Needle spiking again...

I’d presume the increased measures and noise of it was an acceptance that it happened?
Either way - not the venues fault but at least precautions are being taken against it.

Perhaps more that they need to be seen to take it seriously, certainly local politicians will be and clubs and bars probably don't want to be seen to just dismiss this stuff. Spiking more generally can of course occur and so I wouldn't expect them to have a blase attitude in general to it even if 90%+ of the cases where people believe they have been spiked actually turn out to be people just getting too drunk themselves... that some genuine cases exist is reason to act.

This needle thing though seems soo implausible, even if there was some nutter going around jabbing people the additional claims that sporadically came out across various locations in the UK and Ireland that other drunk girls also woke up with a mark on their leg (not exactly uncommon) and then believed they too had been jabbed with a syringe just seem rather unlikely. Throw in the commentary from experts re: the reality that you can't just quickly jab someone with some substance like that anyway, people would be well aware (even if drunk) if you slipped a syringe into them and tried to inject several ml of some drug over the course of a few seconds.
Perhaps more that they need to be seen to take it seriously, certainly local politicians will be and clubs and bars probably don't want to be seen to just dismiss this stuff. Spiking more generally can of course occur and so I wouldn't expect them to have a blase attitude in general to it even if 90%+ of the cases where people believe they have been spiked actually turn out to be people just getting too drunk themselves... that some genuine cases exist is reason to act.

This needle thing though seems soo implausible, even if there was some nutter going around jabbing people the additional claims that sporadically came out across various locations in the UK and Ireland that other drunk girls also woke up with a mark on their leg (not exactly uncommon) and then believed they too had been jabbed with a syringe just seem rather unlikely. Throw in the commentary from experts re: the reality that you can't just quickly jab someone with some substance like that anyway, people would be well aware (even if drunk) if you slipped a syringe into them and tried to inject several ml of some drug over the course of a few seconds.

Potentially. Either way - something happened which involved Police action and hospital treatment I believe; so if it does transpire to be nothing (never heard how it finished) then she wants banging on the head.

Clearly injecting someone isn't my area of expertise, so can't comment if it's actually plausable; it 'seems' it from the outset. But I don't understand why you wouldn't just spike it into a drink instead - seems a bit weird for it injected.
Not that I'm saying it doesn't happen, it probably has happened somewhere, I just don't think all that was being reported those months back was accurate though; but there has to be some correlation between two years in and out of lockdown at a time where people who are coming of age and allowed to start legally drinking in pubs and clubs aren't experienced enough in drinking.

I've seen people insist they were spiked, no, you weren't allowed to drink by your overprotective parents before you turned 18, so you're inexperienced and went balls to wall the first time you were allowed into a nightclub and consequently got smashed off your face, own it.
Pretty sure if we killed off binge drinking as a hobby in this country the more bizzare excuses for being mysteriously incapacitated would drop greatly.

Sadly it's traditional.
The only "needle" spiking type event I've ever seen with my own eyes was a Shop-lifter in London holding a needle at a security dude as he was leaving the store and saying "I've got AIDS, get back or I'll stick you" (or words to that effect) and that was way back in the late 90`s.

As for "spiking" I think, as some others here have also mentioned, drink spiking does proveably happen but needle spiking using a drug in an attempt to incapacitate someone (as opposed to just sticking a empty needle into someone to be a troll) must be virtually unheard of in reality.
Serious lack of Occam's razor around all of this.
This is still a really weird one where you have got people claiming all sorts but no medical or police reports.
It seems to have started from one girl who said she went to hospital and the doctors told her she got jabbed but there's nothing from the actual hospital or police.
I agree it's a bit of a red herring though. It get's people hyper aware of something that's not really an issue while pushing the biggest problem out out the limelight, people deliberately getting them drunk to take advantage.
Is it a bit easier to stomach that some creep in the background is going jab you out of nowhere than the guy you have been with most of the night who seemingly is really keen on getting the drinks in even after you said your ok?
The problem a lot of women have is thinking saying no hours, days or years after "the event" is fine. Changing their moral code from what it was historically.

