Migraines , who suffers from them here?

Finally had one clear that I'd had since last night, still feeling sick but that could be the fact that I slept until lunchtime. Painkillers just don't touch it and the doctor just seems intent on insisting that they are related to low testosterone levels, been on TRT for 8 months and there seems to be no improvement but still they insist its the testosterone. pair that with dizziness and vertigo that I keep getting as well and its a great combo.

I remember speaking to a doctor and he said what they knew about migraine could fit on the head of a pin.
Had one this morning, really bad with pain on both sides of my head which messed up my vision. Could not raise my head at all, three nurofen and that didn't touch it. Had to have a friend drop of some migralievs(?) took two pinks and then it started. Puking up so much i was air puking and i finally fell asleep and woke up two hours later feeling like a hangover. I get them rarely, just nasty ones with vision loss on occasion however i did wonder why i was still peppy at 2.30am!

Mum gets them a lot worse than i do and more often and i understand what she goes through, she has a hole in her heart and does end up with paralitic migrains. So anyone else here suffer from them?

I get them rarely, just nasty ones with vision loss on occasion

This isn't a doctor/hospital advice thread!!!!!!

I know this was originally posted years ago but this is important: Migraines, as a rule, occur on one side of the head or the other, not both at the same time.

I didn't know this and i was (mis)diagnosed with having migraines. Two years later, it wasnt until i ended up in hospital that i learned it wasnt migraines at all. I was suffering with hypertension headaches. I spent a week in hospital having all kinds of test, being poked and prodded. 24/7 monitoring....hospital food. I'm so glad i went when i did, i doubt i'd still be here otherwise. OH if you're wondering how I found it it was related to my BP, it was after i booked an emergency appointment with my GP after 4 days of solid headache and no sleep and he measured my BP at 260/160. That's not a typo. Now I'm now on all sorts of BP meds, no clear indication of why my BP sky rocketed and i have an enlarged heart as a result of spending probably 2 years with a BP that would kill most people.

So yes. If you suffer regularly with headaches, no matter what they are, just get it checked out. DON'T put up with it, even if you have already seen your GP etc.
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Body decided to wake me up at 6, then 7, then 8.30 now a banging migraine and feel sick :( Maybe I should've just got up at 6, but I was so tired felt like I had a bug!
I get migraines a lot. Two types:
1. Most common, up to 7 times a month. Headache that starts with dry mouth and a strange feeling in my throat.
2. Less common, 2-3 times a year. Partial vision loss, followed by aura, then 20 minutes of feeling fine, followed by the worst possible headache.

Zolmitriptan works fine for the first types. It doesn't do much for the second. Light sensitivity is cranked up to max and I can't have anything even lightly touching my neck.

Triggers I have noticed are:
1. Late nights/poor sleeping patterns
2. More than one whisky
3. Cheesy Wotsits (MSG?)
4. Sugar-free Sweeteners

I try to do IF and keep a good circadian rhythm as that really does help. My motivation however is not great.
Thanks for the advice. I have started to suffer mainly the odd vision affecting migraine. The wife now gets them too but she would drink them sweetener based drinks so will note some of these triggers down. I also think it may be an age associated thing too as both myself and wife are around 40 and never really had them up until the past couple of years.
Just had the worst migraine for a long time! I must've had an attack in the night which I didn't realize until I woke up... Really bad headache in the morning that would increase everytime I tried to lay down even with medication. It got so bad that around 10am the room felt like it was spinning and I was being sick :(. Feel so weak in my arms and hands, can't think straight etc
I had one Monday night, no triggers that I can think of. Felt weird, vision blurred, numbness/pins and needles moved up my right arm then onto the right side of my face, tongue felt like it had swollen, felt like I was going to choke, couldn’t understand what people were saying or form a coherent sentence without great effort. The whole thing only lasted about 2 hours but I still feel washed out now. Medication doesn’t seem to do much.
I suffer with vestibular migraine and take beta blockers for them. I have to say they really help. Still get the odd one now and again so just go and lie down in a dark room.
Had quite a bad one Sunday - the first in quite awhile now. Unfortunately was still around an hour and a half before the end of my shift and being the most senior person in the building had to soldier on until the end which was unpleasant - fortunately the auras stopped by the time I was leaving to drive home. Still feeling the effects of it a little now as I wasn't able to just go lie in a dark room for a couple of hours when it happened which always makes a huge difference for me.
I suffer with migraines 3-4 times a year, seemingly at random but they knock me out for a day or two. Only started to get them as I’ve gotten older. My sister though, who is 2.5 years older than me has suffered virtually all her life, so much so she’s even on experimental treatment.
I suffer from them as well but have them mainly under control as I know my triggers - interrupted/disturbed or insufficient sleep, stress release, or low blood sugar.
Not a lot I can do about the first two to be honest, but fortunately work doesn't require much overtime lately. The blood sugar I can keep well under control with a low-carb diet...
Just had the worst migraine for a long time! I must've had an attack in the night which I didn't realize until I woke up... Really bad headache in the morning that would increase everytime I tried to lay down even with medication. It got so bad that around 10am the room felt like it was spinning and I was being sick :(. Feel so weak in my arms and hands, can't think straight etc

Sorry to read that. They truly are awful. I get migraines a lot, but only rarely do they get so bad. Usually I just have to take my Zolmitriptan and battle through a couple of terrible hours until it eases and replaces the migraine with the side effects...

I'm still getting mine, however I went a while without alcohol and found that migraine frequency hasn't changed. I am now thinking it's more to do with sugar, late nights or going to bed with food on my stomach. The way I'm feeling now, I think I'll wake up with a migraine. I don't like taking my tablets in a precautionary manner though.
The way I'm feeling now, I think I'll wake up with a migraine.

Unfortunately the initial symptoms (slightly melancholy mixed with everything feeling hyper real) are so subtle for me they are difficult to notice but if I do notice the precursor feelings taking a couple of Ibuprofen at that point seems to work - nothing medication wise even migraine specific stuff works for me once the point I notice my brain can't seem to take in the detail of what my eyes are focussing on.
Unfortunately the initial symptoms (slightly melancholy mixed with everything feeling hyper real) are so subtle for me they are difficult to notice but if I do notice the precursor feelings taking a couple of Ibuprofen at that point seems to work - nothing medication wise even migraine specific stuff works for me once the point I notice my brain can't seem to take in the detail of what my eyes are focussing on.

That's awful. Hope you find the best way to deal with them.

While they're not nice, it really is intriguing how different people's migraine symptoms are and just how little the medical world knows about them and their triggers.

Someone mentioned experimental treatment in this thread - I know someone who has been getting botox treatments. I think it worked fine for the first session or two but then the migraines returned.
Mine are rare as well, becoming more rare the older I get tbh. I get maybe 1 a year now, if that, whereas 10 years ago it'd be in double digits easily.

Not sure if getting my eyes zapped has helped, perhaps not having to constantly be trying to focus has put less stress on my brain. Who knows.
I used to get them really bad to the point where it was every day and they were always the worst ones possible. I would not even be able to speak properly or understand what people were saying to me.

Haven't had one for about 6 years now though, thankfully.
Nocturnal biteguard of hard acrylic, not soft style.
Stretches out the muscles that clench when stressed during sleep, less contraction, less neurotransmitter release, less dilattaion of the vessels in the skull, less crippling pain and symptoms.

Get yourself a proper custom made bite guard.
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