New Star Trek series - 2017

9.9, thats old hat, Was the refit Enterprise D that Admiral Riker got hold of in All Good Things not faster than that?! Answer being they changed the warp scale or something or other...
9.9, thats old hat, Was the refit Enterprise D that Admiral Riker got hold of in All Good Things not faster than that?! Answer being they changed the warp scale or something or other...

Didn't Tom Paris in Voyager break the 9.9 wrap barrier in a shuttle?
In the JJverse warp speed is irrelevant because everywhere seems to be closer than my local Tesco.

Kilngon homeworld 2minutes-45 seconds at warp 5 mate be there in no time. Cripes you could transport that far, whoops I did.
Did they try not to make the galaxy smaller by having a speed limit, some TNG episode where they discovered that warp bubbles were tearing the space time continuum or something?!
I do vaguely remember the all good things episode now you mention it but that was based further into the future or different parallel universe the admiral Ryker ship I thought? I have seen all of TNG, ds9, voyager and enterprise but a long time ago now. So memory fails me a bit until I watch an episode again. Whichever warp factor it is the slip stream tech from voyager would still be cool to use in the future as that seemed to be the closest stable tech I member them using to break the norm of what I thought was 9.9. I remember the tom Paris shuttle one as well. That went wrong as well as they turned into weird creatures of some kind after if memory is correct.
Did they try not to make the galaxy smaller by having a speed limit, some TNG episode where they discovered that warp bubbles were tearing the space time continuum or something?!

It's said that Gene Roddenberry decided on a certain amount of time 'on ship' to cut back on set costs and to allow more time for crew and character interaction. In order to facilitate that Warp was purposely made 'slow'.
TNA: Yes check TNG bloopers on youtube, tons of them out there.

Blackvault: yup Paris made history by being the first to break the warp barrier, he and janeway broke the barrier both and ended up evolving or devolving and mating in a slimy pool and had off spring :)

Would have loved the show to be set 100 or 50 years in the future, they could have had ships with voyager tech, paris warp 10 engines, 10 years before kirk just feels like no effort or spirit of star trek but will see.
TNA: Yes check TNG bloopers on youtube, tons of them out there.

Blackvault: yup Paris made history by being the first to break the warp barrier, he and janeway broke the barrier both and ended up evolving or devolving and mating in a slimy pool and had off spring :)

Would have loved the show to be set 100 or 50 years in the future, they could have had ships with voyager tech, paris warp 10 engines, 10 years before kirk just feels like no effort or spirit of star trek but will see.

Thanks dude. Some funny stuff I found :D
Some more detail surfacing with some calls to lower expectations?

It seems the story will centre around other crew members than a prime focus on the captain.

I'm really hoping this is a return to form for Star Trek as I really miss it on the small screen. I'm prepared to have a bumpy start, I just hope it has more than one series to allow the series to find it's space legs!!:)
Be nice to see Trek come back to what it was, the new films, while not crap, arent Trek imho, they are more action films than Sci-Fi and feel like they are trying to cater to the wrong audience...
Can't wait!! Will be epic, shame its cbs. ** No piracy talk - EVH **

Time to play startrek online
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Yeah it's not looking good, the ship itself was just awful and with them getting rid of all the people from the previous shows it's probably going to suck hard.
Always loved star trek (aside from the reboots), and watched them far too many times, but have zero hopes for this. :(
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