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Nvidia gameworks - Game over for you

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28 May 2007
I tried to watch the video but all I picked up on was "something about a kilt" and I am sure he mentioned Porridge a few times :confused: :p

Yea was the same when i watched your Video's. Felt like i was watching a poor episode of Towie if that's even possible, all that Vagazzle talk you were doing or at least what i thought i heard :D :D :D.
4 Jan 2009
Running some of these cards IRL and owning a 780 as I've posted before the 780 benchmark numbers often don't seem to reflect what I see in day to day use. (I'm not shy of spending money on GPUs when I feel the need to so believe me this isn't me being defensive of the 780 - if it wasn't performing to my requirements it would be gone without a second thought).

Doing a little experimenting the other day they often seem to match up with what would happen if you pretended the 780's fairly healthy actual boost clocks out the box (not overclocking) didn't exist and limited them to the on paper reference clocks. Which would suit both AMD and nVidia :S

However - Maxwell does have some changes to the shader architecture that will give it an upto 35% increase in efficiency over Kepler in an otherwise like for like scenario - there will be some games (especially newer releases) where that translates to a 10-15% bonus ingame that can't be made up even with any amount of overclocking advantage to Kepler due to the nature of the bottleneck.

As to the video I'm not even going to watch it - is it really anything other than yet another sensationalist, poorly understood attack on GameWorks by someone lacking actual technical insight? coz they are getting really boring.

Do you have fallout 4 Rroff ? Only reason i ask is because after the release of fallout 4 i had dips into the 30's in diamond city. After the updates though i get high 50's dips from my 60hz vsync on so 59fps like 99% of the time as i set game fps to 59 to make it smooth all the time.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Do you have fallout 4 Rroff ? Only reason i ask is because after the release of fallout 4 i had dips into the 30's in diamond city. After the updates though i get high 50's dips from my 60hz vsync on so 59fps like 99% of the time as i set game fps to 59 to make it smooth all the time.

Nope sadly don't have or any interest in FO4 or The Witcher 3 - which is probably a good thing as Kepler performance is a little sad in those titles :S (that doesn't change the fact that I question the 780 numbers in many recent reviews/benchmarks).

I do have Skyrim modded so that it looks both prettier than FO4 but also makes my 780 cry though heh.
4 Jan 2009
Nope sadly don't have or any interest in FO4 or The Witcher 3 - which is probably a good thing as Kepler performance is a little sad in those titles :S (that doesn't change the fact that I question the 780 numbers in many recent reviews/benchmarks).

I do have Skyrim modded so that it looks both prettier than FO4 but also makes my 780 cry though heh.

Yeah i was not interested in the witcher 3 either. Fallout 4 was a must have for me and i was all ready for the need to upgrade, thankfully i did not need to upgrade.
23 Apr 2014
Yea was the same when i watched your Video's. Felt like i was watching a poor episode of Towie if that's even possible, all that Vagazzle talk you were doing or at least what i thought i heard :D :D :D.

How do you know what a poor episode of Towie is like :eek:

Gotta love the personal attacks though just because Greg has an opinion on the video just like anyone else :D

Maybe make some videos yourself RealDeal, you're a very opinionated guy and always think you're right (or at least it seems that way).
28 May 2007
How do you know what a poor episode of Towie is like :eek:

Gotta love the personal attacks though just because Greg has an opinion on the video just like anyone else :D

I am from Scotland so was replying on that basis and on the Towie front i have a woman who watches all that kind of Guff. My post was as much off an attack as his was too me. I hope his was taken like i took his as a bad joke lol.

No i have my opinion and i stand by it until proved wrong. It's guys like you that burst into a thread with the words Fanboy in your post that i take no notice of though.
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28 May 2007
You quite clearly are a fanboy though, you seem to be taking enough notice to reply :)

Only when you reply directly to me. I was going to reply to your post earlier but bit my tongue as i should always. Anyone that does not agree with you is always classed as a fanboy so think what you like.

Quality opening post right here.

Seems to be a fundamental issue with AMD fanboys spelling words how they pronounce them. Have they got spell check working in their drivers yet to render the red squiggle underneath?
5 Sep 2011
Another video looking for hits, which seems to be hitting all the right notes with the right people to pass it along.

The patch 1.3 Fallout 4 stuff is scathing. AMD get 20% increase in performance, Nvidia take a what 5-10% hit on Maxwell but a 30+ % hit on every Kepler card.

