36% off the standard edition on Greenmangaming using the code 15SOW, makes it £33.74. £25% off the gold edition with the same code.
Standard edition was £28.68 when I applied the code.
I very rarely do pre orders, but the last game was so good I decided to take a punt at that price.
Im not supporting this game for a multitude of reason, one being the cash shop/loot box/whatever it is in a 60 dollar game, another is all the shade around the whole donation dlc. Its ****s since the game looks pretty cool otherwise but ill guess i will just have to play something else.
Didn't they announce that whilst their intention was to give the money from overseas etc to the family they couldn't advertise it due to legal reasons. But due to all the controversy they were going to make the DLC in question free and make a donation directly to the family.
Problem for me is that they did not change their politic due to the goodness of their heart but because of the massive pressure from everyone around them. If their intentions really was as you described they wouldn't have initially have kept 1,5 dollar of every purchase for themselves. It stinks to high heaven.Didn't they announce that whilst their intention was to give the money from overseas etc to the family they couldn't advertise it due to legal reasons. But due to all the controversy they were going to make the DLC in question free and make a donation directly to the family.
What matters to me is if it can have a negative impact on my own experience if someone else buys those crates and to the best of my understand it can due to that multiplayer thing that is suppose to be in the game. I don't want to pay top dollar for a game only to be forced through a cash shop if i want to stay on the multiplayer ladders. That is not a fair business model.Yes they did.
Also loot boxes will not be required to play/complete the game as it was balanced without them and is just for idiots who want to spend money to cheat at the game.
It does impact the game though IIRCI don't get the issue with the loot box/DLC/Microtransactions.
No one is forced to buy them. I'm pretty sure I can enjoy the base game without the use of any. Unless it impacts gameplay/gives an advantage over those who don't have them but then again it's not MP right?
I don't get the issue with the loot box/DLC/Microtransactions.
No one is forced to buy them. I'm pretty sure I can enjoy the base game without the use of any. Unless it impacts gameplay/gives an advantage over those who don't have them but then again it's not MP right?
Haven't they said everything you can get via micro transactions you can get in game without paying extra? The ability to pay for them is just a shortcut?
Generally the reviews say most of the additions are good but the story is rubbish and drawn out (which given the first isn't a surprise) and the loot boxes are pointless. On that basis I'm more than happy as the story is simply a sideshow for me.