Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

The hours have kind of added up but you just don't realise at the time lol, my mates used to play on pc and referred to it as Mine-crack', this now makes sense

Im happy with it, it took ages to make the stone bricks, started to wish i made it out of cobble stone! May add some smooth sand stone for decoration!

Can you make double doors or bigger doors like gates etc! Or coloured glass?

There was no plan just made the shape up as i went :3

*thinking about redoing the towers so they are 3x3 so i can put some tall windows bang in the middle of them but this may be a bit of a time sink.

Also thinking about taking inspiration from antinconscience by making a wooden balcony around the first floor for outside nom!

By looking at yours i have noticed you can do double doors! Dam it wont sit in the middle though, ocd ocd ocd :(
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By looking at yours i have noticed you can do double doors! Dam it wont sit in the middle though, ocd ocd ocd :(

Haha you sound like me, I built all my walls out of stone but then realised my roof didn't apex at 1 block so there was only one solution, knock down a 2 story wall and move it one block further to get the roof correct :D
Question for people: Do you keep all your resources you dig up? With all the digging to get some land for my house and mining I have about 600+ blocks of cobblestone and about 400 dirt. At the moment I just keep building storage chests to put it all in but I have just started filling my third chest :D

I keep everything, they'll come a time on my save when I need to terraform and stacks of dirt/cobble will come in handy. Or you could make a Iron Farm, you'll need loads of cobble for that.
Question for people: Do you keep all your resources you dig up? With all the digging to get some land for my house and mining I have about 600+ blocks of cobblestone and about 400 dirt. At the moment I just keep building storage chests to put it all in but I have just started filling my third chest :D

I keep everything. Have loads of chests for construction materials/weapons/tools/valuable items and foods.
There's no reason to not horde everything (although I don't usually keep Dirt), a chest is only 8 planks of wood

Has anyone started playing with Redstone circuits yet? If so what have you come up with?
Should keep dirt, it's invaluable if you need to terraform an area. Flattening out/building up an area will eat up stacks of dirt.
I also like to keep a stack of sand on me. It's perfect for a fast decent into a black hole/revine.
System went down at work so sketched out a design for a castle, unfortunately my conservative estimate is around 17,000 blocks of stone :eek: this could take a while....
haha yup, seem to collect a lot of spare cobblestone anyway so thinking to build it out of cobblestone as I could not be bothered to bake it to make stone. It will take a long time to build but I suppose better to build something massive than just store stone in chests and not using it.
I chose my skin to be a pirate, so i decided it was right to live on a pirate ship. So thats my current build, with my friends over looking from their crappy mountain houses.
I chose my skin to be a pirate, so i decided it was right to live on a pirate ship. So thats my current build, with my friends over looking from their crappy mountain houses.

The technical term for us lot in our mountain shacks is "mountain peasants" :D Although I have found a desert temple and I am in the process of renovating it and moving in. Pics will follow once I'm moved in. :)
My (current) humble abode. A few changes since these but was too late last night to take more screenshots.

My old house, temporary living while I built my main house

The front of my house

From the other side



Enjoying the view from my balcony and a cave in top left of the screen

Some possibly caves, yet to go investigate

The view from the other side of the gorge, showing off how much soil I had to put down to have enough room to build
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