*** Nintendo Switch ***

He would be giving something back by virtue of exposure, particularly if his review of Zelda is praiseworthy.
Nintendo are renowned for being out of touch with gamers, streamers etc. Joe is not the only person to have expressed this!
It's their property. If they don't want the type of exposure that these youtubers offer then they are within their rights to do limit how their ip is used.

This entitled generation of youtubers seem to think they can do what they want when the world doesn't work like that.
It's their property. If they don't want the type of exposure that these youtubers offer then they are within their rights to do limit how their ip is used.

This entitled generation of youtubers seem to think they can do what they want when the world doesn't work like that.

I don't know about the US but UK fair use law does entitle these guys to do exactly what you are suggesting is so wrong. You are exempt from copyright law for the purposes of review.

You have to ask yourself why the rest of the gaming industry acts so differently.
It was when they stopped aiming at this crowd that their consoles stopped selling well (despite the Wii anomaly) and, and this is the important bit for me, we stopped getting the variety and no. of quality first party titles. Cater for a niche crowd and you'll get a bunch of party games and odd big IP. Have an audience of core gamers and we'll start getting the Metroids, F-Zeros and all the other great stuff Nintendo don't make any more.

When have they ever? They had dumbed down versions on the wii and wii U. But nothing else that was really 'mainstream' before. People seem to be complaining that they don't have the games they want, when it's never really been something Nintendo do.

Even the gamecub, best selling games were nearly all 1st party games.

Same story with the N64.

Similar with the SNES but not as much, but gaming was no where near as popular then as it is now and hardly a fair comparison.

This is always the way Nintendo has done it, and it's unfair to judge them on it. There is plenty of other options for gamers these days.
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To summarise:

Those here that have the Switch are mostly happy with it.
Yet the more vocal minority in here that don't have one won't accept the above.

All I've read and watched so far has me leaning towards getting one myself.
I do agree that Nintendo needs to start looking at bringing some more top games to the switch. As it stands the only game that appears to be brand new for the switch is Mario later in the year.

Zelda is a Wii U game ported to the switch and MK8 is just a re-release of the Wii U version with a battle mode that works.

If they can release a new metroid game and some other top games in the next year it will be a success.
He would be giving something back by virtue of exposure, particularly if his review of Zelda is praiseworthy.
Nintendo are renowned for being out of touch with gamers, streamers etc. Joe is not the only person to have expressed this!

I would argue that's a good thing, because then they would
It's their property. If they don't want the type of exposure that these youtubers offer then they are within their rights to do limit how their ip is used.

This entitled generation of youtubers seem to think they can do what they want when the world doesn't work like that.

So over the last couple of days I've had the opportunity to play my Switch on the commute to and from work and it's been a great experience in both modes, joycons attached or joycons detatched.

I did discover that my current External Battery will delay the battery depletion so I'll need to look into picking up a QC 3.0 pack, also that Hori Stand that's been doing the rounds.

What you can prop it up and detach the Joycons however I will admit it is just a great experience to sit back, relax and just play through Zelda and I really did enjoy that! Reminded me of the whole Wii Mote and Nunchuck combo and it felt instantly familiar just without the waggle! This thing just continues to impress me more and more!

Where's the big 1st party exclusive?

1st party exclusives aren't as important as you think they are, the ones on the PS4 are great but that console is mainly being bought by people who want multi platform games.

Zelda is better than all of them, would you buy a PS4 for any of them?

Assassins Creed is one of the worst franchises in history.

I personally don't like most of the games I listed but a huge section of the general public do and you'd be an idiot to pretend otherwise. Those games not being available on Nintendo systems hurts them.

Look at the Wii U, amazing 1st party exclusives and it was the worst selling Nintendo console in history other than the Virtual Boy.
I have been quite vocal previously about the lack of quality games available on launch. It is an odd/poor launch. Especially when Zelda isn't an exclusive. 1-2 Switch is pathetic and Bomberman should be £15. Nintendo do make some rather odd choices. I think they should have held off for a November launch when more titles would be available, but it is what it is.

Given time the Switch will replace the 3DS, the sooner that happens the better. I hate how long Nintendo have dragged out the life of the 3DS, it should have been put to bed years ago in favour of a new device.

I will put money on there being other revisions of the Switch down the road with greater battery life via a more powerful and efficient CPU/GPU, I think the outlook for the Switch looks bright.

I've not played Shovel Knight before so have picked up that, to be honest.. with this and Zelda it will keep me busy for months. BOTW is surprisingly good, it's caught me by surprise just how good it is. I know there is a massive fan base out there of Zelda, I've played a couple of Zelda games on the 3DS and thought they were strong games, but perhaps a little over rated. BOTW though, is something else. The scale of the game on a handheld device is jawdropping. It'll likely make other games pail in comparison.
When have they ever?

I disagree. The NES, SNES, N64 and GC were all attempts at being mainstream, competitive home consoles. Sure, competition and the market lessens the further you go back, but this was Nintendo aiming at the masses and also Nintendo at their very best - especially in terms of first party releases. It was with the Wii that things changed. Don't you find it odd that, other than Mario and Zelda, they're barely touching their IPs? Let alone come up with something new and core gamer focused. And by core gamer I don't mean Fifa and CoD - I mean Mario 64 vs. 3D World, Metroid Prime, F-Zero, Star Fox etc etc.
Is there any news on Skyrim coming to it? 30fps I imagine. Also, any news on Monster Hunter releasing on this beast. I'd LOVE that.
I like the look of what nintendo have done with the switch.

However, as seems the norm now with nintendo, it looks like it's going to struggle for quality games.
The poor launch line up could have so easily been compensated for with a solid virtual console line up - but there's next to nothing.

That's not even a lot of work and a raft of old school Mario/Zelda games would have been awesome. Working ARM emulators are no new thing.
People complaining about ports and launch titles , I bought a PS4 and it had killzone and that was it, I think that's just how it is now ... also I spent the following months buying ports from the PS3 like GTA V and TlOU .. the switch will get there with exclusives, and I bet they'll be unreal just like they were on the wii U ... can't wait to get a switch my PS4 is just collecting dust atm as I'm on the pc all the time, this will be great for the pick up and play while sat downstairs or in bed ! :D
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