That and jumping on bandwagons where if they think one of their peers has been "whatevered" they are the lesser for not having been "whatevered" themselves, so make up a story to appear as desirable as their associates. Such is their fragility and vanity.

I do like this mysoginist's hat.... ;)
Wasn't this your daughter? Here's the thread.

Yes that was my eldest, very scary time for us.
There was an update to that thread which I never added.
My nephew eventually found out a couple of weeks later who did it and 'dealt' with them.

Or was it your other daughter who claimed she'd been spiked at the age of fifteen?

I have no memory of that, care to elaborate?
I remember the same daughter getting very drunk around 15 and her mates called me to an industrial estate and she was face down in mud in the middle of winter.
I remember being so grateful that her mates had the confidence to ring me because if they'd left her she could have died.
Unless you know of something else?

Your family seem to have had more than their fair share of 'spiking'.

Only the once and it was confirmed by a Doctor, A&E and the person who did it.

I don't know what you're trying to claim here Feek, you're being quite nasty to be honest, I hope you're proud of yourself :(
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Needle spiking is not a thing. 30 seconds of reflection on the practicalities alone will confirm this.
I don't know what you're trying to claim here Feek, you're being quite nasty to be honest, I hope you're proud of yourself :(
I'm not being nasty, I'm just questioning what you've said before as it's somewhat inconsistent.

You've just said you had to go to your daughters friend who had been spiked.

In a previous thread (which I linked), you described finding your daughter by the side of the road where it was confirmed by a doctor she'd been spiked.

Now you're saying your daughter has admitted to making it up.

I'm confused as to which one you're referring to, hence saying you seem to have more than your fair share of spiking experience. You've posted about spiking multiple times. Nothing nasty, just trying to work out what actually happened to who.
People being stabbed with contaminated needles definitely happened a couple of times in the town I grew up in - I remember the news articles.

Im not sure that’s definitive, in 20 years time someone could say needle spiking of girls definitely happened because they remembered reading (these current) news articles. Yet as we can see these news stories are rather sus!
I thought this was sort of debunked about 6 months or so ago after the initial avalanche of news stories about it which dried up as quickly as they started. I remember some Doctor on Radio 4 saying it would be a strange thing to do for any potential rapist as there are a plethora of easier alternatives none of which involve smuggling a needle and inflicting a noticeable sharp pain on its victim. It didn't seem to make much sense.
You've just said you had to go to your daughters friend who had been spiked.

The youngest called me many years ago to pick her and her friend up from Newcastle and I took her mate to A&E and left them there.
Many many many years later (Christmas Day) my daughter said her mate was completely p****** and not spiked.
They thought she had been spiked at the time.

In a previous thread (which I linked), you described finding your daughter by the side of the road where it was confirmed by a doctor she'd been spiked.

Back in 2008 I found my eldest on the middle of the A50 (not the side) over the road from Stoke's ground.
The Doctor, A&E and eventually the bloke who did it, confirmed she was spiked.

Now you're saying your daughter has admitted to making it up.

Back to my youngest and her mate, they honestly thought she'd been spiked but she was very drunk.
She didn't 'admit' anything, it came up in conversation that it didn't actually happen the way we thought it did.

Hopefully that clarifies the two incidents, one was spiking the other wasn't.

You also mentioned my eldest being 'spiked' at 15, she was definitely very drunk.
I probably told that story many years ago because I wanted to show how both my kids and her mates could trust me not to go mad.
When I got there I laughed out loud at her lying face down in the only mud patch on the industrial estate.
I heard one lad say "My Dad would go berserk" and I said "Your Dad has been in this state".
When I got home I wouldn't let her Mother see her until I'd showered her down (she did have her underwear on before the perverts respond).
if I had thought for one second she had been spiked I would have rang the Police, in fact I don't think spiking was a thing 20 years ago!
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