*** Nintendo Switch ***


Picked up an 8BitDo N30 Pro 2 after seeing the range at a gaming event.
Had a quick test with Hollow Knight and Sonic Mania, and am pretty impressed with it.
So nice to have a decent dpad!

Be nice and don't use it when playing local multiplayer. It causes input lag for the other players.
I'm really tempted to get one of the 8bitdo controllers for indies and SMM2 but I keep hearing the odd bad thing about them and it puts me off. The D-pad on the pro controller is a bit crap and in the wrong place for long term comfort so i want something else. I really like the look of the 8bitDo retro style SN30 and SF30. Anyone got these and have been using them for games like Hollow Knight and SMM2.
I heard bad things about SF30 dpad from someone who has one in a Switch wechat group I'm in. He modified it with tape on the contacts to stop phantom direction touches. I guess it's similar to the problems people have on the Switch Pro controller. He did say his was an older one though.
I updated the firmware on this one, and the vague release notes only mention fixing input lag with more than 3 players. Will update here if I have any issues with mine.
Hmm with the most recent pokemon games being such a mindmeltingly dull single player experience I’m not sure I can really justify buying a lite just so me and the mrs can play through them at the same time.

Sun and moon were so naff. As with every Pokemon game, spam your initial overpowered pokie against everything and win without trying \o/

I mean, I enjoyed bits of it but... generally, yawn. They were weirdly sexist too - I wonder if they will tone that down this time :p
This was my post at the time...

On island 3 and have a motley crew of, frankly, awful pokies.

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this but, and I will add my lady friend who I'm playing this with didn't notice until I mentioned it, does anyone think this game is pretty sexist against the wiminz? All the time girls are referenced by how they look or characters comment on their looks... or about their need to go shopping. There are also some seemingly bizarrely out of place innuendos (most memorably when you are cooking a potion in a jungle and some references to 'grinding and pounding' or similar to ingredients are made by a girl whilst the camera lowers down onto her body... although maybe I was steered towards picking that up from noticing the more blatant sexism). Female characters always called 'beauty x' or similar or commenting on looking good and being pretty. I dunno - anyone else picked this up?
Massive sale on again on the eShop.

Was thinking of picking up Splatoon but keep reading stuff about the 'Final Splat Fest' - Does that mean the game is on its way out?
Massive sale on again on the eShop.

Was thinking of picking up Splatoon but keep reading stuff about the 'Final Splat Fest' - Does that mean the game is on its way out?
Anything actually any good? Wading through the Nintendo store is horrid. So much rubbish!

Edit - Axiom verge £10.50. That’ll do.
Hmm did they really need to shrink the screen?
Yes as they have removed certain features and it's more portable so it's been made slightly smaller.

I'll pick one up as had to sell my Switch a few months back and still have all my games physical and digital so only buying the console.

I never once used it in dock mode so am very happy to get the Lite instead.
Just flicking through the offers page shows how bad the shop interface has become. It's so slow/laggy!

Use a LAN connection. Mine is rubbish on WiFi too and it takes a second for the icons to load.

I wonder if they fixed the WiFi on the Lite. I hope so because you can't play it via LAN.
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