May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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If you're tempted to drive fast... dig up the roads.
Tempted to watch TV? Shut down the TV companies.
Tempted to eat unhealthy food? Destroy McDonalds.
Tempted to look at a woman? kill them all

All make the same level of sense.

fixed :p
Sadly your logic is flawed because the average muslim has felt insulted at this mockery...simple as that and to think that it will improve relations between muslims and non muslims remains to be seen but ill take a wild guess that it probably wont improve want the average muslim now to stand up and condemn terrorist/extremist acts?? but after all this official draw a mohammad day, i think you will find things will have pretty much changed and a lot of muslims probably wont sympathise with you anymore should any bombings etc take place....i mean its great that you all decided to collectively stick a finger up at the extremists/terrorists but at the same time you also stuck a finger up to the average muslim...

Me?? personally i dont really care if someone draws a picture of our prophet....its really no skin off my nose...i find it pathetic and somewhat insulting but ill be damned if i have the time to go out and make death threats to people who drew pics of him....i wouldnt get any work done thats for sure:p
Seems your comprehension skills are what's flawed here.

  1. I didn't say the average Muslim wasn't insulted - they most definitely were. It is a shame and I do sympathise with them. What I meant was that it was inadvertent - the insults were aimed to annoy further the 'death threat Muslims'. Non-Muslims have no reason to insult the average Muslim, but they are insulted because Mohammed is something dear to them, their faith/religion, etc.
  2. I didn't say or hint that 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' should improve relations - I said it's a warning to 'death threat Muslims' that non-Muslims really dislike being forced to follow your religion - you simply can't justify stopping us from drawing whatever we want, because according to our laws, our faiths, our religions or whatever we follow it is NOT FORBIDDEN TO US.
People - well Muslims - are so blinded by religion that they will not even try to understand let alone accept the reason this is all happening. They are blinded by unnecessary RAGE and insecurity.

I could go on but it's really too late to e-argue.
When u attack Black people, they call it racism.When you attack Jewish people, they call it anti-semetism. When you attackwomen, they call it sexism. When you attack homosexuality, they call it intolerance. When you attack your Country, they call it treason. When you attack a religious sect they call it hate. But when they attack the Prophet Mohammed they call it freedom of speech.


That meme is silly IMO, because drawing cartoons is not the same as 'attacking people'. Drawing pictures / cartoons of mohammed is the exact same thing as drawing pictures / cartoons of any other religion, or group of people.

Southpark already did an epidode about N*ggers. Remember by the way, that the * was an A:

(horrible quality, couldnt find a better one).

Family Guy already did a full episode mocking Jews, and took the absolute mick out of the stereotype of them being great at financial issues:

Reply from a Jew:

awsome song!
im jewish and im not offended so stop being so touchy guys! everyone on family guy gets it sometime: blacks, asians, jews, catholics. everyone! stop being douches and cheer up!

^^ I'm still waiting to see Muslim's respond like that to draw mohammed day.

Both Family guy and Southpark have also done many many more cartoons mocking Christianity. One of them here:

None of these were ever considered attacks on black people, jews, or christians, but then when people try the same thing with Islam, it is viewed as an attack.
Sadly your logic is flawed because the average muslim has felt insulted at this mockery...

Right. And Muslims are so 'mocked' over this, when they go about freely doing this:

Now look at that, and tell me that if no Jewish person has ever blown themselves up on a bus or something similar over this, then how come Muslims get to get so extra ordinarilly ****ed off over any slight little thing that makes fun of their imaginary and not actually real religion?

Oh right, Spawn has me ignored, never mind. Everyone else watch it and try to answer for me please.

Also, who wants to guess what percentage of Muslims are like this, as Khan likes to do?

0.000000000001%, or does it look like maybe, just maybe a few more? How do they even get away with it .... Oh wait, thats right, Sharia countries duuuuuh!

According to them, the Koran says that jews are ...... Oh wait, I seriously and definately am not typing that one out :x. Just go to 1:08.

To the Muslims posting in this thread - Deception and denial can be powerful tools when used correctly. Unfortunately, you all seem to fail at them.
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or you could just take the temptation away.

