May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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No of course there isnt...i mean its a bit silly to consider yourself muslim when it quite clearly states that Islam strictly forbids homosexuality....tell me does christianity still permits homosexuality??...i mean if a person is born christian then decides they want to indulge in homosexuality...are they still considered christian??...serious question as i dont know myself

Has anyone seen a more clueless post in their lives?

Muslims think being gay is a life style choice. :D
LOL seriously dude dont bother engaging the both of them in a discussion, you wont get anywhere...they seem to know it all about islam ie bhavv the muslim scholar who knows literally everything there is to know about islam and feels that he must educate muslims on what islam truly means lol...seriously leave them be and ignore them.

ive picked up on bhavv :P he must really hate islam :P
No of course there isnt...i mean its a bit silly to consider yourself muslim when it quite clearly states that Islam strictly forbids homosexuality....tell me does christianity still permits homosexuality??...i mean if a person is born christian then decides they want to indulge in homosexuality...are they still considered christian??...serious question as i dont know myself

Yes, you can be gay and Christian (COE). But so what?
You seem to be under the misunderstanding that I am fighting in Christianity's corner here.:confused: I only know this because I live in a Christian (COE) country so I think it is my business to understand my country.
You obviously don't have the same alliegances as me.
Maybe you should understand YOUR country as much as your minority religion too.
there was 3 gay guys and a girl in my university class. they said a good number of gays see it as a lifestyle choice

They lied to you, or you lied.

Comeon now, you expect me to believe that you, a Muslim, actually had a conversion with people that you knew were gay?

Yes, you can be gay and Christian (COE). But so what?
You seem to be under the misunderstanding that I am fighting in Christianity's corner here.:confused: I only know this because I live in a Christian (COE) country so I think it is my business to understand my country.
You obviously don't have the same alliegances as me.

you guys really screwed up your relgion with all these innovations
Yes, you can be gay and Christian (COE). But so what?
You seem to be under the misunderstanding that I am fighting in Christianity's corner here.:confused: I only know this because I live in a Christian (COE) country so I think it is my business to understand my country.
You obviously don't have the same alliegances as me.
Maybe you should understand YOUR country as much as your minority religion too.

its my country too.
Jewish terrorists:

Hindhu terrorists:

Christian terrorists:

Sikh terrorists:

Yep Youtube is full of these types of videos...whether it be muslim or any other religion.

Those arent terrorists, just normal homocidal maniacs.

I dont see anyone strapping bombs to themselves and then going *KABLOOM, SPLATTER, DEAD*.
They lied to you, or you lied.

Comeon now, you expect me to believe that you, a Muslim, actually had a conversion with people that you knew were gay?


choose what you want to believe. the problem with you is you have already made up your mind.

so what ifi had a conversation with a gay person. if i told you i have chrisitan, jewish and hindu friends youll be calling me a liar too
if you already have that hate of islam you then how can you know what islam is about?

Believing in an imaginary sky daddy who lives in the clouds, and Killing all the kuffar?

Oh yep, thats what its all about.

Tell me, whats the penalty for leaving Islam in the Koran?
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Believing in an imaginary sky daddy who lives in the clouds, and Killing all the kuffar?

Oh yep, thats what its all about.

Tell me, whats the penalty for leaving Islam in the Koran?

youve never read the quran so how can you know. and please dont say you read it online
youve never read the quran so how can you know. and please dont say you read it online

From asking Muslims, and hearing it from their Mouths.

Just like I just asked you, whats the penalty for leaving Islam in the Koran? (and also under Sharia Law?).

After seeing this first one of a guy DEFENDING himself against agression I can't even be bothered to look at the others as they are probably of the same value.
FFS, the guy is backing up away from these guys!

Muslim victims AGAIN.

Seriously, LOL!!!!

He was defending himself from physical provocation, you know, like the police would do to you if you started pushing and hitting a cop?

Fortunately, cops use tasers now, unfortunately, that guy didnt have a taser, but a gun.


Reminds me of the story where some Australian guy on a bus or train was being molested by a Muslim guy for 'looking at his sister'. The Australian did his best to ignore him, despite all the anger and threats, then the Muslim pulled out a fake gun.

In the heat of the moment, after all that provocation, the Australian thought 'Oh ****! He's actually gonna shoot me', jumped out of his seat and punched the guy dead.

Australian courts cleared him as it was done in self defense, the Muslims rages and thought they were the victims!
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