I remember wasting days and days on elite frontier exploring and mining so this is right up my street
I would actually prefer not meeting other players
I would honestly not get hopes up for flight stick setups. It's not that type of game, really. And much of your time will be spent on foot.Do we have any news as to controller support yet? WIll assume my X52Pro will be supported but Rudders and TrackIR?
Going to pre-order this one
Lots of questions though! Can you walk around in your ship (if it's big enough)? Can you go in to buildings that are supposedly on these planets? Can you own a fleet? I've only really seen green 'normal' worlds? Is there a way to meet up with friends and play together? And so on
Looking forward to it. I'm just a little worried that the stuff we've seen to far in the previews honestly isn't that much and won't give you that much to do.
The ship you have, doesn't seem to be have that space to walk around in. However I'm thinking that some large ships, maybe that you can enter or dock with, could have that option (not sure yet).
Sean has already said there's no large ships that you can purchase, pilot, and also walk around in. You can only walk around spacestations etc.