That's not true at all, there are elements of the different sects within Islam that specifically allow rape of the non believer - salafist I think. Its a 'small' percentage of Muslims but its there.Its a cultural thing, that doesn't fit well with the anti Muslim rhetoric though. Priests didn't rape children because they were Catholic, they did it because there was a culture of it in the Catholic Church and the Church covered it up for hundreds of years. These men do it because their culture doesn't respect women and young white girls. Its like an extreme case of "she's asking for it" which used to be prevalent in our own culture not that long ago if a women was dressed in anything remotely revealing. Honour killings aren't religious but cultural.
a very bad comparison would be the westboro baptist church, they believe what they are doing is following god's will with their hateful rhetoric, admittedly there's only a handful of them compared to the millions of muslims that are follow the more militant version of Islam.
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