Yeah but certain feminists believe sexbots are demeaning to women you dirty mysoginist (vibrators are fine though obviously).Sooner we get sex robots, the better!
Yeah but certain feminists believe sexbots are demeaning to women you dirty mysoginist (vibrators are fine though obviously).Sooner we get sex robots, the better!
I wouldn't fault you for feeling that it has been co-opted recently enough for you to feel that way. We all perceive reality through our own minds and we can't really do anything else outside of things that can be covered by science. Not always even then, really, since there are things that can be proven to be true that people find difficult to truly reconcile with their own perception, their own feelings about how the universe is. Some things that even experts in the field, people who really understand the subject, find weird.
For more subjective things, like political ideologies, it's a far stronger thing. So it can easily feel right, even when framed in terms of logic:
Premise: My views have not changed.
Premise: I used to support X and now I don't.
Conclusion: X has changed.
That's far more comfortable than thinking "I was misled and wrong about X for years". That one took me a while to acknowledge, even after I'd seen the evidence.
You can look back 100 years or more and find people in the same situation as the people you mentioned, saying the same thing about feminism being changed. Sometimes in detail. For example, the book "Feminism Divided", which was written in the 1920s, refers to the "old feminism" that was about equality and the "new feminism" that was about women only and not about equality and which was/had taken over and changed feminism. The author was making the same mistake the people you mention are making and which many people have made and continue to make. Her "old feminism" never existed. It was a construct in her own mind, a misunderstanding about what feminism is. It was her being misled and wrong. Her "new feminism" was what feminism always had been - what was new was that she had realised it existed. She still thought her fictional "old feminism" existed, though.
You can see the same thing over and over again throughout the years. I've spoken with a fair few self-identified feminists, generally older, who look at feminism and think "that's not how it's supposed to be, that's not how it was". But it is how it was supposed to be and it is how it was. It's not feminism that's changed. Not in that way.
The liberalism thing is depressing. I like what liberalism used to be and now it's ruined. I like the concepts of tolerance, freedom, equality of treatment, acceptance of diversity...and there's another word that has been infected and corrupted by this pernicious ideology. It used to mean accepting, even welcoming, differences. Now it means a belief in biological group identity (i.e. "they're all the same", the mantra of bigots and the opposite of accepting differences), preferential treatment for "right" group identities and enforced sameness of word and deed and, to the greatest extent possible, thought. This feminist, "liberal", "diverse" ideology functions in the same way as a virus - infecting a cell and corrupting it into a factory to produce more of the virus while using it to hide from the host's immune system by presenting a facade of being the very thing it's destroying.
I'm what used to be called liberal. I'm also quite socialist. I'm quite extreme when it comes to equality of treatment, especially regarding sexism. I would, for example, desgregate everywhere. Toilets, changing rooms, absolutely everywhere. I'd also like to see the whole idea of gender thrown in the bin because it creates and supports sexism. Not binning sex (that's real) but binning gender (that's mostly wholly fake and the remaining parts are trends that should never be applied to anyone). I'm also pretty extreme regarding racial equality - I think that race doesn't exist at all, that it's a completely fake idea that no-one should believe in because it's simply not a real thing. I think that the traditional view of human sexual orientation as two discrete groups (homosexual and heterosexual) is objectively wrong too - it's actually a spectrum, so the division into discrete groups is false. Unsurprisingly, I think that it's not a sound basis on which to base law, social custom or anything else.
I'm finding it bizarre that I now find more common ground with the political right than with the political left. There's more of the above on the right than on the left now. That's weird.
The man Amanda had accused of rape, who was not an MP, strongly denied the allegation and the case was later dropped after a review of the evidence
The allegation was mentioned but was not the focus of the discussion, as the incident had not taken place on the Parliamentary Estate, and the activist had not been employed on the estate.
"There was no question of formally 'referring' the allegations to other House authorities as there was already a criminal case under way
I was reading this story this morning, and was quite shocked initially thinking that maybe there's a sub-culture here that actively encourages sexual assaults by enabling them.
Tory rape claims ignored by commons
EDIT - She did actually report it to the Police. Difficult one for them to prove I suppose.
Difficult one for them to prove I suppose.
The average feminist still wants equality, the average liberal still wants equality. The average twitter screamer probably doesn't, but then they're usually overly opinionated people wanting exposure.
Problem is they (in reality) want equality of outcome (just look at the constant lies perpetuated (by 'mainstream' feminism) to support the concept of there being a 'pay gap' somewhere around 20‰ where the expressed claim is that women, in aggregate, get paid this amount less then men because they are women not because of choices made)
So no I'm not fine with the 'majority' of modern feminists. Feminism was fine when it campaigned for equal rights and when it could point to actual identifiable incidents of discrimination. Today however it mainly occupies itself blaming women's choices on men/ the patriarchy, creating moral panics about the prevalence and severity of sexual assault in the West (like we are are seeing now) and moaning that there's not as many prominent women from the past as men to turn into statues or put on currency etc
I'm all behind reducing or seeking to eliminate inequity but inequality is the natural state of humans who are inherently not equal and attempts at forcibly seeking to redress inequality via means such as quotas or Marxist style redistribution of wealth and or control are in my view always detined to end up with a wholelot more inequity, mediocracy and failure
Apparently, according to one of the women at work today, offering to buy a woman a drink in a bar is now sexist.
Who is “they”? And who would you consider mainstream feminists?
Unfortunately, as I previously mentioned, most so called feminists you actually hear about today are the ones with extreme/newsworthy viewpoints.
Apparently, according to one of the women at work today, offering to buy a woman a drink in a bar is now sexist. And any bloke who does so should be reported to the police because they might be trying to get her drunk to take advantage. These deluded harridans are getting worse by the ******* minute.
Thankfully the majority of other girls in the place thought she was bat **** insane.
Out of interest, what is her appearance?
Late 20s, brunette and very attractive (a solid 7/10). Crazy eyes though, looks like she's sucked the soul out of a mad cat lady.
I have to ask if your actually serious? No really are you?
When the gender pay gap nonsense is parroted by people like the current prime minister of the UK and a very recent two term US president? How much more mainstream does it have to be? It's not the 'extremes' at all its a crucial tenet of modern feminism.....
Theresea May
"If you’re a woman, you will earn less than a man."
Barack Obama
But then to be honest you set out your stall when you called Trump an 'extremist' you may not like his politics but what he says is rather mainstream and he was elected by the majority of electoral college seats on the basis of it against 'more of the same but a bit slimier' Hillary
So, is that quote correct?
Have you taken it out of context? Probably.