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No Pre Order or Official UK Price on the GTX 1080

On the day I pay £700 for a video card, frosty the snowman will be skating to work with Satan!

Utterly ludicrous.

Some rich parents are probably readying their vast wallets to buy one for little Jonny though.
Not really no. I saw some benches comparing it to SLI 970s (which I have) and in SLI friendly games the 1080 is only 10% better than the 970s.

nVidia can kiss my arse if they think I'm paying to side-grade for the majority of games.

Seriously, people need to stop buying these bloody cards for one iteration...we only have ourselves to blame for the drip-feed incremental improvements and thanks-for-the-£600 sales model.

Nvidia don't want to kiss your arse, they want to do something else to it, so get in line and lube up. Lol.

Oh and in before it's my money and you can't tell me how to spend it. Lawl :p

£700 for a mid range chip is madness. Would be funny to see if it does come out at £700 who will be buying it :D
Amazon release prices are often completely off the mark.

Best thing is when they get it wrong the other way and honour it.

That is how i got my MSI Gaming 980 a few weeks after release for £300 :D

If it is £700 then that is a complete rip off and i hope no one buys one.
Dont understand why you think £600+ is a surprise. Its been like this for years. I can almost see the money burning a hole in loads of peoples pockets just reading the posts.

The 980ti's are selling for £490+. No way the new card is going to be £500-£600 because that would hurt the sale of current 980ti's. The price of that isnt going to drop because it means the margins would be squeezed maybe even lost especially with stock high. So new cards always come in first at a high price to catch the early adopters. Doesnt harm the sellers because you either pay the extra for the new cards, buy existing cards or wait.

Then when it comes to a point that the older cards need shifting then the prices are reduced but the new cards still remain the same because the older cards need to be sold. Then once stock of the older cards is reduced this is when the price of new cards will drop unless they are selling like hotcakes at their original price.

So its no good moaning at OCUK they are a business and are in it for the profit. If you are moaning about the high price you've only got to blame the people who will buy it at that price. If people waited and didnt buy the new cards at the release price then price drops would occur quicker. However this isnt going to happen. People cant wait. Thats what sellers count on.

Been like this for years. Not going to change ever.

Well said that man.
Personally, I think it is likely to all be a clever mind game people will get drawn into. They show you all these higher prices and then release it at £600 and people will be like, oh that not as bad as I was expecting and open their wallets in relief. Obviously not realising even £600 is already over priced :D
I thought the price had been released?

"Given that both GPUs are $50 more than their predecessor's launch price, with the GTX 980 sitting at £429 and 970 at £259, we expect the UK price for the latest Pascal GPUs to be around £449 for the GTX 1080 and £289 for the GTX 1070 and £339 for the GTX 1070 Founder Edition - making them affordable GPUs given their prospective speed gains - read on to find out about their performance."

Not too bad. A bit more than last gen but...Nvdia so. what ya gonna do.

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