Anyone out there who can advise about MSI Afterburner, GPU-Z and these 970's?
At stock settings with a benchmark running the core will pull 1.225v according to GPU-Z
Now if I set AB +87mV core (the max it will go), then gpuz shows 1.250v (an increase of just 0.025v, or 25mV)
Now I understand the concept of VDroop which is what perhaps is going on here, but in addition to this I notice that the 'Perfcap Reason' sensor on GPU-Z changes from 'VRel' (with all blue graph) to 'VRel VOp' (top half of graph turns orange).
As soon as I reset to stock voltage on AB then the core drops down to 1.225v again, and Perfcap graph goes back to VRel with blue graph.
No matter what voltage I put, as long as it is over +31mV, the core will only increase by 25mV.
The power limit has no effect on this, I have tried it at 110, 112 and 100 but same results.
Is this what you guys are seeing? Just curious, as I cannot get my core speed to go above about 1550 stable and am wondering perhaps this is why?
I have the Gigabyte G1, if someone out there with the Gigabyte, MSI or other cards could replicate this test for me and let me know results that would be great
EDIT: Just found this info about the GPU-Z codes:
"VRel"/"VOp" are indicating that card could go higher (it's got power/TDP and temperature room for it), but voltage reached highest possible level and going higher would mean overvoltage on GPU Core (and Turbo Boost 2.0 technology can't do that, when GPU vCore limit is in place)."
So that would mean that 1.250v is the max that my card will allow? Perhaps a BIOS limit or afterburner not working properly?