But as said, it's not just because of a fine that they've dropped in value, in fact the fine may have had little effect on the share price.
But any way this is definitely not a stock thread
Is anyone still playing or now going to wait unt8l fill release?
I'm not aware of when the slowdown in sales was announced was that today too? The shareprice dropped literally within an hour of the fine being announced. Could be that they announced the sale slowdown at the same time and it was a double whammy.
I'm neither, I'm not still playing (refunded) and I'm not waiting until release. I MAY play in about 6 months time, around the turn of the year, IF they have supported it and developed it further by then (and if the population is still a decent size and hasnt lost too many players) , mainly because whilst some aspects of the game were decent there was simply too much wrong with it for me to get it at this time. I'm taking a wait and see approach and seeing what state its in at the end of the year.