I’d presume the increased measures and noise of it was an acceptance that it happened?
Either way - not the venues fault but at least precautions are being taken against it.
Perhaps more that they need to be seen to take it seriously, certainly local politicians will be and clubs and bars probably don't want to be seen to just dismiss this stuff. Spiking more generally can of course occur and so I wouldn't expect them to have a blase attitude in general to it even if 90%+ of the cases where people believe they have been spiked actually turn out to be people just getting too drunk themselves... that some genuine cases exist is reason to act.
This needle thing though seems soo implausible, even if there was some nutter going around jabbing people the additional claims that sporadically came out across various locations in the UK and Ireland that other drunk girls also woke up with a mark on their leg (not exactly uncommon) and then believed they too had been jabbed with a syringe just seem rather unlikely. Throw in the commentary from experts re: the reality that you can't just quickly jab someone with some substance like that anyway, people would be well aware (even if drunk) if you slipped a syringe into them and tried to inject several ml of some drug over the course of a few seconds.