*** Nintendo Switch ***

Bought Dark Souls. An hour or so of playing. Meh. Feels a bit... soulless. Muddy brown / grey palette doesn’t help. I definitely prefer a bright / cartoony aesthetic.
It was my first Splatfest so I only got 21 snails but it was still super fun! Just a shame us poor knights lost:D:p

Normally the most popular option loses so this is a rare result. The kids always pick their favourite while the competitive players try to choose the least popular option to have fewer kids on their side :p
Yeah... really not sure on Dark Souls. Have got to a part where you fight for 10 minutes and get confronted by a demon on a bridge. If you die it’s the same 10 minutes over again. I predict I’ll have to go through the same motions again and again until I figure out the demon. Hmmmmnngh that’s rather tedious - not sure it’s for me if I’m having these thoughts already What’s particularly tedious is that for most baddies it’s akin to Ocarina of Time “wait around for the baddie to swipe - then attack”. Lots of waiting but if you can’t be arsed to wait that means lots of dying. I don’t really want to have to laboriously dodge all the enemies to get best chances on the demon... life’s enough of an exam already, ya know?
Hehe I know that boss. Took me the second attempt to figure the strategy and then twice more to execute it :p
That boss seems to be a particular tough part, it eases up again after that.

Even when you know how to beat him its still not easy to do. Luck seems to play a bit in it.
I'm not sure why but I felt like I fought with the controls more when playing Dark Souls on Switch and eventually I had to trade it as I just didn't enjoy it much. I'd finished it previously (as well as all the other Souls' games) and love the series but just couldn't seem to get to grips with it on the smaller screen or with the different controllers.
I'm not afraid to say hat I used some very useful guides/walkthrough from Youtube that eased me into the Dark Souls games, there's also tips on where to find stronger (OP) weapons early on, which can help immensely.

BTW you can attack the Denon on the bridge in a certain way, that takes a huge amount of its health.
There is a whole lot of ‘wait around’ to kill even the most lowly of enemies and I find that quite tedious, particularly as time is my most precious real life commodity! Fighting the same guys over and over for 10 mins to inch 2 mins further each time is not what I deem rewarding gameplay.

Still, early days.

Also, looking up what to do takes away the most important rewarding part - figuring it out. So now I’m obliged not to use the ‘easy method’ that I have found out. Hrrrrngh!
Unfortunately the whole game is like that, completed all the Dark Souls and Bloodborne etc.

All of them are rinse and repeat while you learn tactics, even then you read the move wrong and pay for it and then need to start again due to one mistake.

It is rewarding in the end though and makes you feel like you've earnt it.
I have no shame admitting I used a guide to get an idea for the armoured tusk and will no doubt need more guides in the future.
I have no shame admitting I used a guide to get an idea for the armoured tusk and will no doubt need more guides in the future.

Personally I had no issue with the Tusk and killed him first time, however other bosses or quasi bosses that others may consider easy I badly struggled on.
Even if you do need to get back to where you died you can run past most things.

Like all of these games you're meant to be weak at the start and you really feel it until you learn the mechanics of the game.

Farming is only required if you want to level specific things like STR, DEX etc to use specific weapons and armour which will be useless unless you have the minimum required stats.

If you're struggling with bosses look in to reversing your hollow status (with Humanity at bonfires) and summoning NPC's and actual players. Makes the game a lot easier. The game doesn't really explain Humanity very well so it might be worth looking in to that.
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