May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Hey guys

As far as i know music is not allowed in islam becuase the majority of music often has lyrics about

Almost naked women just dancing around (in islam this is exploiting women)
drig dealing and the list goes on

But in islam nasheeds are allowed

where the lyics are about peace/bringing people together/god/being a better person etc...
My word, I've not really been following this thread too closely but from this page alone I can see Bhavv is a tool.

You are as bad as these brainwashed extremists yourself. Reading the interpretations of some people and claiming that that and that alone is correct and everybody else who doesn't agree is wrong.

+1...biggest tool in this forum by far.

Mucho roffles at islam banning music...if thats the case then im burning in hell for eternity for listening to rnb, which can be quite provocative and gangsta rap:p.
..if thats the case then im burning in hell for eternity for listening to rnb, which can be quite provocative and gangsta rap:p.
Seemingly no more daft or random than being born into the wrong century, country or family though? All these are decided by the throw of a dice surely, and yet will have immense bearing on you believing in God or not...

As I stated before, I suspect your children are more likely to be religious than mine for example. So my poor children are condemned to hell just through the 'bad luck' of being born into the 'wrong family'?

A system designed by someone who created the entire universe? A system that is designed to be the most important test ever?
How does bhavv explain Nation of Islam members and supporters such as Public Enemy and their ilk. Are they not Muslim?

No they arent muslim because they....listen and create music which according to bhavv is against just lol.

Im beginning to think that bhavv 'the so called OCUK islamic expert' is actually just a rubbish troll.
Seemingly no more daft or random than being born into the wrong century, country or family though? All these are decided by the throw of a dice surely, and yet will have immense bearing on you believing in God or not...

As I stated before, I suspect your children are more likely to be religious than mine for example. So my poor children are condemned to hell just through the 'bad luck' of being born into the 'wrong family'?

A system designed by someone who created the entire universe? A system that is designed to be the most important test ever?

so whats stopping you from becoming muslim apart from yourself ?
where does it say that God would not take your circumstances into consideration?'re starting to sound very bitter & jealous.
so whats stopping you from becoming muslim apart from yourself ?
What else is there? How could I possibly endorse something, or believe in something, I just do not believe in?

Are you suggesting I should do that?

Is that what blind faith is?

where does it say that God would not take your circumstances into consideration?'re starting to sound very bitter & jealous.
It seems many faiths (Islam being one of them) are quite clear about my fate :)

Are you saying according to Islam, I am not destined to Hell because I don't believe any of this cobblers? :)

ps; What's the point of the system? If it's so askew and unfair, then why bother with it? Why not just create everyone straight into heaven (with the bucket of virgins ready and waiting)?
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Seemingly no more daft or random than being born into the wrong century, country or family though? All these are decided by the throw of a dice surely, and yet will have immense bearing on you believing in God or not...

As I stated before, I suspect your children are more likely to be religious than mine for example. So my poor children are condemned to hell just through the 'bad luck' of being born into the 'wrong family'?

A system designed by someone who created the entire universe? A system that is designed to be the most important test ever?

there is nothing stopping you from believing in god apart from yourself

i think its time you dropped the 'oh pooor me im going to burn hell'

if you dont bleieve in god then why do you keep going on about how your going to burn in hell? it shouldnt matter to you but still you keep going on and on and on

you are the only one stopping yourself from believing in god

to me your are very confused. it looks like you do beleive in an afterlife and a god that controls everything but you dont know which faith to follow
yes thats right neil i speak for Islam....even though i dont follow any religion and i havent read the Quran i speak for Islam and all Muslims .

no wait thats your friend bhaav that does that...

as for believing in Islam why are you asking me when its your choice to make, im just pointing out to you that nobody is stopping you from reading the Quran and becoming Muslim.
there is nothing stopping you from believing in god apart from yourself
Do you realise how utterly balmy that statement is?

Are you suggesting I should try and make myself believe? Go and get brain washed maybe? Is that what you prescribe?

to me your are very confused. it looks like you do beleive in an afterlife and a god that controls everything but you dont know which faith to follow

I'm afraid to me it looks like you're confused - Have I not been clearly expressed my thoughts, and logical steps into my conclusion a God does not exist?

You don't address these logical issues, instead suggesting 'nothing to see here' and prescribe 'blind faith' as the best course? And I'm confused?

Now, the reason I keep mentioning a couple of obvious issues, are they are corner stones of many religions, yet at the slightest touch crumble.

I'll address them again, so you can ignore them, and not attempt to address them again :)

Chance of believing
Three times now for example I've mentioned that most likely I suspect your children are more likely to believe in a God than mine. You've not addressed this point, but I suspect being religious is often synonymous with overlooking the obvious :)

If you agree or disagree, there's no denying that where children are born (time, place, culture, family) plays a huge part in if they end up believing in a God. As such, the system seems rather unfair. Born at no.30 Long Street, very likely to believe. But born and no.45 Long Steet, not so likely.

So I bring this point to the table because many religions (Islam for example) seem quite black and white about this matter. Believe=Heaven, Don't believe=Hell.

How do you rationalise God creating system that is so random and/or unfair?

God Hiding
Why is God hiding? What's the point? Why not make it obvious he exists? What purpose does the skull-duggery serve?

Worse still, why pull the best disappearing act ever? There is not the slightest proof God exists, anywhere?

And not only does he hide his tracks, he goes to great lengths to suggest he doesn't exist. Why create the universe so utterly huge, when the only place of concern is a 5km thick band of atmosphere around this one tiny planet?

Utter Human Nonsense
Why would a God who can create a billion billion galaxies, each with billions of stars etc etc... Be the slightest bit interested in nonsense like virgins in heaven when you die. Why would he be the slightest bit interest in sexual desires of mamals? What purpose would frolicking with virgins or the like serve in heaven.

Sounds like typical contrived/invented human nuances. No different to inventing a God in the first place to explain things, and generally make yourself feel better and more important.

Chance of a God
Simply, what's more likely? A bunch of random matter popping out of no where? Or a super being who happens to be super religious and bothered about creating some ultimate testing ground to send people to Hell or Heaven (to collect their gangs of virgins) for no other purpose than to take the (unfair) test?

Feel free to ignore the logical points above, and once again suggest I'm confused :rolleyes:
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What else is there? How could I possibly endorse something, or believe in something, I just do not believe in?

Are you suggesting I should do that?

Is that what blind faith is?

It seems many faiths (Islam being one of them) are quite clear about my fate :)

Are you saying according to Islam, I am not destined to Hell because I don't believe any of this cobblers? :)

ps; What's the point of the system? If it's so askew and unfair, then why bother with it? Why not just create everyone straight into heaven (with the bucket of virgins ready and waiting)?

You don't believe in God.

"Thats OK Neil, God believes in you"

adlibbed from Mother Abigail...;)
I have under the Dome on my EBook, haven't got round to it yet though.

Definitely read the Unabridged version, it is far superior.

OK - Will do!

Last off topic - Try "Just After Sunset". I'd gone off him, until I read that! Wonderful bit of work!
@ niel. this is why i think your wrong. some pople are born into athiest families and they end up beleivng in god and choose a relgion to follow.

some people are born into religous families and they end up not beleiving in god.

if you dont believe in god and thinks its all rubbish then why do you keep on saying
'ohhh poor me im going to hell'

hell shouldnt even cross your mind yet you still keep on going on about it.

to me its sounds like you do beleive in an afterlife and god etc...
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