#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

26 Dec 2003
We must believe all 'victims', just switch your brains off and believe them despite a lack of any evidence.

'I was angry and I sent it': Left wing activist to be investigated by the FBI after she admitted she MADE UP rape claims against Kavanaugh because she 'wanted attention'

Oh wait... what, people can lie? when did that become possible?
6 Mar 2007
SW London
We must believe all 'victims', just switch your brains off and believe them despite a lack of any evidence.

'I was angry and I sent it': Left wing activist to be investigated by the FBI after she admitted she MADE UP rape claims against Kavanaugh because she 'wanted attention'

Oh wait... what, people can lie? when did that become possible?
Women who lie about rape should get the same punishment that the man would have if they were found guilty.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I don't understand the outrage that comes out when someone isn't found guilty and isn't punished. Thats how a justice system works. Its not perfect but you cannot penalise people without proper proof and proper process. Its ****** depressing that all you need to have your entire life ruined is for someone to accuse you of sexual harassment. Doesn't matter if your version of sexual harassment is someone coming onto you a bit strong or apparently using their position of power to get you to do something you have no desire to do. It seems that as long as you decide they weren't a perfect human male then its harassment.

I'm sure at some point some of the men who suffer through unproven or fake claims will start taking companies or individuals to the cleaners and it will calm down.
30 Jul 2013
We must believe all 'victims', just switch your brains off and believe them despite a lack of any evidence.

'I was angry and I sent it': Left wing activist to be investigated by the FBI after she admitted she MADE UP rape claims against Kavanaugh because she 'wanted attention'

Oh wait... what, people can lie? when did that become possible?

To be honest, that sounds like she just claimed to be a woman who sent the anonymous letter.

The actual person who did send it never came forward, so the claim (on the letter) hasn't been disproven.
22 Nov 2006
They need to prove accusations, not disprove them.

A lot of them will be total fantasy. Especially where famous people are involved.
29 Jan 2008
"Me too!"

Good example, there would have been police officers at the side of the pitch who'd have likely witnessed that sexual assault and did nothing. Different culture back then, I suspect these days he might have a chance of facing charges though it is still going to be seen rather differently to say having groped a woman in an aggressive manner.
17 Feb 2006
Tangentially related and doesn't warrant its own so here goes...

Have Nat Geo on in the background as I'm working from home. It's 15:30 in the afternoon.

From nowhere, an ad for breast enlargement. Various models in suggestive clothing using exercise equipment and showing off their... erm... augmentations.

Holy crap - can you imagine the outrage if it was penis enlargement? "Get this filth off the TV!" - Mumsnet.

But now it's OK to show ads for breast enlargement during the afternoon?
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Tangentially related and doesn't warrant its own so here goes...

Have Nat Geo on in the background as I'm working from home. It's 15:30 in the afternoon.

From nowhere, an ad for breast enlargement. Various models in suggestive clothing using exercise equipment and showing off their... erm... augmentations.

Holy crap - can you imagine the outrage if it was penis enlargement? "Get this filth off the TV!" - Mumsnet.

But now it's OK to show ads for breast enlargement during the afternoon?

To be fair, I think equally explicit ads for genital cosmetic surgery for women would be equally frowned upon for afternoon TV.
17 Feb 2006
To be fair, I think equally explicit ads for genital cosmetic surgery for women would be equally frowned upon for afternoon TV.
Regardless, do you not find the two cases to be similar?

Whatever assumption you could make about the motivations for having penis enlargement surgery, you might reasonable apply the same assumptions about the reasoning behind a woman's decision to have breast enlargement.

And I would say that a woman's breasts are about as sexual as her hoo-ho-dilly, or a bloke's cha-cha. </southpark>
1 Mar 2010
could you legitimately expand the remit of #metoo to include the psychological and physical damage (enlargement/plastic/dieting) to women, caused by other womens social media exposure of 'aspirational' body images, so, self-inflicted
... I'm not sure Zuck can be held responsible either, as the messenger, and, the damage arguably similar> to sexual related 'agression'

Ad description
A TV ad and a video-on-demand (VOD) ad for breast enlargement surgery at MYA Cosmetic Surgery:

a. The TV ad, seen in May, June and July 2018, featured a voice-over which stated, "If you've been considering breast enlargements for a while, then visit mya.co.uk to book your free consultation". The ad showed young women posing, dancing and laughing around a swimming pool, on the beach and on a boat. The voice-over continued, "These girls had breast enlargements with MYA and all feel amazing".

b. The same ad appeared on the ITV Player on 4 July 2018.

