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**Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Thread**

20 May 2007
but the 980ti wasn't £700 at launch, I bought 2 for £599 each

When the USD to GBP rate was nearly 1.6. It is now 1.24...so we will have a ~20% increase over here just from that if things stay as they are.

The 980Ti was FROM 649$ at launch i believe. Even if Nvidia keep the dollar price the same it will still START from £650 here, with most version being £700+

I think Nvidia will up the dollar rrp though as well if they still have no competition by then.
22 Mar 2014
Indeed. Consumers looking for a new card, who game above 1080p and want good framerates, have had no choice since the end of May.

It is looking like they will continue to not have a choice until at least early next year maybe longer as well.

In fact we might be looking at almost a year of Nvidia being completely unrivaled at the high end.

Well I'd of gotten something from AMD and I'd love to have been able to continue using Freesync but if you don't compete in what is "midrange" then you have no chance.

? The 980ti was a very successful card.

Yeah I don't know what he has been smoking, but I want some! :D
8 Jul 2003
In a house
? The 980ti was a very successful card.

Yeah I don't know what he has been smoking, but I want some! :D

I know it was, but it shouldn't have been released, as the FuryX was a massive fail, it turned out to be around the same performance as the 980, but was more expensive, so if Nvidia had held the Ti until after it got released, instead of releasing it before, then they'd have seen that they could have not bothered releasing it, and so not lost a shedload of cash, as everyone would have still been buying the more expensive TXs.
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24 Mar 2004
I know it was, but it shouldn't have been released, as it lost them a shedload of cash, as instead of everyone buying the more expensive TX, they bought the cheaper Ti instead.

but a lot of people who wouldn't dream of buying a tx went out and bought a ti, as for losing them a shed load of cash ? i'm just not buying that :)
31 Oct 2002
I know it was, but it shouldn't have been released, as the FuryX was a massive fail, it turned out to be around the same performance as the 980, but was more expensive, so if Nvidia had held the Ti until after it got released, instead of releasing it before, then they'd have seen that they could have not bothered releasing it, and so not lost a shedload of cash, as everyone would have still been buying the more expensive TXs.

NVIDIA made more money by selling the 980ti cards - as they have to do something with the failed titan dies...

The 980ti used a cut down version of the GM200 chip. Not all dies are perfect, some don't pass the binning process to become titans etc, and so NVIDIA can simply disable some of the defective areas, and still sell the (expensive) chip as a lesser model, in this case the 980ti.

If NVIDIA just threw away all the defective GM200 dies, they would have made much less money ;)
8 Jul 2003
In a house
They could have held it back and got more TX sales though, instead of rushing it out not long after, just because of the FuryX, as the FuryX turned out to be a massive fail, they just shot themselves in the foot, as they killed their own card, that they were selling by the absolute shedload at a grand a pop, less than 3 months after they released it.
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31 Oct 2002
They could have held it back and got more TX sales though, instead of rushing it out not long after, just because of the FuryX, as the FuryX turned out to be a massive fail, they just shot themselves in the foot, as they killed their own card, that they were selling by the absolute shedload at a grand a pop, less than 3 months after they released it.

I believe NVIDIA, a multi billion dollar company, know more about economics and release timing than you or I ;)
18 Oct 2002
They could have held it back and got more TX sales though, instead of rushing it out not long after, just because of the FuryX, as the FuryX turned out to be a massive fail, they just shot themselves in the foot, as they killed their own card, that they were selling by the absolute shedload at a grand a pop, less than 3 months after they released it.

Nah, was the right card at the right time imo. Kept AMD under their heel...
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
If this card comes out january i get the feeling it will have one of the shortest shelf lifes in history.

I'd have to agree. It'll be no time before the 11** series is out. I'll bet my bottom dollar though that there won't will be much of an improvement over the 10**series...10% at most. Unless AMD's offering is decent, Nvidia will shaft us for a long time to come.

To be fair a 1080Ti card will be plenty for most people....people that can afford to buy it in the first place though (It'll cost the bloody earth I bet)
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Isn't the 11 series just refreshed pascal with faster stock clocks?

Suspect the might go to 2.2/2.3 overclocked but even then they are only going to be 5% faster than the 1080s although that might be 10% at none overclocked speeds.

Glad I went pascal this year :)
19 Nov 2010
I know it was, but it shouldn't have been released, as the FuryX was a massive fail, it turned out to be around the same performance as the 980, but was more expensive, so if Nvidia had held the Ti until after it got released, instead of releasing it before, then they'd have seen that they could have not bothered releasing it, and so not lost a shedload of cash, as everyone would have still been buying the more expensive TXs.

Your...is that logic? What ever that is, it's all over the place ;)
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I know it was, but it shouldn't have been released, as the FuryX was a massive fail, it turned out to be around the same performance as the 980, but was more expensive, so if Nvidia had held the Ti until after it got released, instead of releasing it before, then they'd have seen that they could have not bothered releasing it, and so not lost a shedload of cash, as everyone would have still been buying the more expensive TXs.

If NVidia had not released the 980 Ti, what would they have done with all the GM200 chips that did not make the grade for the Titan ?
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