So having an interesting time with my local main dealer. Our V Class handbrake decided to throw a wobbly and lock up, red warning on the dash etc. It said to look in the manual for a manual override procedure. I followed that, released it and thought that was the end of it. Unfortunately next time I stopped the car it locked up again and wouldn't release. Had it recovered to my own mechanic who diagnosed the actuator as being faulty. He can't code a new one to the car, so off to the main dealer it went. After a week of waiting for them to look at the car, they phone me up and say that it is indeed the actuator that's dead. But, the rear discs and pads are 'overheated' and so need to be replaced - total price for the whole job, £1700. I asked if they'd just do the actuator and leave the discs and pads and they refused point blank - it's either do the whole job, or nothing. Given I need the car fixed ASAP I had little choice but to give them the nod. But, I know the discs and pads are fine - my mechanic had already had the car and checked them over prior to it being sent to the main dealer. So I know I'm being torn a new one, and I'm not best pleased about it. I've asked for the old discs and pads to be left in the car, it'll be interesting to see what condition they're in, or if they'll 'go missing'. Place your bets!