*** Nintendo Switch ***

How many hours it the Dark Souls campaign on average?

including the eleventymillion deaths and controllers being thrown at the wall?

If I recall my first playthrough probably took between 50-60hours, playthrough 2 took about 10-15. Once you know the world inside out, it becomes a breeze to navigate. But nothing beats the first playthrough. Exploring the world on tip toes etc
50-60? You must've beasted it then. I'm at 22 hours (with 1 char I am running a knight and a pyro) and I only just got to Anor Londo.

:D it's a hard one to give a rough guide of playtime on as everyone will play differently.

That's good going as I'd say it's roughly half way? Maybe just under halfway if memory serves me well.

Actually the end of that area is maybe what I'm thinking of
Probably about a third I think. Anyway I am loving it. I've got Diablo 3 coming on Friday but I want to get through this first so it might have to wait a bit.
Dark Souls on the switch is honestly that wow moment for me I'm sure many people had with games like Doom. Having it in the palm of my hand is incredible, especially with how well it runs and looks in handheld mode.

Bought DS Remastered on release day. So far it's really good. One criticism is the not so polished layout in comparison to DS2 and DS3. It is very confusing and I got lost more than once! Overall though, very challenging game that after 15 hours is starting to become a bit more enjoyable (i.e. I stopped dying every 2 seconds :p) and really rewarding in terms of mechanics (i.e. learning how to parry properly).
That's what makes the first games world the best in the series. 2 is four straight paths from a central hub then one final straight path to the end with a tiny bit of exploration and 3 is a straight path throughout with a couple of offshoots.
Yeah having it handheld is a great wow moment. It looks great at 1080 on my tv as well. Really happy with the port. The sound could be fuller in HH but I can live with it.
Dark Souls on the switch is honestly that wow moment for me I'm sure many people had with games like Doom. Having it in the palm of my hand is incredible, especially with how well it runs and looks in handheld mode.

That's what makes the first games world the best in the series. 2 is four straight paths from a central hub then one final straight path to the end with a tiny bit of exploration and 3 is a straight path throughout with a couple of offshoots.

Had the same thing last night when i got round to playing Wolfenstein on the switch, really impressive!
50-60? You must've beasted it then. I'm at 22 hours (with 1 char I am running a knight and a pyro) and I only just got to Anor Londo.

Getting to Anor Londo was the "easy" part of my first playthrough (probably took me as long/longer than you) - I was stuck there for about the same time again before I finally bested it :o

What else can they have up their sleeves. Must be final character reveals and whatever that mysterious green tile was.
Looking forward to it :). A little over 5 weeks until we have a new Smash Bros game.

They tend to go into a fair bit of detail in these game-specific directs, which I really appreciate. There also a 'Live Treehouse Presentation' after the direct which I assume is just going to be them demoing the announced content & features further.
Looking forward to it :). A little over 5 weeks until we have a new Smash Bros game.

They tend to go into a fair bit of detail in these game-specific directs, which I really appreciate. There also a 'Live Treehouse Presentation' after the direct which I assume is just going to be them demoing the announced content & features further.

While I love smash and I will be getting this one it's hard to get excited about an enhanced port. I've played sm4sh so much and I would have preferred a new game even with only a few characters.
I wonder if they will do a test Smash! :D

I hope so! I only play solo so I need to know if this is going to be decent online before I commit. From what Kreeeee is saying it might not be. No doubt the Direct will get me hyped for it though. The last one certainly did.
While I love smash and I will be getting this one it's hard to get excited about an enhanced port. I've played sm4sh so much and I would have preferred a new game even with only a few characters.

That's fair enough, it is largely more of the same.
I certainly wouldn't call Ultimate a port though, there are a few fundamental changes to the core game that aren't simple adjustments or enhancements.
Ultimate builds on 4, like 4 built on Brawl.

I guess the term 'new game' is up for interpretation here, but it sounds like you want a refresh of the series.
That's fair enough, it is largely more of the same.
I certainly wouldn't call Ultimate a port though, there are a few fundamental changes to the core game that aren't simple adjustments or enhancements.
Ultimate builds on 4, like 4 built on Brawl.

I guess the term 'new game' is up for interpretation here, but it sounds like you want a refresh of the series.

There are no fundamental changes to the core game. There are no new core gameplay systems and the changes to each character are along the same lines as a balance update for a street fighter game.

I also never called it a straight up port
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I am excited, but like many, I didn't own the Wii-U. I haven't owned a Smash game since the Gamecube! So yep, hype here is high. I played the Wii-U version a few times at friends and did enjoy it.
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