't recall saying "The Bible is just as bad" or "Christianity is just as sexist as Islam" so why on earth did you interpret like that? All I said was that the abrahamic faiths are inherently sexist. And they are. They differ by degree but they are all sexist.

ok, that is true, but women in other religions are not treated in any way as badly as women are in Islam today. I Interpreted it as a complete falacy based on how Muslims, Jews, and Christians are today.

In both Christianity and Judaism today, women have full equal rights as men do, unlike in Islam.
more and more bs from you :p
your posts are pretty laughable tbh ...the lies and crap you come out with so shamelessly shows a serious lack of self respect or some very good humour,
not sure which it is but im hoping its the latter.

Islam is not a person so how it is treating them so can only be the people doing something and looking at Spawn Shakeel and Vita's posts i cant say ive noticed then wishing death upon you.

I never said all Muslims, but quite a lot of muslims definately do give out death threats and any other form of abuse over the slightest things, such as cartoons.

I could post some messages I got on facebook from lots of Muslims even within the UK, but they are far too vile and disgusting to be putting on forums.

I dont even tell any lies, the amount of times you accuse me of lying is the most laughable thing in this whole thread. Everything I say has evidence, its not my problem if you choose to ignore it.

I have never said that there arent any good muslims in the world. There are lots of them, but I seriously consider them to be an absolutely tiny fraction based on what I consider to be 'good'.
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Well, I actually have read most of the Bible, and I cant even see 5% of anything in there that is as bad towards women as just a few verses are from the Koran.

I think you have only read the New Testament if you believe that, and it's highly unlikely that you have ever actually read the Qur'an. You really need to get away from this misconception that the fundamental or Facist interpretations of Islam are the norm.

You are confusing Cultural bias and prejudice within some societies with their religion. Not all interpretations of Qur'anic teaching follow the models of the Taliban or groups like them, in most expressly forbid it. Here is something to read rather than the biased stuff you seem to be obsessed with. I do think that your own Hindu background colours your opinion somewhat as well.
I think you have only read the New Testament if you believe that, and it's highly unlikely that you have ever actually read the Qur'an. You really need to get away from this misconception that the fundamental or Facist interpretations of Islam are the norm.

Yes, my free copy I got is only the New Testament and Psalms. Everytime I speak to a christian, they always tell me that they do not use the old testament or consider it relevant anymore.

I never stated I have read the Koran, but I have read plenty of things from it thanks to the net.

Horrible and crappy layout, I wont even read a single line on that website because just looking at it for 2 seconds gave me a migraine.

I'm also not interested in anyway to believing any lies about religions coming from the bias of people who believe in them and are only trying to convert others to their religion.

Islam is an evil and wicked death cult and extremist political movement. It is not a peaceful or good religion.

You are confusing Cultural bias and prejudice within some societies with their religion. Not all interpretations of Qur'anic teaching follow the models of the Taliban or groups like them, in most expressly forbid it.

You obviously do not understand what political Islam or Sharia Law really are. No religion other than Islam has successfully implemented a full political system which also penalises non followers if they break the religious laws set out by the extreme fundamentalist governments.
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Yes, my free copy I got is only the New Testament and Psalms. Everytime I speak to a christian, they always tell me that they do not use the old testament or consider it relevant anymore.

I never stated I have read the Koran, but I have read plenty of things from it thanks to the net.

Anything you read on the Net is going to be biased toward whichever interpretation it ascribes to. From what I have read here, you seem to have gravitated toward some pretty extreme interpretations as well as a lot of anti-Islamic rhetoric.

Do a little research into progressive Islam and the history of Arab culture in general. You will see that the preconceptions of many commentators are false and give a skewed impression of the Qur'an and it's teaching. The same is true of Christianity and the Bible.

Get a full bible and look at Leviticus, Deuteronomy and other passages to see that how you interpret a holy book is subjective.
Horrible and crappy layout, I wont even read a single line on that website because just looking at it for 2 seconds gave me a migraine.

I'm also not interested in anyway to believing any lies about religions coming from the bias of people who believe in them and are only trying to convert others to their religion.

Islam is an evil and wicked death cult and extremist political movement. It is not a peaceful or good religion.

