*** Nintendo Switch ***

Yeah the Mario rumours are exciting for sure!.

That said - best to keep expectations in check as these are still rumours, albeit from credible sources.

Personally, I don't expect it to be as adventure focused as Mario 64, but a good balance of platforming and exploration and with a hub world. A bit like Galaxy but flattened out and more connected.
Rumours started surfacing of a Switch Pokemon game being well into development recently too. Maybe an updated version of Sun/Moon... Pokemon Eclipse? :D.

Retro Studios have been dark for 3+ years now...
Nice ive not followed it too closely tbh but will order one when we can. I didnt love my wii u as a system but the games were solid and trumped any ps4/xb1 exclusives imo
Skyrim you say? At launch? And portable?

Man that's awesome news with those games! No idea if this is old news, but EA have chipped in too...

EA pledged some early support for the Nintendo Switch, but given the “unprecedented partnership” that completely fell apart before the Wii U launched there has been some understandable skeptics. At the UBS Global Technology Conference, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen talked about their support of the Switch:

“In terms of Nintendo, in their announcement they announced that we’ll be supporting with a game or two on that new platform. We haven’t yet announced what game, but you should assume that it’s one of our bigger games we’ve been involved with.”

“We’re excited for Nintendo, it’s an interesting device, but I can’t yet predict how broad it’s going to be, and will people be interested in a portable device alongside their regular portable device that they have.”


Wonder what it'll be!
Not exactly resounding support - "a game or two" and "will people be interested?".

Yeah I had to laugh at that. Classic EA " we'll support it, but only if it's popular".

Hopefully it'll be mass effect. It won't be battlefield, it could be Dragon age. I'd be more confident that it'll be more single player than a multiplayer game.
To be honest for me i would rather them focus on 1st party stuff rather than releasing what you have to guess will be the lesser version of multiplatform ports?

However im coming from a place where i have a pc / ps4 for other games so i understand this isnt everyones case
Yeah, after the way they treated the Wii and Wii U with their legacy editions. Then stopped after 2 releases.

Hope I'm wrong and they really get behind it but you know if the machine doesn't sell big and do well in March then EA won't invest in it and you can't really blame them.

Costs money to create/port games and if the market isn't big enough it just wouldn't justify the cost.
Only thing that makes me think it won't be fifa is if they release it on launch day, then it's only 6 months till the next one is out. If they wait any longer, it won't be worth them releasing 17 and will end up waiting for 18 to be released, plus anyone who plays fifa will already have it for other consoles. Is it enough to make them double dip? Mass effect on the other hand, is getting released in March, so I'd still (fingers and toes crossed) guess it's that.
Would not mind if it was Mass Effect Andromeda actually. If it is any good, I could buy it, play it and sell it on as I have no intentions of buying it from Origin. Usually only costs £5 or so to do this :)

But to be honest I doubt it will come to the Switch.
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