There is a good chance it will go down just like all the FE drops over the last 3 months or so...FEs get listed at RRP price yes, but you have to click the very second they go live.
So yes, the intial lot will all go to peoples baskets, the add to cart button will disappear. However till it actually says "Out of Stock", its not over.
Typically within 10-15 minutes, the "add to cart" button re-appears, as people who have ordered a card before or for whatever other reason get declined or cancelled.
I dont know how often I and others have parroted that line....yet people still keeping saying "Gone in 2s".
How many of you have actually tried to get an FE card rather than just look at the page and hope to get lucky?
Join one of the alert discord / telegram / twitter servers that alerts. Be ready with your account logged in. When the drop happens, keep refreshing the page till it says out of stock.
If you do get it in the cart, checkout as fast as you can. So ideally have already setup your account, added billing address and credit card etc.
It is the BEST chance anybody has of bagging a card AT RRP.
Further, they really vary the drops now. Use to be Weekdays between 13:00 - 15:00. (So people at work moaned) Now they sometimes drop in the evening or even on a weekend.
You might fail the first time, but keep trying. The FE cards really are not as hard to get as AIBs. (Where most retailers are botted to ****.)