#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

Latest #MeToo victim - Dean Martin's Christmas song "Baby it's cold outside":

Rather unusually, the report you quoted did get one part right (although they failed to understand what it meant).

Critics say that the 1944 song sees a woman being pressured to stay at a man’s home, despite her own suggestions that she should leave.

The key word is "should", because the song was written in a time and place in which it was widely considered unacceptable for a woman of good reputation to spend the night alone with a man who was not a close relative. She never says she wants to leave, because she doesn't. The format of the song is her singing about other people wanting her to leave, about how they are applying pressure on her to leave, about what they will think and say and him singing in reply about excuses she could give them to explain how her staying absolutely wasn't sexual (it was cold outside, there weren't any cabs, etc) and how she could place the responsibility on him (e.g. he was worried about her safety walking home at night). The song ends with her deciding to do what she wants to do, i.e. stay the night with him, and them singing in harmony.

She's not being pressured to stay - she's being pressured to leave. In their eagerness to find something, anything that they can fit into their tiny little warped view of the world, those critics have managed to completely reverse the meaning of the song. I'd bet dollars to donuts that most if not all of them have never heard it or read the lyrics or have any understanding of the cultural context of the song.
Looks like Gordon Ramsey may be the next target for the mentally ill virtue signallers because 10 years ago he had a bit of blokey banter on the Jay Leno show with some American actress, Sofia Viagra.
Looks like Gordon Ramsey may be the next target for the mentally ill virtue signallers because 10 years ago he had a bit of blokey banter on the Jay Leno show with some American actress, Sofia Viagra.

I'm not saying this is right or wrong but listening to so many women talking about this stuff face to face or conversations in an area, twitch, youtube, forums, you name it... On one hand they're saying they want respect, then another they're doing this for attention, then another if you defend them you're classed as white knighting, then if you don't defend them you're a misogynist or a creep. Now I'm not saying this applies to all women but it feels like everything that is happening is conditional, exploitative, manipulative and those craving for power and money. Or for the very brash outspoken women and at times that it always seems to kick up when their career is dwindling from these celebrities, as well as feeling it's all about what is fashionably trending. Most follows the bandwagon.

It was true what William Shatner said. https://www.indiewire.com/2018/12/w...sterical-changed-fan-interactions-1202029518/
It can only be a very good thing if Neanderthals like G Ramsey, A Sugar and J Clarkson are targeted for their medieval behaviour - oxygen is wasted on them.
It can only be a very good thing if Neanderthals like G Ramsey, A Sugar and J Clarkson are targeted for their medieval behaviour - oxygen is wasted on them.
total waste of space, other than all the entertainment they give us.. and jobs they create... and tax they pay... yer those people are complete garbage imagine if everyone in the world was like them, creating entertainment and jobs and opportunity and being the best they can... working hard... what would the world be like...
Yeah, just imagine.

The UK would be a much better, more tolerant, politer society - absolutely AWFUL!

Maybe the OcUK forums should start there. One could say to a degree compared to 10 years ago that it's a somewhat toxic place. Not as bad as others as every forum has its good and bad members but OcUK sure has a lot of its bitter members that are extremely vocal.
It was true what William Shatner said

I agree.

I was reading an article recently about the furore over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the dance video, and almost immediately I was struck by how beautiful she is. Others may disagree, but as soon as I saw the accompanying pictures/video to that article, it was the first time I've ever seen her and just... wow.

Soon I was wondering, should I really be viewing her in this way? Is this appropriate? So, serious question here: as Shatner has said, where is the line? Physical attraction is a thing, surely?

Asking a man to stop getting a boner is like asking a woman not to get a damp on when they experience physical attraction to a man, and contrary to what these hysterical nutters would have you believe, there are women out there who experience sexual attraction to the opposite sex... without asking permission. Or feeling guilty about it.

We are biologically evolved to be like this, but at the same time socially evolving not to be like this.
Yes, but if that lady worked in my office and she was single, and stretching the point almost to farcical... If I considered myself in her league... How would I commence the process. What is acceptable?

You whip your dong out and urinate all over the walls to mark your territory and show you are the alpha in the office.
You whip your dong out and urinate all over the walls to mark your territory and show you are the alpha in the office.

No no no, that can only happen with the lights out. That's the last thing I want her to see. :eek:

P.s. I'm glad I'm we'll past the dating game now; there's nothing that these present day nutters would consider acceptable in terms of making the first move.
I'm not saying this is right or wrong but listening to so many women talking about this stuff face to face or conversations in an area, twitch, youtube, forums, you name it... On one hand they're saying they want respect, then another they're doing this for attention, then another if you defend them you're classed as white knighting, then if you don't defend them you're a misogynist or a creep. Now I'm not saying this applies to all women but it feels like everything that is happening is conditional, exploitative, manipulative and those craving for power and money. Or for the very brash outspoken women and at times that it always seems to kick up when their career is dwindling from these celebrities, as well as feeling it's all about what is fashionably trending. Most follows the bandwagon.

It was true what William Shatner said. https://www.indiewire.com/2018/12/w...sterical-changed-fan-interactions-1202029518/

I was round at my mates the other night and his girlfriend was watching the Victoria Secret "fashion show" . Now those girls were clearly begging to be respected... And they weren't at all flaunting their attractiveness ... Oh wait!
Looks like Gordon Ramsey may be the next target for the mentally ill virtue signallers because 10 years ago he had a bit of blokey banter on the Jay Leno show with some American actress, Sofia Viagra.

LOL, it was a bit cringeworthy in places but the SJW on twitter has selectively edited bits of it, watching the full video in much of it she seems to be playing along - I dunno maybe she'll make a public statement, I could see how she might state that slapping her on the thigh was a step too far or something but I think most of it was just playful.

I was reading an article recently about the furore over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the dance video, and almost immediately I was struck by how beautiful she is. Others may disagree, but as soon as I saw the accompanying pictures/video to that article, it was the first time I've ever seen her and just... wow.

Yeah she is quite attractive, though in that video she was a young college student at the time too - tight t-shirt, firm boobs etc... not too surprising she looked good there!
Had to call out one of my female friends on Facebook for posting the following yesterday:


The way the article is written is pretty much tarring all/most men with the same brush, yet when I pointed that out, and that it was yet another "men are bad" article written by a woman, she wouldn't have it. Maybe the men women are choosing to go on dates are narcissists, selfish or just not very interesting? Maybe the women surveyed are going for the wrong type of men? I've been on more than a few dates with females where I've been stonewalled with Yes/No answers to questions when I've been trying to make conversation...
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