New Star Trek series - 2017

All this hate and its not even aired :)

I admit as a long time trekker I did not want this but its trek I will be there in 1080p.

I think they knew fans wanted a 24th century + series, yet we have the JJverse universe thrown in also so they maybe tried to do a bit everything to try and keep fans happy. If that works it remains to be seen but will watch every episode and series anyhow and if it fails perhaps then know they gotta do either a cannon 25th, 26th+ Century trek show or JJverse 24th century reboot just imagine JJverse picard !
Looks like they took a big steaming dump on Trek, even more than the horrible new movies did.

Sad day! :(
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Oh dear is all i can say based on the trailer.

Star Trek really is in the pits. Just goes to show how good generations actually was.
They keep saying it's based in the prime timeline but with ship/alien design to match JJverse so it doesn't really fit in with either. The problem they have is it's set only 10 years before Kirk in charge of the Enterprise, which means if they are sticking with the original timeline the Enterprise (1701) was already doing rounds with Pike as it was launched in 2245 and Kirk didn't take command until 2264, 10 years after leaving the Academy, so Kirk is also going to be out in space. 10 years still puts it in a large rift between prime and JJ because it's only 20 years after the Kelvin battle, so do we get the Constitution class ship at ~300m long or the one in JJ at over 700m long?

Should have either based it before Kelvin, explored a time not already covered (Enterprise C), After Voyager with a few cameos, or placed it in JJverse.
That YT video above does suggest quite a lot about the initial concerns on trek but its all rumours at the end of the day.

They went as far to suggest this is actually a trek reboot, so not even JJverse or cannon but this could just be the rumour. It would actually be quite interesting if it really was but doubtful imagine the possibilities they could do to reshape the 23rd and 24th century with an entire series reboot.
So long as there is a hot chick in a skin tight suit, I don't care. Mmmmmm T'Pol.

Oh man, 7 of 9 was my fave... I think I read one time it will be globally available on Netflix (which is a lie, in the same article it aays only on cbsnow in the US)... Made me excited & sad in the same article...
Oh man, 7 of 9 was my fave... I think I read one time it will be globally available on Netflix (which is a lie, in the same article it aays only on cbsnow in the US)... Made me excited & sad in the same article...

Yes, CBS Now in the US, Netflix for the rest of the world. Unless Netflix demand and receive a 50 million refund, which puts CBS in a bad situation as Netflix effectively funded the production with the money for the worldwide rights.
Trailer of Discovery is here in HD:

It looks good, but....... Asian female Captain with non English as first language gives me Dr Sam Beckett flash backs of 'oh boy'.
It certainly don't look or fit into the normal universe not with the current tech or bridge, its more JJverse looking then anything.
That movie effects feel is there which is nice though. Overall I would have just preferred a JJverse series or even better a 25th Century Trek show they could have used the existing special effects and bridge even, but will give it a try naturally.

Also we have another comedy scifi series from Family guy/Ted maker which takes the micky out of trek and scifi in general
Looks good like an galaxy quest tv series
Dear God, this looks awful. Peter Griffins comedy has fallen flat in 3 films now and they give him a series. Canceled after 2 series max.
Bit more info on why it got delayed.....but has some spoilers so be warned

Basically they wanted to get the show just right, it took months to get some of the sets up and running for example the new bridge you see on in the trailer is actually not even the USS discoverys bridge but an older class ship. She also mentions lots of surprises to keep the fans happy will be there.
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