I agree it is rational and makes sense, but if you look at it from a slightly different perspective however it can be seen to be a Test.
Some Religions, especially the eldest Vedic ones ascribe to Resurrection and Kharma. They believe that each life has it own inherent test of the overall Soul of an individual.
If you take what you said from this perspective then the 'lottery' becomes just one of an infinite number of tests on the way to the Souls eventual ascension into eternal life or Heaven.
For example your lack of Faith could be just another experience or Test neccessary for that next step toward your eventual acceptance into Heaven.
The point of Faith is that you believe regardless of the lack of evidence or logic, that is the true test.
Fair enough, but you've had to pick a specific religion there that counters my seemingly clear/obvious issues with "the system".
I don't think there's any denying that some people have an easier path in finding religion than others, and that some people have an easier path in not committing serious sin than others.... So I'm confused how any of the major/traditional relgions rationalise this 'unfairness'...
Having multiple goes at it, would seem to make more sense... But that certainly doesn't appear to be any more likely? Again, what is the point in these series of tests, when the only difference are the trials put before you, which inheriantly will tailor you character?
ie: If we consider if I'd been born in Hitlers exact shoes, I too would have been just as evil... So what is the point of that test if any/all individuals put in those shoes would do the same.
And if suggest, had you been born in Hitler's exact shoes, and you would
not have acted the same, because you are a better person, then the problem is clearly then why did God decide to give you a better start/mindset than poor old Hitler? Favouritism? Unfairness?
It just seems, which ever way you consider it, and look at it, the test we are suppose to be taking is utterly useless.
Consider an exam where everyone's questions are totally different, and where some people have easier, or less questions in order to pass? Because that's what 'this test' undoubtably seems like...
Seems far more likely that infact this is not a test, and that the fact we see no evidence for a God, is because there simply isn't one... Why try and shoe horn an answer into somewhere where there's no question?