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My horrible RMA experience

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Very poor show from OCUK so far. £10 CD writer? Probably acceptable but a £1000 GPU? I expect better than that.

OCUK - your reputation as being great for looking after the customer was hard earned. It's proving easy to lose it.....

Just received a new reply from an email I sent a few days ago when I created this thread, asking how the refund is calculated with the reply of

Hi Alex,

After 6 months of ownership the card's value is decreased based on general usage and length of ownership.

The refund is calculated based on the length of time you have owned the item.

Based on this fact the refund is the value mentioned. I do apologise that i mistakenly offered an item we cannot issue.

In this instance this is all we can offer.
Well I'm sorry this has happened to you but I'm glad you brought it to our attention, I know I will be shopping else where from now on.
OCUK really have gone to **** over the years, This would never have happened on Baileys watch. Only got half way through the thread but it still looks like Gibbo tries to do the decent thing. Dont accept them fobbing you off bro and if they do play dirty. This is a multi million pound company where their sales team drive Ferraris. Doing the right thing isnt going to bankrupt them. Im sure Gibbo will sort it out for you.

Another reason this why i just buy my tech from Amazon these days - their customer service team just refund no questions asked if youre a good customer. Back in the day everything would be purchased from OCUK.
My buddy just got from amazon full refund for razer keyboard 6 months after warranty finished. He had plenty of issues with it and eventually it died, he raised it with their customer support, calmly describing things and since he spends lots of money there, that just instantly gave him full refund.
Looking at the bay 2nd hand prices for used 3080's are £500 to £600, no way I would take £380 for it, not sure how the partial refund is calculated though.

I am not sure of the workings but I believe it is based on consumer rights regulations that a product should last 72 months.

As such they take the cost of the product (price paid by customer), divide it by 72 months and that is the monthly amount, then times that by the amount of months owned, results in the figure to deduct from the price paid.

In this instance the OP has had his card for 30 months, hence a deduction of circa £275 from the £660 paid, resulting in a £380 refund.

In normal times where GPU prices somewhat fall or next generation offers a considerable performance boost, this consumer rights policy has always worked fine in the past and of course for many resulted in them been able to buy a new superior replacement card with the refund given.

I don't set out OcUK policy or consumer rights, but I have requested due to the fact we are in different times, particular with GPU values that this is further looked into, of course with all things this will take some time I suspect, so a few days. :)
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That's the sort of service that has made me shop elsewhere more recently too... Terrible. Sorry if I missed it in the thread but did you buy with credit card?
Unfortunately not

Although Gibbo an OCUK staff member has passed on my RMA info to management so I do believe I'm still to hear more
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How is it that OCUK say they have no contact from MSI in 28 day yet when op contacted MSI they replied pretty quick by the sounds of things saying to contact the retailer? I understand there will be different departments etc but surely they chased them up? I would have thought a company like OCUK would have some pretty good contacts at MSI. They can't have just sent a email 28 days ago and now reached this conclusion surely..... :confused:
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How is it that OCUK say they have no contact from MSI in 28 day yet when op contacted MSI they replied pretty quick by the sounds of things saying to contact the retailer? I understand there will be different departments etc but surely they chased them up? I would have thought a company like OCUK would have some pretty good contacts at MSI. They can't have just sent a email 28 days ago and now reached this conclusion surely..... :confused:

Do we actually know that Ocuk did contact MSI ? had a quick read through the thread but might of missed it.
Nope the hoster wanted money from me, I said no. :D
Can you put that saved money towards resolving this problem for @Alex J ?

Seriously, appreciating this is not a policy you have made, but very damaging to your reputation. I would previously have bought a GPU or big ticket item from OCUK in the past with no concerns. Now, this sort of thing is a right 'turn off'.

Surely OCUK's reputation is worth more than this?
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If you go to MSI in Where to buy it seems like OCUK is not dealing directly with MSI.

We deal directly with them and I have raised this with them, again awaiting a response. Its an odd situation with the product been 30 months old, so a response won't come in minutes or hours.
I had good experience with them in the past, but that was many years ago. I sent on RMA motherboard, not only they replaced faulty chipset on it, they also replaced all bios physical buttons (they said they looked a bit sticky) plus few other electrical components, that they said were fine but getting old so might as well replace and prolong life of the product by few years.

Then again, I sent AMD GPU to gigabyte (also many years ago) and they replaced 90% of components that faulty power delivery fried... Some vendors are really bored I think. :p

They were fine years ago, but I and others have had recent experiences of sending items off, usually to Poland, with incredibly expensive shipping fees and they haven't even tested the component properly to see if they've failed.

I've still got a 2070 sitting in a box which artefacts under load that I sent to them and they returned it with a note stating it was fixed when it wasn't. In fact, it didn't even look like they'd taken the card apart to look at anything. The most they could have done was boot the machine, see that there was display output and deemed the card to be working based on that.
Can you put that saved money towards resolving this problem for @Alex J ?

Seriously, appreciating this is not a policy you have made, but very damaging to your reputation. I would previously have bought a GPU or big ticket item from OCUK in the past with no concerns. Now, this sort of thing is a right 'turn off'.

Surely OCUK's reputation is worth more than this?

Don't think this consumer rights is any different at OcUK to anywhere else and as I say has always resulted in happy customers typically, but times are a touch different right now and I've reached out to management and MSI to see if something different on this occasion can be done. We have procedures which I am following, I am sure in the end a favourable outcome will come for Alex J.
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We have procedures which I am following, I am sure in the end a favourable outcome will come for Alex J.

That's great for Alex if he does get a favourable outcome, but does this mean anyone facing a similar situation has to post about your practises publicly before they'll be offered the same treatment?
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Is there a problem with signatures on the forum? Gibbo's Ferrari has gone?
The cynic in me says due to the comments in this thread but who knows, there could be another reason for it.

With Gibbo’s reply. I’ll be putting my order for a 7900xtx in to the spaceman’s store. Been holding off for todays feedback from OcUK.

I can only suggest to others if you are not happy with the service from any store, don’t use them. It won’t take long once the profits fall for the SLT to see the error of their ways.
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