Then I am afraid that you are no better than those you rail against so vehemently. If you refuse to be open-minded on a subject then your opinion is as biased and meaningless as the Taliban and others like them.

It's really sad that you think that. If you will not even countenance reading another point of reference then it is pointless debating any further.

You preach as vehemently and falsely as those you preach against. Your prejudices make you more like them than you realise.

Your final few posts have proven your extreme viewpoint and that you are as narrow-minded and foolhardly as any Jihadi preaching Imam.
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you are as narrow-minded and foolhardly as any Jihadi preaching Imam.

No not really. I do not advocate any kind of violence towards Muslims or anyone else, in fact I am simply opposed to violence and extremism in the name of Islam, which stems from, is supported and taught entirely from the Koran.

It's really sad that you think that.

I really dont think its sad to realise the truth behind Islam and its political movement, rather I think its being aware of the reality of the religion. Its not my fault if you think that Islam is like a stroll through candyland, all full of ice cream, lollypops and sunshine. It genuinely isnt, it never has been, and it never will be.
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No not really. I do not advocate any kind of violence towards Muslims or anyone else, in fact I am simply opposed to violence and extremism in the name of Islam, which stems from, is supported and taught entirely from the Koran.

Your belief and refusal to differentiate between cultural, socio-political and religious causality is indeed what makes you insular and prejudiced. I think that most people are opposed to violence and extremism committed in the name of Islam or any religion, but I, and others like me do not for one minute think that an extreme view of any doctrine is indicative of the entire religion, your belief that it does, is what makes you narrow-minded.

I really dont think its sad to realise the truth behind Islam and its political movement, rather I think its being aware of the reality of the religion. Its not my fault if you think that Islam is like a stroll through candyland, all full of ice cream, lollypops and sunshine. It genuinely isnt, it never has been, and it never will be.

It's ridiculous ill-concieved and prejudicial rhetoric like that, and your refusal to countenance any other viewpoint but your own which proves my point exactly.
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You really need to get away from this misconception that the fundamental or Facist interpretations of Islam are the norm.

Sadly it seems to be the norm when it comes to forming Islamic states. And lets be honest, even non fundamentalist Islam is sexist.

Here is something to read rather than the biased stuff you seem to be obsessed with. I do think that your own Hindu background colours your opinion somewhat as well.

Surely that should read "Here is something to read with the opposite bias? And could not your experiences in the Balkans colour your opinions somewhat?
Sadly it seems to be the norm when it comes to forming Islamic states. And lets be honest, even non fundamentalist Islam is sexist.

I am not saying it is not, but it's not exclusive to Islam, or even religion, even our own Government is accused of sexism in one form or another.

There are plenty, most in fact, of Islamic states that do not conform to Jihadi or even Sharia. Jordan, Turkey, even Pakistan. Only Saudi and Iran have a distinct Sharia law making system.

Surely that should read "Here is something to read with the opposite bias? And could not your experiences in the Balkans colour your opinions somewhat?

Yes to the first question, No to the second. In this case my experiences in the Balkans are countered by others in Africa. It indicates to me that regardless of religion, it is human nature that drives these kind of extreme ideologies not the religions they are based upon.

Like I said, my friend Tariq shared many of those experiences with me especially in the DRC, and he no more blames Christianity for the death of Muslims as I do Muslims for the Extremeism against the West. He in fact probably finds the Jihadi more distasteful than I do.

A lot has been said of modern Muslim extremism, yet at the same time ignore the modern Christian fanaticism in the Balkans and Central Africa, or the Jewish Settler fanaticism in Israel all mainly rooted in tribal, economic and cultural differences rather than religious ones. The common thread here is not Islam, it is People.
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Horrible and crappy layout, I wont even read a single line on that website because just looking at it for 2 seconds gave me a migraine.

I'm also not interested in anyway to believing any lies about religions coming from the bias of people who believe in them and are only trying to convert others to their religion.

Islam is NOT an evil and wicked death cult and extremist political movement. It is QUITE a peaceful or good religion.

But you expect everyone else to read and watch your heavily biased links and videos??....i suppose living in ignorance is pretty safe for you bhavv and the others in here...heaven forbid should you all actually go out and learn something....your heads might explode with all that new found knowledge:p

BTW fixed your last sentence as your blinded by your own need to thank me:).
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