*** Nintendo Switch ***

Yeah we all lost out on the 3DS badly :p

Or the 10 exclusives I have sat on the shelf for the Wii U :)

The 3DS is a bit of a separate entity - we're talking home consoles here. You might have been happy with the WiiU, but many weren't. It was a mixed bag for me - nothing truly great punctuated with the occasional good game. I just bought Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker btw, so will be dusting off the old boy for a final session. I can't bring myself to get Zelda tho as it's too much of a pill to swallow playing the lesser version after waiting so long (that and I'll eventually be getting an iteration of the Switch and will want something to play on it ;))
So he's having a strop because Nintendo don't want him to profit from their intellectual property without him giving something back?

He's a bit of a muppet.

He would be giving something back by virtue of exposure, particularly if his review of Zelda is praiseworthy.
Nintendo are renowned for being out of touch with gamers, streamers etc. Joe is not the only person to have expressed this!
Nintendo Switch launch games:
  • 1-2-Switch
  • Fast RMX
  • Just Dance 2017
  • Human Resource Machine
  • I Am Setsuna
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Little Inferno
  • Shovel Knight
  • Skylanders: Imaginators
  • Snipperclips
  • Super Bomberman R
  • World of Goo
  • Arms (Spring 2017)
  • Has-Been Heroes (March 2017)
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (April 28)
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris (Spring 2017)
  • Lego City Undercover (April 4)
People saying it launched with 1 game are wrong...1 big game was pushed (for obvious reasons) but yes, there are more games available for it.
lol - seriously?! Go to the UK Nintendo store and go to switch games top 10. There are only two games to buy, Zelda and 1-2 switch. Every shop I have been, at least 3 shops on an accessories hunt, has only had those two games. Shovel knight isn't even listed on the Nintendo website as a digital download for the switch.

And are we really including shovel knight and world of goo? Really?! And the others are mostly indie games that have been released before. There is more than one game on the switch for sure but not really more than 1 than anyone gives two hoots about.

Oh I sure am excited to play puyo puyo and lego undercover (oh another port). The lack of original / new games is legitimate criticism. It is not defence to say "yeah but there is actually more than game so neh". You should stop being so hyper-defensive because it undermines the rest of the good points / posts you otherwise make.

Meanwhile we will all continue to be happy and enjoy Zelda :p
So he's having a strop because Nintendo don't want him to profit from their intellectual property without him giving something back?

He's a bit of a muppet.

If you want to put Nintendo IP on your channel you have to submit your content to the Nintendo Creator's Program. At this point, Nintendo own the content you create, will take all of your revenue and will give you back 60-70% (though Nintendo have control over this amount and whether or not they pay out). Furthermore, Nintendo have the freedom to censor your content; if you are negative or they feel you are overly critical, your content will be removed.

Nintendo's Creators Program introduces to YouTube the sort of vested interests scandal that eroded trust in the mainstream gaming press. Its members have an incentive to be positive; the future of their channel and their revenue directly depend on their co-operation with Nintendo's business interests.

Given the tone of Joe's channel, it isn't exactly surprising that he doesn't want to join such a scheme, and wouldn't be welcome there even if he did wish to join.

Paying Nintendo 30% isn't a problem by itself. It doesn't amount to that much money. When he talks about money, it's more to question whether or not it's worth it from Nintendo's viewpoint. By taking a cut, Nintendo-themed videos will generate less revenue for the channel's owner than other videos. As such, there's a direct incentive to create less Nintendo-themed content. Are Nintendo making enough money from YouTube for this compromise to be worth it?
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My switch comes sometime this month, i'm a little bummed because of the delay as i ordered it when it the day the preorder went live.

But i can't wait to join everyone i've got my Switch coming with a screen protector and a carrying case.

Just not sure if i should order a micro sd card or not as i will be getting shovel knight as i've yet to play it.
Zelda is going to push 100+ hours so there's no way I'll be done with it by the time MK8 hits (which I have pre-ordered). I don't need 10 great first party launch games. Sure it's nice to have some choice but it would take me over a year to buy and play through 10 games. One every two months or so is good for me.
My switch comes sometime this month, i'm a little bummed because of the delay as i ordered it when it the day the preorder went live.

