The 3 points may be true but it's not exactly dead when it plays the only game the switch has (not counting the other dross available at launch) at pretty much the same graphical fidelity. If I didn't have a Wii U I would probably get the switch but getting a switch to replace a Wii U at present is pretty pointless. Unless of course you are desperate to play Zelda on a train etc. The other thing I've noticed is the next big game to release on the switch is Mario Kart 8. Really? I've had that game for nearly 3 years. They really should have had a better launch line-up imo.
Yes it's dead, there are no new games coming out for it. It's as dead as a 360.
It is true that you might not want to buy a switch to play Zelda so it makes sense to just buy it on the Wii U if you already have a Wii U but the Wii U is still a dead end console.