#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

Yeah I don't get that.

Men's Wimbledon final is best of 5 sets
Women's Wimbledon final is best of 3 sets

I thought we were all about equal pay? Equal pay meaning being paid the same for the same work?

Not to derail the thread too much, but I kind of agree, but also don't.

Some of the men play multi-day 5 set marathons, then do it again a few days later. There's too many permeations to equate pay related to time on court.

Problem is, it's called tennis, but the female game is different (same as with football in a way) and it's down to the physical disparity. It doesn't make either better or worse btw, many times the ladies can be far more entertaining! Tennis is a weird one in that I think it's good the prize money is equal, they play at the same sites concurrently and also play mixed doubles - also an argument that short sets make for a more intense and risky battles with less window for error/recovery.
Individual sponsorship/advertising deals of female players probably nearer to same level as men (unlike football) so perhaps that contributed to tennis prize money..
I mean my folks have two tempur matresses now, wouldn't buy one of Mo's toothbrushes though.
Not to derail the thread too much, but I kind of agree, but also don't.

Some of the men play multi-day 5 set marathons, then do it again a few days later. There's too many permeations to equate pay related to time on court.

I understand where you're coming from but I'm not relating it to actual time on the court but expected/possible time on the court.

Regardless of what happens, permutation wise, the longest female game will never be longer than the shortest male game.

If they want it to be equal pay (prize money) then the potential workload should be equal i.e. best of 3 for both or best of 5 for both.

You shouldnt be rewarded the same as someone else when the potential for workload is not likely to be the same.

You should be rewarded for completing the workload in a quicker time e.g. win 3 straight sets for the men's game.

The media are quick to report when equal pay is negatively affecting women.. You don't have the male models all striking or having big media outlet reports about how they are earning between ½ to ⅓ of female models...
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So a Spanish TV reporter gets her arse touched on live TV by some idiot, she seems to deal with it how most women do by being passive but the guy in the studio is having none of it and calls out the guy for what he is. Glad to see he was arrested and he's now famous.

Going back to the original topic....is it different for men and women?

The strip search scandal in the MET with Girl Q just now may be an example?

Why did it take for a girl being strip searched for it to reach such a high level of media attention given 95% of strip searches on people under 18 are done on boys and some of those carried out in similar circumstances to Girl Q.

  • Did the boys just accept it and move on?
  • Did none of them feel like making a complaint?
  • Did they feel that they wouldn't be taken seriously if making a complaint?
  • Is it just more "acceptable" for a boy to be strip searched than it is a girl?

Overall, is it deemed less of an issue overall for males to receive sexual assaults/intimidation/comments etc than it is for females? If so, why?
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The issue isn't the fact that she was searched - the issue was that allegedly the formal procedures were not followed. That has nothing to do with gender.

You need to be able to search anyone including under 18s because if you're not allowed to search them.. guess who holds all the drugs and weapons for the gangs
the issue was that allegedly the formal procedures were not followed.
wasn't really what I'd understood ,moreover, that procedure was unclear eg

thought the GirlQ iussue was a conflation of the legitimate racist concern of adultification of coloured children (streetwise), and need to efficiently perform a search,
search was obviously controlled by female officers, following drug concern raised by the (in locum parentis) school , media is now, per normal, over-stating insensitivity of search for a minor
(todays news item of parents no longer bring up children to be obedient, and more over exert their own free will, seemed pertinent
Brits Don't Want To Raise Obedient Children Anymore. Here's What They're Prioritising Instead )

You should be rewarded for completing the workload in a quicker time e.g. win 3 straight sets for the men's game.
It's an entertainment product, like going to see a band, or the cinema, the client pays based on the subjective(well review driven too) value they attribute,
I'm not an expert in strip searching but the article says in the fourth paragraph that they allegedly didn't follow procedure as well as were racist (see Peckham thread for latest on that topic ;-)). There is loads of crazy stuff about metoo but in my opinion its not an issue with this case.
Yes I agree it's not fully metoo - just the media implying rules are less sensitive for girls ...
but the exact details of how the procedure was not followed seemed nebulous - just comments about changing/clarifying protocol - for more senior officer authorisation.
I came across a few stats about the strip searches and it just had me wondering given the overwhelming amount that are carried out on boys compared to girls but nothing has ever been said until now.

Of the 2,847 children aged 8-17 who were strip searched by police forces in England and Wales between 2018 and 2022:

  • Nearly a quarter (24%) involved a child aged between 10-15 years old;
  • Over half (52%) took place without an Appropriate Adult present;
  • 38% were carried out on Black children;
  • 95% were carried out on boys;
  • 51% resulted in no further action;
  • 37% happened at a police station;12% at a home address; and 45% at an unrecorded location;
  • 14 cases happened in a police vehicle or a school – the majority of these were in schools;
  • 1% were conducted within public view; and
  • 6% were conducted with at least one officer of a different gender than the child being searched present.

Of course, it may have just been because GirlQ is the first to have reported it rather than anything else but I wonder if there would have been as much outrage if it was 15 year old boy who reported it... Who knows I guess.

Not fully MeToo I guess, more just on the subject of potentially differing outcomes/attitudes based on gender.
Just learned that one of the co-creators of Rick and Morty was kicked off the show when allegations from a previous girlfriend surfaced.

The case was later thrown out (dismissed) by a judge, presumably as there was no case to answer.

