Too many timelines and crap, Trek was always linear until Enterprise came out, now JJ has screwed timelines and stuff it's all going sideways..
Enterprise made sense, because it covers the start of human interstellar space exploration and the seeds of the Federation.
Another wild idea someone mentioned why not reboot TNG........
The problem is that Star Trek was not mainstream since TOS... Enterprise further tarnished the reputation for many people. JJ has rebooted it and made it "cool" again and it now appeals to a broader audience.Too many timelines and crap, Trek was always linear until Enterprise came out, now JJ has screwed timelines and stuff it's all going sideways..
Fills the ST void that the Lens-flare films can't fill.
If you want to fill that void with a proper continuation of the ST timeline then you need to read the books as there is a large group of writers that all collaborate to give a consistent and planned narrative of events occurring post-Nemesis.
You have the Enterprise books detailing the Romulan War (brilliant) and detailing the early days of the Federation.
Then you have a multitude of TNG, DS9, VOY, Titan (Riker's Ship), Vesta (Dax's Ship), Section 31 (Super spy Bashir... Julian Bashir). Which fill in everything else.
Having spent more time on Stark Trek: Online than I want to admit (Fleet Admiral etc), I would love a new series set in the same time period (early 25th century for reference).
I know the game is considered official canon but it opens up so many potential story arcs. Ships have Quantum slipstream drives and Transwarp. USS Enterprise lives on as Vesta (F) and Oddysey (G)classes. Loads of cool weapons and tech (although it is perhaps a little unrealistic when my Intel Dreadnaught (USS Blackadder) can take on an entire fleet of Borg cubes...).
Fills the ST void that the Lens-flare films can't fill.
I understand that. I have no problem with politics being in it, I even actually really like that part. But religion, not so much. Just wish they go easy on it a little.Religion and Politics have always been part of Trek though as it's part of the human story