May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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There's no such thing as a gay Muslim is there? :rolleyes:

Elton John performance in Morocco raises outcry

Islamists in the North African kingdom were outraged by the gay pop star's visit, while the royal palace, government and his many fans backed his appearance Wednesday night.

Rocket Man is one of the best songs ever written. Good on the royal palace, government and his fans for standing up against the extremist insects that plague the planet. :)
fail. in islam we can question how much we like. if we dont understand then we just get it explained by a scholer

I were thinking more along the lines of fully denouncing Islam, and no longer believing in Allah, Muhammad, or anything else, I just hinted at it rather subtly.

Oh yea, and Scholars never lie, do they???
[TW]Fox;16637942 said:
Perhaps thats the problem. Very few things that were done 1000 years ago are still appropriate today?

Possibly....who really knows....i dont have an issue with the rules islam has set out when it comes to women and men praying.
your failing on so many levels its getting pathetic and boring.

i can type into youtube chrisitan/jew/hindu/sikh terrorist/exremeist as well

Yes you can, but I dont think you will find anyone from any other faith that actually does, or attempts to, *blow themselves up*.
who is invading countires? who is going after korea? who cant wait to attack iran?

Who cannot wait to wipe Israel off the world map?

and sink down to your level

Oh, you mean posting actual evidence to support whatever claims you make?

Right, I'll just take it that you were lying then. Liar, liar, somethings on fire, like a telephone wire!

See, I can act like a Muslim too =D
No lies, delusion or violence in this religion then eh?

Nope mr know it all...your quite right arent you??

There's no such thing as a gay Muslim is there? :rolleyes:

No of course there isnt...i mean its a bit silly to consider yourself muslim when it quite clearly states that Islam strictly forbids homosexuality....tell me does christianity still permits homosexuality??...i mean if a person is born christian then decides they want to indulge in homosexuality...are they still considered christian??...serious question as i dont know myself

@ any of the posters in this thread who have religious beliefs. Geniune question. Do you ever consider that what you believe in/practice might be incorrect?

I was brought up (given my location:rolleyes:) a Protestant Christian, but as i matured i found that i could never believe the things i was taught in Sunday School/Church. The introduction to a supreme being as described in the Bible just dosen't work for me, it seems written for and by humans.

Of course i question a lot of the things written in the Quran then i go and find out why it says these things...if i cant get a good enough answer from my research then i ask a muslim elder ie imam or scholar.

Nowhere does it say we cannot or are not allowed to question fact quite the opposite, says we should seek futher information to enlighten ourselves.
the fact that people are still converting islam while we are getting a bad image from extremeists and the media must really irratate you...

The fact that more people leave Islam than any other religion after realising how horrible it actually is must really irritate you.
and sink down to your level

LOL seriously dude dont bother engaging the both of them in a discussion, you wont get anywhere...they seem to know it all about islam ie bhavv the muslim scholar who knows literally everything there is to know about islam and feels that he must educate muslims on what islam truly means lol...seriously leave them be and ignore them.
No of course there isnt...i mean its a bit silly to consider yourself muslim when it quite clearly states that Islam strictly forbids homosexuality....tell me does christianity still permits homosexuality??...i mean if a person is born christian then decides they want to indulge in homosexuality...are they still considered christian??...serious question as i dont know myself

Someone give him these two links since he has me ignored lol.

Also, dont forget to mention all those modern Muslims who love drinking beer!
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