But i can't wait to join everyone i've got my Switch coming with a screen protector and a carrying case.

Just not sure if i should order a micro sd card or not as i will be getting shovel knight as i've yet to play it.

My switch has a 128GB card sat idly doing nothing.
I think it was Killzone: Shadowfall - which was a bit meh.

I am hoping they release all the first party Wii U stuff which I never got to play. Bayo 2 as well please!
It had COD, Fifa, Battlefield and Assassin's Creed. That's what attracted the more casual gamer.

Those games always sell tons every single year.

Zelda is better than all of them, would you buy a PS4 for any of them?

Assassins Creed is one of the worst franchises in history.
Seems like a muppet to me, that is exactly what he is stropping about.

Completely disagree. Nintendo take a vastly different view on fair use of their IP compared to the rest of the industry, going so far as to force youtubers to give up control and part of their profit from their videos that every other publisher will happily let let be used under fair use.

He's right to call them out on their BS.

How you can slap a copyright claim on some footage of a disco ball and the the pulsing word dance is stupid.

There is also the conflict of interest where if you want to review their game with any footage of the game in your review you are also reliant on Nintendo allowing you to have your part of the profit returned to you.
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Just read above post, never realised they were so bad. :(

But then I don't care too much about homemade youtube review videos.

I'd like to point out I am not being hyper-defensive or whatever you want to call it :p - optimistic, yes! Defensive? Not 100% of the time (sometimes I get caught up in the moment, but doesn't everyone) I didn't actually do the "so ners" thing either! Whether its on the site, advertised, or whatever...the fact is, there is more than 1 game available at launch. But not more than 1 "big" title. eshop stuff mostly.

I will continue to be happy that others are happy about Zelda. :)
Shock in nintendo not aiming itself to the casual COD/BF crowd :p

It was when they stopped aiming at this crowd that their consoles stopped selling well (despite the Wii anomaly) and, and this is the important bit for me, we stopped getting the variety and no. of quality first party titles. Cater for a niche crowd and you'll get a bunch of party games and odd big IP. Have an audience of core gamers and we'll start getting the Metroids, F-Zeros and all the other great stuff Nintendo don't make any more.
It isn't even a new Mario Kart, it's another Wii U port.

So what? MK8 is bloody fantastic on the Wii U which hardly anyone (relatively speaking) had the pleasure of playing.

Looked amazing and such a great local multiplayer game.

Smart idea to package it all up, include a much desired battle-mode and get it out for the masses with Switch.
So what? MK8 is bloody fantastic on the Wii U which hardly anyone (relatively speaking) had the pleasure of playing.

Looked amazing and such a great local multiplayer game.

Smart idea to package it all up, include a much desired battle-mode and get it out for the masses with Switch.

Totally agree. The same goes for many other titles. Nintendo would be smart to revamp the Galaxy and Prime games again - they'd fly of the shelves. However, it doesn't do anything to confirm the fears many people have with the Switch - that it's not going to follow in the footsteps of the Wii and WiiU with big game droughts and lack of 1st/3rd party support. Hey guys - we've got this new console! It's got a WiiU port, another WiiU port, and some old indie stuff. But we're serious about supporting the console this time - trust us ...
I'd like to point out I am not being hyper-defensive or whatever you want to call it :p - optimistic, yes! Defensive? Not 100% of the time (sometimes I get caught up in the moment, but doesn't everyone) I didn't actually do the "so ners" thing either! Whether its on the site, advertised, or whatever...the fact is, there is more than 1 game available at launch. But not more than 1 "big" title. eshop stuff mostly.

I will continue to be happy that others are happy about Zelda. :)
You didn't do the so neh thing so apologies for the embellishment - I just found the point you were making to equally obtuse to the overzealous "so neh" point that 3 march to the end of April is less than 2 months :p

Please do continue to be optimistic :)

As for the PS4 launch (as mentioned by others) - even if most of those games weren't exclusive they were mostly new and popular games optimised for the newest system rather than 'mere ports' of historic games, so I'd say that was a stronger line up than the switch.
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