*** Nintendo Switch ***

I presume Fast Racing RMX will be a downloadable title since it's showing as a March release but no retailers have it listed? The reviews of the previous game for Wii U were actaully pretty good at around 80% so if it's a cheap-ish downloadable title I might pick it up to give me a bit of variety from Zelda.


Release date is TBD.


- Race anti-gravity vehicles in this lightning-fast arcade racer
- Player with anybody, anywhere you like
- Zoom through 30 tracks set in canyons, alpine peaks, futuristic cities and much more
- Master the art of boosting and phase switching to stay ahead of the competition
- Local splitscreen-multiplayer with up to 4 players
- Online multiplayers with up to 8 players
- Non-stop adrenaline pumping action at 60 frames per second in 1080p

Sounds like fun :)
I presume Fast Racing RMX will be a downloadable title since it's showing as a March release but no retailers have it listed? The reviews of the previous game for Wii U were actaully pretty good at around 80% so if it's a cheap-ish downloadable title I might pick it up to give me a bit of variety from Zelda.

I'm not quite sure about Fire Emblem warriors. I love the Fire Emblem series and turn based strategy games but absolutely hate the 'warriors' style beat-em-ups so I'm feeling kind of negative about it overall.

Has anyone heard anything about whether there will be any Virtual Console games available on release?
I don't know about launch but I did read over the weekend that Neo Geo will have 5 games available, but it didn't say when.

Just made this up from the current games listed on nintendo.com/switch

I didn't include 3 versions of Zelda as I thought it was unnecessary. But otherwise thats 33 games either for launch, release this year, or in the works. Not bad! We also know there is a Fire Emblem announcement tomorrow which may include more than just warriors. :)
Whilst not strictly Switch related, i finally got around to organising and boxing up my Wii U collection. The big plastic box of regular games are all sealed, the other box is unsealed but perfect games. Then everything else is Rare/Limited Edition versions which are also all new and sealed.

Plus the obligatory "spare" new and sealed console...

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^^ Wow!

I have had most consoles, but most of them apart from my NES, SNES and Master System have all been sold to fund the next console :)

How many consoles do you have stored away like that?
We also know there is a Fire Emblem announcement tomorrow which may include more than just warriors. :)

I'm hoping we'll get something other than just the warriors announcement we heard about last week. I'd like to hear that the developers of previous games (Intelligent Systems) are busy beavering away on either a new Fire Emblem or Advance Wars for the Switch...............:cool:
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I'm hoping we'll get something other than just the warriors announcement we heard about last week. Surely the developers of previous games (Intelligent Systems) are busy beavering away on either a new Fire Emblem or Advance Wars for the Switch...............:cool:

TBH I don't know what Warriors is and why others are hoping for something different. I've never played a Fire Emblem before, but I intend to on the Switch :)

But the advert says Fire Emblem titles - plural :) So we'll see!

I do think over the next few weeks more and more are going to be announcing what they have been working on!
^^ Wow!

I have had most consoles, but most of them apart from my NES, SNES and Master System have all been sold to fund the next console :)

How many consoles do you have stored away like that?

none, Wii U is the first console ive ever collected for as it was as much a flop as the dreamcast if not more so with a bigger fan base ( dare i say it! )
720p 30fps on the small screen and 900p 30fps on the large screen for Zelda. I know its only Nintendo but thats still a let down..

Cant wait to play Shin Megami Tensei,the new Square RPG and fire Emblem though
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