As usual, nice to know that if you spent almost £1000 on a GPU way less than two years ago Nvidia doesn't care about you at all, but we knew that already from all the other games that ran like dirt on Kepler last year. How many of those benchmarks for how many games showed completely woeful Kepler performance?

4 Feb 2006
It's funny how some of the guys defending their kepler performance in here are not interested in two of the biggest games of last year (which are funnily enough prime examples of gimped Kepler performance).
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
It's funny how some of the guys defending their kepler performance in here are not interested in two of the biggest games of last year (which are funnily enough prime examples of gimped Kepler performance).

In a general sense I'm not defending Kepler performance personally (in some cases it has been left behind in newer games sometimes woefully so) - I just seriously question the 780 results that are commonly used as they don't at all match with my every day usage i.e. take the Battlefront performance posted near the start of the thread - I've got a 970 and 780 I can test with that and in situations where the 970 is getting 76 fps like in the benchmark if I restricted my 780 to boosting like a revision 1 780 I still get 71-72 fps nothing like 65 and with my out the box boost (I have a GHZ edition revision 2 780 that is quite a bit quicker out the box than normal cards) I actually exceed the 970 by ~1fps - with both overclocked to the max it is still pretty close. Strangely enough I do get exactly the performance they get if I gimp my 780 to prevent it boosting above the on paper specs - which makes me question if they didn't just fudge the results based on the specs rather than using an actual card.

EDIT: Obviously in comparison to that one benchmark it could be down to using a different area to test, etc. but I've seen a similar story with several high profile sites where their 780 performance just doesn't match up with what I get compared to a 970.
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7 May 2006
London, Ealing
Off topic but incorrect, A particular drug recently in the news (months ago?) was initially available for a fair price but then had the price increased ten fold. It wasn't new to the market and the owner of the company got a lot of flak over it. I don't know where it went from there but it was a deliberate money grab based on an "I'm the only one with it" attitude.
His overpricing got it removed from NHS lists potentially causing serious health problems for those who had been receiving it. I think it might of had something to do with relieving MS symptoms or Alzheimer's maybe?

Funny enough that was brought up by someone on TS about a month ago, the price hike really shocked me.
And ten fold would be $135 this guy went way past that.

Thirty-two-year-old former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli is having a bad week.

He’s being pilloried on social media, called out for “price gouging” by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and grilled by reporters on why his new drug company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, raised the price of a life-saving drug called Daraprim from $13.50 to $750 per pill virtually overnight.

Specialists in infectious disease are protesting a gigantic overnight increase in the price of a 62-year-old drug that is the standard of care for treating a life-threatening parasitic infection.

The drug, called Daraprim, was acquired in August by Turing Pharmaceuticals, a start-up run by a former hedge fund manager. Turing immediately raised the price to $750 a tablet from $13.50, bringing the annual cost of treatment for some patients to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Cycloserine, a drug used to treat dangerous multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, was just increased in price to $10,800 for 30 pills from $500 after its acquisition by Rodelis Therapeutics. Scott Spencer, general manager of Rodelis, said the company needed to invest to make sure the supply of the drug remained reliable. He said the company provided the drug free to certain needy patients.

In August, two members of Congress investigating generic drug price increases wrote to Valeant Pharmaceuticals after that company acquired two heart drugs, Isuprel and Nitropress, from Marathon Pharmaceuticals and promptly raised their prices by 525 percent and 212 percent respectively. Marathon had acquired the drugs from another company in 2013 and had quintupled their prices, according to the lawmakers, Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, and Representative Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat of Maryland.

Doxycycline, an antibiotic, went from $20 a bottle in October 2013 to $1,849 by April 2014, according to the two lawmakers.
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24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
How do you know what a poor episode of Towie is like :eek:

Gotta love the personal attacks though just because Greg has an opinion on the video just like anyone else :D

Maybe make some videos yourself RealDeal, you're a very opinionated guy and always think you're right (or at least it seems that way).

I am from Scotland so was replying on that basis and on the Towie front i have a woman who watches all that kind of Guff. My post was as much off an attack as his was too me. I hope his was taken like i took his as a bad joke lol.

No i have my opinion and i stand by it until proved wrong. It's guys like you that burst into a thread with the words Fanboy in your post that i take no notice of though.

It is all cool and I don't expect to give it without taking it. I do have a bit of a Essex boy twang crossed with a carrot cruncher. I take the mickey out of my own voice lol :D
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