Newcastle Utd, Official thread

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my mag mates are convinced Martins is going to united..they think Ashley wants to make a few bob then bugger off, they dont trust him and suspect his will interfere in the running of the team

this will be an interesting few days..if martins does leave it will give an indication of who's running things
If Man U make an offer for Martins that activates his release clause and Martins wants to go then their is nothing anyone can do and he will go.

Regarding Ashley wanting to make money from us then first he has to make us successful if he does that then wants to sell us on to someone else who wants to take us that step further then so be it.
Deluxe1 said:
If Man U make an offer for Martins that activates his release clause and Martins wants to go then their is nothing anyone can do and he will go.

Regarding Ashley wanting to make money from us then first he has to make us successful if he does that then wants to sell us on to someone else who wants to take us that step further then so be it.

Spot on it not up to Bigsam or Ash if someone bids 13mil there no way the pair can stop the move
Bigpig said:
Not with this new TV deal. The prem league is a hot bed now with the rewards very huge in this upcomming season. Why do you think there been so many takeovers and clubs spending huge amounts of cash. Each place is vital now.

the tv deal really makes no tangible difference to the bottom line - what with all clubs getting it and expenditure rising, coupled with increased fragility of the overall market. they do it for kudos and the related synergies with their other businesses. it is often misunderstood my fans that there is money there; there is in the form of exec wages etc but overall profit is misleading. with regards to all the takovers, they can be explained by the very fact that there is no money in them - which gave the initial opportunities to buy in the first place. the city does not look favourably at football clubs.

my point was that a 2m return on investment would be good considering - you go on to cite success in two games, but that was not my point - i am talking about long term success that breeds any semblance of financial success. we are both talkng different perspectives and logics, but think beyond the conjecture for gods sake!
NokkonWud said:
If Owen is as close to full fitness as it sounds, then losing Martins wouldn't be such a blow. :D

Owen isnt close to full fitness or thats how it seems over the last couple of years , as a newcastle fan i would like to see him playing and scoring goals as we all know he can but i am not convinced he can play most of the season because he is likely to pick up a few injury's even if they are minor ones .

I think a lot of newcastle fans would rather see owen go than martins because martins is younger less injury prone and can still improve a lot before he is the finished article , owen is a proven goal scorer but he wont get 25 goals a season if he isnt playing enough .
if martins is so happy at toon then why don't newcastle just renegotiate his contract and take away the clause. they are not exactly the most prudent team so a big of a wage rise would not beggar belief?

saying that i really think allardyce could take martins to the next level - from explosive and unpredictable to seasoned striker
if martins is so happy at toon then why don't newcastle just renegotiate his contract and take away the clause. they are not exactly the most prudent team so a big of a wage rise would not beggar belief?

saying that i really think allardyce could take martins to the next level - from explosive and unpredictable to seasoned striker

that has been happening over the past 2 weeks. Martains has got rid of his old ahole of an agent and got a new one. And he is negotiating a new deal with a few improvments and that clause removed.

Hoplyfully the new deal can be tied up soon get the press off our backs with all the rumours.......

Very happy the way the season started and if we get faye and Bye i be even happier :) Seem to have got our selfs a very good sqaud just lacking drive in the middle of the park which barton will give us when he returns. Would like to see a flair player tho someone with a bit of spark

This was always going to be a seaosn of change. Team has a lot more fight and we seem to have got some good defenders for once!!!!

Big up for Sam he strenght always has been finding really good players on the cheap
Yehe beye would be good. Faye will be another great squad defensive signing...

not that hard though seen as sam knew him at bolton :p...

not sure what the deal is with beye, they said he had a medical on wednesday night.. ? nothing since.

I hope martins does get rid of that clause because no doubt if he continues to score loads of clubs will be sniffing by january, he is a great forward.

Its weird but everything is looking up.. definitely the best ive felt about the club since 2003 probably. we have been in wilderness since bobby left and even then our squad wasnt that great tbh
I agree things do seem to be looking up and has the same feeling as when bobby took over = a decent manager but i believe if we get beye in soon the defence will be a lot stronger than it has ever been and it makes you think how good a job bobby did making newcastle a top 6 side every years even with the likes of bramble playing :eek:.
Its weird but everything is looking up.. definitely the best ive felt about the club since 2003 probably. we have been in wilderness since bobby left and even then our squad wasnt that great tbh

Same It's nice that we have a manager again we can be proud of. Since Bobby

It's a joy to watch sam doing interviews and the way he carries himself and cracks jokes and can play mindgames with the best of them. Really is a real joy.

And what form in zoggy on!!! Class act
Yeh thats true... even though Roeder did well for a while, i dont think any of us were 100% convinced and happy about it..

big sam is a big character in the game, roeder never was and souness is just a plonker.

lol, well chuffed! hope we can get a win saturday, what a start to the season it will be...
LMAO at this. Typical!

The billionaire owner of Newcastle United was refused entry to one of the city's nightspots for wearing his club's famous black and white shirt.

Mark Jones, chairman of Ultimate Leisure, which owns the bar based in the city's Bigg Market area, said "Our assistant manager spotted the football shirt and told Mike he would not be allowed in because of our no team colours policy.

"At this point, Mike and Newcastle chairman Chris Mort took out their business cards and explained who they were.

"A quick decision was then taken to modify our policy to allow only football club owners to wear their team's colours"

Then they go on to rack up a £2,500 bar bill and tip the staff £500!
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