Nah that would be far too easy would be boring without temptation.

But seriously due to the way that we muslims pray, it does involve a lot of bending down etc and having a woman no matter how fat/thin she is...will undoubtedly invoke 'naughty' thoughts so to speak so to save men from that distraction...our prayer rules specifically say that no woman is allowed to pray in front or besides us.....yes i know thats a bit too much for people here to grasp that concept but thats how it is and it works and has done for the past thousand yrs:p.

Anyhow you can **** me surprise that this has been brought up again by no other than the new muslim scholar known as bhavv lol lol.
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Seems your comprehension skills are what's flawed here.

  1. I didn't say the average Muslim wasn't insulted - they most definitely were. It is a shame and I do sympathise with them. What I meant was that it was inadvertent - the insults were aimed to annoy further the 'death threat Muslims'. Non-Muslims have no reason to insult the average Muslim, but they are insulted because Mohammed is something dear to them, their faith/religion, etc.
  2. I didn't say or hint that 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' should improve relations - I said it's a warning to 'death threat Muslims' that non-Muslims really dislike being forced to follow your religion - you simply can't justify stopping us from drawing whatever we want, because according to our laws, our faiths, our religions or whatever we follow it is NOT FORBIDDEN TO US.
People - well Muslims - are so blinded by religion that they will not even try to understand let alone accept the reason this is all happening. They are blinded by unnecessary RAGE and insecurity.

I could go on but it's really too late to e-argue.

You could and i could but your entitled to your opinion as much as i am entitled to seems we will just have to agree to disagree.
an the new muslim scholar known as bhavv lol lol.
Sadly i cant see the **** hes posting, well i can but i choose not to but i can pretty much guess what hes harping on about yet again lol.

And I really wonder how anyone else here can take this muppet seriously :rolleyes:.
None of these were ever considered attacks on black people, jews, or christians, but then when people try the same thing with Islam, it is viewed as an attack.

Classic victims, Islam is always the victim. In the same way that Islam is always defending itself against aggressors rather than BEING the aggressor, yet look at the religious conflicts around the world, the common denominator is Islam. Correct me if I'm wrong Mo-fanboys but I can't think of any without Islam being involved?
It's an awful, bigoted, oppressive, insidious religion that is not welcomed by me in my country.
In the same way that Islam is always defending itself against aggressors rather than BEING the aggressor.

Islam just chats bull, and feeds bull to its followers from a young age, hence a lot of Muslims end up with heads full of bull.

Just like in the last video I posted, it is just sad, particularly when you hear the little kids with their angry preaching against Jews :(.
But seriously due to the way that we muslims pray, it does involve a lot of bending down etc and having a woman no matter how fat/thin she is...will undoubtedly invoke 'naughty' thoughts so to speak so to save men from that distraction...

And I wonder what they think about the possibility of gay muslims praying behind them ....
@ any of the posters in this thread who have religious beliefs. Geniune question. Do you ever consider that what you believe in/practice might be incorrect?

I was brought up (given my location :rolleyes:) a Protestant Christian, but as i matured i found that i could never believe the things i was taught in Sunday School/Church. The introduction to a supreme being as described in the Bible just dosen't work for me, it seems written for and by humans.
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@ any of the posters in this thread who have religious beliefs. Geniune question. Do you ever consider that what you believe in/practice might be incorrect?

In Sharia Islam, they stone away your life for thinking that :rolleyes:.

There's no such thing as a gay Muslim is there? :rolleyes:

Of course not, they've all been stoned to death or transformed into women :rolleyes:.
@ any of the posters in this thread who have religious beliefs. Geniune question. Do you ever consider that what you believe in/practice might be incorrect?

I was brought up (given my location:rolleyes:) a Protestant Christian, but as i matured i found that i could never believe the things i was tought in Sunday School/Church. The introduction to a supreme being as described in the Bible just dosen't work for me, it seems written for and by humans.

well if we dont understand anything then we just go to a scholer and get it explained. Why dont you try the quran? (actually buy the book dont use the net)
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