However Adult Swim (of course) said the show would now go on without him.

Afterwards - and now that his name has been forever linked with bad behaviour - a number of other claimants have come forward. Some with serious accusations but others whose principle complaint seems to be that he sent her a text message which hurt her feelings.

But that's it, he's gone from that show, that he co-created and where he voices the two central characters - the network ditched him as soon as the allegations (later dismissed) appeared.

There really is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty any more. It's a myth. And now he's being referred to as "disgraced former R&M creator..." Disgraced because the case was thrown out... "No smoke without fire," am I right?
Just learned that one of the co-creators of Rick and Morty was kicked off the show when allegations from a previous girlfriend surfaced.

The case was later thrown out (dismissed) by a judge, presumably as there was no case to answer.

However Adult Swim (of course) said the show would now go on without him.

Afterwards - and now that his name has been forever linked with bad behaviour - a number of other claimants have come forward. Some with serious accusations but others whose principle complaint seems to be that he sent her a text message which hurt her feelings.

But that's it, he's gone from that show, that he co-created and where he voices the two central characters - the network ditched him as soon as the allegations (later dismissed) appeared.

There really is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty any more. It's a myth. And now he's being referred to as "disgraced former R&M creator..." Disgraced because the case was thrown out... "No smoke without fire," am I right?

There are messages with him talking to minors. There may not have been enough evidence to move it forward criminally but would you continue to employ someone who had sexual messages with minors?

I love Rick and Morty, its going to be tough top replace him but if the messages published are true then I wouldn't have him anywhere near my company.
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There are messages with him talking to minors. There may not have been enough evidence to move it forward criminally but would you continue to employ someone who had sexual messages with minors?

I love Rick and Morty, its going to be tough top replace him but if the messages published are true then I wouldn't have him anywhere near my company.

There is a world of difference between "Guilty in a Criminal court" and "upheld in a civil court" (beyond reasonable doubt vs balance of probabilities), let alone "you are far too much of a risk for us to continue working with/employing you" or "your actions have brought the company into disrepute".
There are messages with him talking to minors. There may not have been enough evidence to move it forward criminally but would you continue to employ someone who had sexual messages with minors?

I love Rick and Morty, its going to be tough top replace him but if the messages published are true then I wouldn't have him anywhere near my company.
As I understand it, the text messages with the 16 year olds came to light (much) later, after he'd already been dismissed.

He was dismissed from Adult Swim after the accusation from one former partner. Before that case was dismissed entirely, by a judge.

And the text messages themselves (that came later) were not criminal. Ill-advised, maybe, but not criminal. Having any kind of correspondence with a 16 year old fan these days is asking for trouble. From what I gather the bone of contention is that he called them "jailbait" in those conversations.
He apologised and was told it wasn't good enough and that he should resign, is an apology not reasonable? Perhaps we should move to castration?

Roar87 believes sexual assaulters should just be able to apologise and face no other social or criminal consequences for their crimes.
As I understand it, the text messages with the 16 year olds came to light (much) later, after he'd already been dismissed.

He was dismissed from Adult Swim after the accusation from one former partner. Before that case was dismissed entirely, by a judge.

And the text messages themselves (that came later) were not criminal. Ill-advised, maybe, but not criminal. Having any kind of correspondence with a 16 year old fan these days is asking for trouble. From what I gather the bone of contention is that he called them "jailbait" in those conversations.

They weren’t criminal therefore that’s perfectly ok and any company therefore is clearly just Marxist for not wanting to continue a relationship with them. After all, creepily texting 16 year olds as an adult is absolutely fine according to FoxEye, who like many people on this forum, needs their hard drive checking.
They weren’t criminal therefore that’s perfectly ok and any company therefore is clearly just Marxist for not wanting to continue a relationship with them. After all, creepily texting 16 year olds as an adult is absolutely fine according to FoxEye,

It's kind of difficult to see you attempting to take the moral high ground given, by your own admissions, what you do as a "job" which also includes physically assaulting women because "they gave consent to it"

who like many people on this forum, needs their hard drive checking.

You've said this a few times in this forum... My experience (admittedly anecdotal) tends to find that the people that shout the loudest about something are the ones that have something to hide...

What exactly are you suggesting would be found on these persons hard drives?

I'm not sure anyone on here takes you seriously any more or give what you say any credence... You're just a cartoon character now which is a shame because, sometimes, you have a point however it loses its impact when you say stuff like the last bit and people end up dismissing your whole argument because of it.
Roar87 believes sexual assaulters should just be able to apologise and face no other social or criminal consequences for their crimes.

Am I right in thinking I've read that you've been accused, but were lucky enough to have kept evidence that proved otherwise?

What would you have done if you couldn't prove the contrary? Just face consequences for something you hadn't done?

Edit: I'm getting cross threaded here. I don't think this is the point you've been making so I apologise to probe you on this when you've clearly discussing events where creepy guys don't have a leg to stand on. That's different, when it's easily provable they are scumbags.
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Roar87 believes sexual assaulters should just be able to apologise and face no other social or criminal consequences for their crimes.

Yeah let's just call everything sexual assault and pretend it's all the same severity of crime. I've been sexually assaulted, an apology would've been fine as the older woman was drunk, I wouldn't want her life ruined despite what she did to me being clearly more sexual in nature than what happened at the end of that football game. Then again I'm not a ****.
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