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**Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Thread**

If you think the 1080Ti will be faster than the TXP prepare to be disappointed.

I will take this bet xD,

Yes indeed the GTX 1080 Ti (If that's what they call it ;) ) will be faster than Titan XP 'Milking Edition' ..

Not long to find out.

PS, it's the price that's gonna disappoint, not the performance.
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erm 780ti was faster and cheaper that the original Titian due to it having a fully unlocked GK110 (but less ram), took 4 months to for the Titian black to show up with fully a unlocked chip.

Heck we could see it again, a fully shader unlocked 1080ti with full or slightly neutered bus with GDDR5X, laters a new Titian (let's call it the XP+), with a unlocked GP102 with 12/16gb of HBM2 :D

How possible that's up for debate but it very much possible. IMO

False hope.Keep dreaming.Times have changed.Kepler is long gone.:)
Yes because the one time they have don't it one way versus the one time they have done it the other really sets a precedent doesn't it. ;)
Fair point but come on guys 90% of users in this thread are guys not willing to take the plunge on a TXP and are waiting in hope of a cheaper alternative.The 1080Ti.:)
False hope.Keep dreaming.Times have changed.Kepler is long gone.:)

Then ask yourself when they'll release the fully unlocked GP102, cos Titan X Pascal wasn't it. Just like original Titan wasn't fully unlocked. Will they release a further cut-down GP102 as the 1080ti and then a fully unlocked Titan Vista? Titan X was a fully unlocked card and even then, the custom coolers on the 980ti's helped them even beat Titan X when going head to head, overclock vs overclock.

A video from LTT showing the Gigabyte G1 980ti:

I agree, it's not guaranteed that a 1080ti will be faster than Titan XP. But IMO, the 1080ti won't reach the 780ti/980ti's popularity levels if it's slower or the same performance of Titan XP. Especially considering Nvidia's price hike this gen.

Fair point but come on guys 90% of users in this thread are guys not willing to take the plunge on a TXP and are waiting in hope of a cheaper alternative.The 1080Ti.:)

This too. Even if 1080/Titan XP is powerful and the 1080ti doesn't beat Titan XP, folks want the best bang for buck even at the high end. Even with current gen pricing, that is likely to be a 1080ti. Still wouldn't sell as well as the 980ti's did though. Unless there's enough silly folks who ditch their 1080s for a 1080ti.
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The fully "unlocked" GP102 is called the Quadro P6000, which sells for £5000+

If you think Nvidia are just gonna chop £4200 off the price and slap a Geforce badge on it to make gamers happy...

Oh, you mean like this Quadro K6000 that also went for many £k's? Gee, surely they can't charge much less for the same chip configured for consumer use. Oh look, a GPU that does just that for $700 (780ti)...


GK110 is the Quadro K6000 and was also the chip used for original Titan, 780ti and Titan Black.

Or this Quadro M6000?


GM200 is the Quadro M600, but also the 980ti and original Titan X

Apologies if that was rude, but the point is that Quadro is irrelevant to the discussion. They do their own thing and have no bearing on consumer grade GPUs, but they can use, what is essentially the same chip.

The actual point I've been making over various posts... it's possible for the 1080ti to be a full GP102 and/or it is possible for it to be faster than Titan XP. Of course, I also understand that there is the chance that it may not be faster than a Titan XP and that you could be right and the 1080ti might not be a fully unlocked GP102, in which case it's a disappointing card. Titan cards have only been relatively recent, Kepler was the first to do so.

But regardless, the possibility is there, it's been done before.

Edit: I'll admit, I'm just itching for an upgrade and the 1080 isn't good enough for what I want, yet the Titan XP is too expensive, doesn't have custom coolers (and doesn't overclock that great relative to other cards) and only comes close.
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The fully "unlocked" GP102 is called the Quadro P6000, which sells for £5000+

If you think Nvidia are just gonna chop £4200 off the price and slap a Geforce badge on it to make gamers happy...

That price isn't just for the card though. It includes certification with various application vendors, like Autodesk etc. Special software support, drivers etc.

And why do you think they wouldn't do that? They did with the original Titan.
there better bloody had be :p

would LMAO if there isn't they go straight to a 1180 at closer to current TXP money for similar performance.....but at least it should do DX12 better...and then everyone jumps on the 1180 as they're fed up with a long wait that resulted in no Ti......and that's when they release a 1180 Ti which sees the biggest jump in performance a Ti has ever had causing a mass upgrade rush.

Evil :)
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Pretty sure most people expect them to be equally fast with the GTX 1080 Ti having higher stock clocks due to having less "cuda cores".

Most people I've seen on here seem to think the 1080ti will be 10 to 20% faster than the Titan xp. That's the bit that's not going to happen.
If everything happens, if it does happen when do you think this card will actually be available to people. Looking at the mess that was the 1080 release and the lack of stock only really getting relsoved up to a few months after release.

If the release is middle of the Jan, will it be another crap shoot.

I'm seriouslly looking at a 1080ti, got a 980 at the min. I'm running a 3440x1440 ultrawide so want the most of of it. But if they don't get their act together I'll get a 1080 instead and wait for the next generation or 2 !
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