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**Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Thread**

Came in to read news about the Ti and nothing but AMD talk... Where is the Mods when you need them? (I jest of course) :D

I'm sorry ill make sure i don't spoil this thread like the AMD threads 3-4 pages of nVidia talk :D:cool:

anyway i was merely replying to some one who was talking about competition in regard to the prices of nvidia cards. In response to what my predictions of the 1080Ti price will be.
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Are you kidding me right now? Just because AMD have not had the fastest single GPU card for a couple years does not mean they have not been competing with nvidia over the years. To be quite frank AMD have usually had the best performance per dollar or pound. Not to mention AMD always support their cards much better than nVidia. Anyways its RTG now not AMD but it still stand ATi would be long gone without AMD buying them out and things for us consumers would have been a lot worse if AMD did not do so. So take off your tainted glasses because its getting very boring reading the same poo sometimes. I guess you believe Radeon drivers still suck and nVidia are miles better too right?

So best guess as to 1080Ti announcement? CES in January perhaps? Surely when AMD announce VEGA with a grand fan fare, Nvidia will want to steal their thunder.
If you mean they start of with poor drivers and fix them when the card is end of life, you are correct.

I prefer having the best performance I can get from he start. :)

NV drivers are crap unfortunately. Took 7 months for NV to fix the 144hz flickering issue on desktop, the Pascal cards had with some monitors.

Let alone the issues few weeks ago, where they had to release 5 drivers in 7 days to fix them.

On top, after the 370.71 you can see there is an issue on the highest overclocks achieved, and the general performance of the 1080s which feels degrading. My 1080 lost 7% perf between 370.71 and current drivers, while benching.
Are you kidding me right now? Just because AMD have not had the fastest single GPU card for a couple years does not mean they have not been competing with nvidia over the years. To be quite frank AMD have usually had the best performance per dollar or pound. Not to mention AMD always support their cards much better than nVidia. Anyways its RTG now not AMD but it still stand ATi would be long gone without AMD buying them out and things for us consumers would have been a lot worse if AMD did not do so. So take off your tainted glasses because its getting very boring reading the same poo sometimes. I guess you believe Radeon drivers still suck and nVidia are miles better too right?


If they released cards in-line with nvidia's low-mid range at the same time at a lower price point... then maybe.

But releasing something like the RX480 at the same performance point as the 970 when the 970 has already dropped to the same price and the next generation has already been released by Nvidia is not viable competition in the marketplace... not by any stretch of the imagination.

We used to have competition... up until AMD took over and since they haven't been able to keep up - whereas before they were trading punches on each release.

GTX970 was released in 2014... rx480 was released very nearly a full 2 years later. No wonder Nvidia are able to price-rape their customers...
NV drivers are crap unfortunately. Took 7 months for NV to fix the 144hz flickering issue on desktop, the Pascal cards had with some monitors.

Let alone the issues few weeks ago, where they had to release 5 drivers in 7 days to fix them.

On top, after the 370.71 you can see there is an issue on the highest overclocks achieved, and the general performance of the 1080s which feels degrading. My 1080 lost 7% perf between 370.71 and current drivers, while benching.

if you spent more time playing and less time benching you wouldn't really care :)
The only reason GPUs are so expensive now is because there's no viable competition in the marketplace.

We would still be seeing £400-500 TXP cards if AMD/ATi had been able to stay in the game. It's not inflation or increased manufacturing/research costs that have driven the prices up.

Shame on AMD for killing ATi :(

So nothing to do with $/£ rate being circa 1.25 down from an average closer to 1.6 - 1.7 over the past ten years , nothing to do with vat being either 2.5% or 5% higher than at various periods in the last ten years? And nothing to do with dollar inflation in the last ten years of just under 20%?

It's the zombie lie that won't die on the cpu and gpu sub forums!

I'm not for one second suggesting the lack of credible competition, especially at the high end, from AMD has no effect on on NVidia and Intel's pricing but the meme that we have only seen prices rise solely due to NVidia/ Intel pricing is a provable mistruth.

Average pound to dollar rate 1.6295 for last ten years

Just under 20% $ inflation in last ten years

UK VAT varies from 15% to 20% in past ten years

It's not inflation or increased manufacturing/research costs that have driven the prices up.

I'm sure you can support that statement with some actual information?

Because a quick check shows NVidia r+d quartlely budget has increased by
a factor of well over 2.5 for the last ten years outstripping the 20% inflation rate by quite a margin. NVidia's portfolio has diversified to some extent since then but still revolves around gpu development.
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At what point does the £/$ rate influence gpu base price which is in usd?

Also, how does that reflect the relationship between vodka and and pricing?

Most people moan about the price in then uk in the converted sterling price... Indeed your post quoted the price your thought nvidia gpu's should sell for in sterling!!!!

Even in us $ your claims are still demonstrably not true. The current £/$ rate when 20% vat is included results in pretty much $/£ price parity. No mainstream new top performing NVidia gpu in the last ten years has been introduced at a price below $499 never mind Titans or other 'extreme GPU's

The 8800gtx over ten years ago was $600 (November 2016) with the ultra being $830+ (2007)


In 2016 prices that would be $720 / $967 respectively

So to expect a uk price of £500 or less in 2016 for a limited run 'Extreme' gpu like the txp is pure fantasy
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If you mean they start of with poor drivers and fix them when the card is end of life, you are correct.

I prefer having the best performance I can get from he start. :)

Nailed it. I picked up on that as well. AMDs drivers are indeed horrible and seems to take AMD years to come out with something decent and then finally the cards do a little better.

So pick your poison I suppose, pay a bit more but have all the performance from day 1 or pay less and keep waiting for that magical moment when AMDs drivers catch up.
I like AMD, I bought their cards for years before my patience ran out. Sure, in terms of price vs performance, the AMD cards were better value. However, with regards to day to day use, Nvidia were the far better alternative in my experience. Game ready drivers before game release vs waiting 3 months for a driver update to make things work..no thanks.
yeah, I expected TI to be out just in time for the Christmas sales. Guess NVidia is slacking a bit, or waiting to see what AMD does.

Would have been nice to have it under the tree.

I like AMD, I bought their cards for years before my patience ran out. Sure, in terms of price vs performance, the AMD cards were better value. However, with regards to day to day use, Nvidia were the far better alternative in my experience. Game ready drivers before game release vs waiting 3 months for a driver update to make things work..no thanks.

Cannot wait until I switch as it has been just over 10 years since I've had NVIDIA.
I see no reason to waste more money this gen. My GTX1080 is not struggling, in fact it's more then enough for any game at 3440x1440p ultra wide. 1080Ti will be a over priced pointless card. I'll pass. I'll wait until I struggle before upgrading again. That could be awhile :D
yeah, I expected TI to be out just in time for the Christmas sales. Guess NVidia is slacking a bit, or waiting to see what AMD does.

I couldn't see it myself despite what a lot of people were saying. Sales of 1080 are still good for Nvidia and so are titan.

No need to release the 1080ti until AMD launch their next card.
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