Seventeen complainants, including the Mental Health Foundation, who felt the ad exploited young women's insecurities about their bodies, trivialised breast enhancement surgery and portrayed it as aspirational, challenged whether the ad was irresponsible and harmful.

presumably there were no cosmetic surgery discusssions in the broadcast itself, that might have supported this
why does the broadcaster of the advert not get fined ?

Once again social media / FB is equally/more guilty of propagating these kinds of stupid messages.

... Mr Adams. - the interconnectdness of things ?
17 Feb 2006
lol it was the MYA advert I just saw today on Nat Geo. It's not new then, obviously :p

e: Interesting that they are still able to air it on Sky/Nat Geo, even after the ASA upheld a complaint against it.
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Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
As an example of how it’s possible to drop yourself right “in it” without realising it, and with your eyes wide open, I went for a routine dental check-up yesterday.
The dentist, an attractive thirty something young woman, who I’d never met before, said she needed to check some things before examining my teeth.
She asked if I was on blood pressure meds, blood thinner meds, was I diabetic, had I had a heart attack, or stroke in the past, etc. etc., did I drink alcohol, how many units........
Finally, she asked if I smoked, I told her no, and she asked if I had ever smoked.
At this point I saw the opportunity to lighten the mood, so I said, “No, I only ever got into booze and women, two out of three ain’t bad!”
She said, “I’ll let that go, as I think that you’re being humorous, but you should choose your words carefully when speaking to women.”
Ouch! Do I need to turn myself in, for re-education?
26 Dec 2003
I'd delete the evidence of your confession before the police come knocking, she probably went straight to Twitter to #metoo about what you said and may have took a sneaky photo. Thankfully you don't live in China where your social credit score would have gone down leading to curtailed freedoms, as far as freedoms go in China (Freedom to do what the government say you can do without punishment).
2 Jan 2005
As an example of how it’s possible to drop yourself right “in it” without realising it, and with your eyes wide open, I went for a routine dental check-up yesterday.
The dentist, an attractive thirty something young woman, who I’d never met before, said she needed to check some things before examining my teeth.
She asked if I was on blood pressure meds, blood thinner meds, was I diabetic, had I had a heart attack, or stroke in the past, etc. etc., did I drink alcohol, how many units........
Finally, she asked if I smoked, I told her no, and she asked if I had ever smoked.
At this point I saw the opportunity to lighten the mood, so I said, “No, I only ever got into booze and women, two out of three ain’t bad!”
She said, “I’ll let that go, as I think that you’re being humorous, but you should choose your words carefully when speaking to women.”
Ouch! Do I need to turn myself in, for re-education?

she sounds like a barrel of laughs
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
As an example of how it’s possible to drop yourself right “in it” without realising it, and with your eyes wide open, I went for a routine dental check-up yesterday.
The dentist, an attractive thirty something young woman, who I’d never met before, said she needed to check some things before examining my teeth.
She asked if I was on blood pressure meds, blood thinner meds, was I diabetic, had I had a heart attack, or stroke in the past, etc. etc., did I drink alcohol, how many units........
Finally, she asked if I smoked, I told her no, and she asked if I had ever smoked.
At this point I saw the opportunity to lighten the mood, so I said, “No, I only ever got into booze and women, two out of three ain’t bad!”
She said, “I’ll let that go, as I think that you’re being humorous, but you should choose your words carefully when speaking to women.”
Ouch! Do I need to turn myself in, for re-education?

It's the same problem as with the TV presenter - a man speaking to a woman as an equal, not acknowledging her superior social and legal status. A serf should choose their words carefully when speaking to a noble.
10 May 2012
As an example of how it’s possible to drop yourself right “in it” without realising it, and with your eyes wide open, I went for a routine dental check-up yesterday.
The dentist, an attractive thirty something young woman, who I’d never met before, said she needed to check some things before examining my teeth.
She asked if I was on blood pressure meds, blood thinner meds, was I diabetic, had I had a heart attack, or stroke in the past, etc. etc., did I drink alcohol, how many units........
Finally, she asked if I smoked, I told her no, and she asked if I had ever smoked.
At this point I saw the opportunity to lighten the mood, so I said, “No, I only ever got into booze and women, two out of three ain’t bad!”
She said, “I’ll let that go, as I think that you’re being humorous, but you should choose your words carefully when speaking to women.”
Ouch! Do I need to turn myself in, for re-education?

You should've just got up and left
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